
2015; Volume 16, No 1, January


Armenian government recognizes palliative care as a special type of medical care

We’re delighted to share some great news from Dr. Narine Movsisyan, who is working at the forefront of palliative care in Armenia. In a recent email to colleagues at the Leadership Development (LDI), in which Liliana and Lukas are both involved, Narine writes:

“I am happy to share this glorious event with you! I have already mentioned that the Government of Armenia approved the ‘Concept of Palliative Care in Armenia’ in 2012 (08.09.2012 protocol number 32). The next important step is that the Government of Armenia has recently recognized palliative care as a special type of medical care that needs to be further developed in the country. And on 11 December 2014 the Minister of the Armenian Ministry of Health signed three documents related to the implementation of palliative care: ‘The standards of palliative care’, ‘The job descriptions for physicians and nurses working in palliative care’ and the last one relating to the changes in legislation of narcotic medications.

On 12 December, during the parliamentary hearings, five of us presented the situation of people with life-limiting illnesses in Armenia. I presented ‘The situation and actuality of children's palliative care in Armenia’, keeping in mind all the recommendations I got during my LDI residential courses.
Thank you!”

Narine Movsisyan MD, Assistant professor of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Chair. YSMU.


EJPC Palliative Care Policy Development Awards 2015

The Palliative Care Policy Development Award, launched by the European Journal of Palliative Care (EJPC) in collaboration with the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), is aimed at professionals working in palliative care worldwide who have made a substantial contribution to policy development through research, clinical practice or as policy activists. Click here to nominate someone for the award. Read more about the award and last year’s winner in a post by Dr Julia Riley (EJPC editor) on the EAPC blog.

Deadline for nominations: 2 March 2015.

Apply now for grants to improve education for pain clinicians in developing countries

Are you an individual or member of a team based in a developing country and dedicated to improving essential pain education for clinicians? If so, the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) invites you to apply for an education support grant of up to US$10,000.

Who is eligible? The principal organizer must be based in a developing country (see the list of eligible countries) and an IASP member for at least one year at the time of application.

Find complete award information, eligibility requirements, and application instructions on the IASP website.

Deadline for applications: 13 March 2015.

Save the date!

Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa (HPCA) with the KZN Department of Health presents the 2015 Conference:

Hidden Lives, Hidden Patients: Compassion & Care for All
27– 30 September 2015, Durban, South Africa

Check the HPCA website for updates.

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