Undergraduate students

We are very grateful that you are joining/renewing your membership with the IAHPC. Members are the core supporters of IAHPC’s vision of a world free from health-related suffering. Together, we work for this shared vision of global palliative care. If you have any questions, please contact The IAHPC team.

Undergraduate students

Important Information

We value the privacy and safety of the membership information you supply us. The information we collect about you is only to be used by IAHPC for the purpose of this transaction. Please review the IAHPC data collection policy. If you have any concerns, please contact The IAHPC team.

The IAHPC is not involved in direct patient care and our members do not provide any care, on behalf of, or in representation of, the IAHPC. Every country has specific and different legal requirements as to the certification and professional licensing needed to provide care to patients. Membership with the IAHPC does not cover such requirements in any country. Please refer to your government authorities for this information.

Undergraduate students of any field can join IAHPC for free! The undergraduate student membership provides full membership benefits with the following conditions:

  • A copy of a valid, current Student ID or Student card is provided; or
  • a certificate from the school/university certifying that the applicant is an undergraduate student at the institution is provided. The certificate should be not older than 3 months.

Free student membership will be awarded until the expected date of graduation up to one year. Membership can be renewed annually at no cost as long as the undergraduate status is maintained and demonstrated.

If you are an undergraduate student, meet the criteria above and wish to join IAHPC, please complete the form below and submit to IAHPC. You will receive a confirmation after your application has been reviewed.

* Denotes mandatory fields

Your membership includes subscription to the monthly IAHPC newsletter as well as other important announcements on global palliative care developments and opportunities. If you prefer to opt out of these communications, please uncheck the corresponding box:

NOTE: IAHPC does not sell our subscribers' emails to any vendor, company, institution or organization. IAHPC uses iContact, to distribute and disseminate the IAHPC Newsletter as well as other important announcements. By checking one or both boxes above, you agree that the IAHPC will electronically send announcements on global hospice and palliative care to you. You can read the full IAHPC Website and Communications Privacy Policy or contact us for further information.

If you have a Twitter account, please follow the @IAHPC. If you would like @IAHPC to follow you back, please add your Twitter handle

We are glad to let you know that we have enabled our system so that the members’ list in the IAHPC website section will also be displaying a head shot (face picture) of our individual members and the logos of our institutional members. This is an optional feature.

Would you consider donating a small amount to the IAHPC?

IAHPC is a charitable organization so donations to the organization are tax deductible.
A copy of the IRS 501(c)3 determination letter is available upon request from IAHPC.

Special Offers

Book Special offer - FREE with IAHPC Membership (pay only for shipping and handling). Available only for IAHPC members.

The United States Postal Service (USPS) has different international mail acceptance policies in place. Please check the USPS website to verify if we can send books to your country.

The MD Anderson Supportive and Palliative Care Handbook
2018, Sixth Edition
Shipping and handling:
Delivered in the USA: $17 per book
Delivered outside the USA: $35 per book

MD Anderson's Guide To Supportive and Palliative Care for Nurses
2019, 2nd Edition
Shipping and handling:
Delivered in the USA: $17 per book
Delivered outside the USA: $35 per book

Some Notes for Physicians Contemplating A Career In Palliative and Person-Centered Care
Eduardo Bruera, M.D.,2021
Shipping and handling:
Delivered in the USA: $17 per book
Delivered outside the USA: $35 per book