Message from the Chair and Executive Director

2014; Volume 15, No 11, November

Message from the Chair and Executive Director

Dear Readers,

We have some important and exciting announcements!

Board elections

A few days ago we sent a call for nominations to the IAHPC Board of Directors. This edition of the newsletter includes a copy of the call for nominations, instructions and the criteria to nominate candidates. We invite all members to nominate individuals who are interested in international palliative care issues and willing to support our mission to participate in this process, and we encourage applicants from all disciplines and from developing countries to participate. This is an extraordinary opportunity to be part of the governance body that shapes the plans and projects for IAHPC based on global needs. This is more relevant than ever now that the World Health Assembly has passed the Palliative Care Resolution and countries are looking for guidance and support in its implementation.

Retirement of our senior editor

As many of our readers know, Dr. William (Bill) Farr has been working for the past 18 years for the IAHPC Newsletter, first as the general editor and later as senior editor while Dr. Roberto Wenk (IAHPC Past Chair) helped with the production. Over these years Bill has given a lot of dedication to IAHPC, both in his role with the NL and as a Lifetime board member. Roberto has helped to build each edition of the newsletter, sorting through the information we receive and selecting the content that offers the best value for our readers. After all these years, Bill will be retiring from his position as the IAHPC senior editor, though he will continue to provide valuable support in the process of writing and publishing our monthly newsletter. Roberto will also retire from the production responsibilities of the newsletter.

Please join us in thanking both Bill and Roberto for their help and dedication. We are extremely grateful for their work and commitment and for making this such an exceptional resource for the global palliative care community.

New staff members in the IAHPC family

This month join us in welcoming two new individuals to our staff:

We are thrilled to have both Avril and Julia join IAHPC and look forward to working with both.

World Day

This past month, the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance (WHPCA) coordinated the celebration of the World Hospice and Palliative Care Day around the globe. Many countries hosted celebrations, meetings, seminars and advocacy activities to bring attention to the palliative care needs of patients and their families. Read the reports and share your stories in the WHPCA website.

In addition, several exciting things are happening around the globe many of which are announced in this edition of our newsletter. Read and enjoy!

Until next month,

Lukas Radbruch, MD
Chair, Board of Directors

Liliana De Lima, MHA
Executive Director

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