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Literature Search - Issue No. 17 (July 2024)

The primary focus of this literature search is selected articles, etc., on key issues in end-of-life care for which the full text is available online.


Pallinews: Care & Change Are Rooted in Individuals - A trio of experiences

Circumstances align caregiving for my sister with glioblastoma & the neuropalliative care course by IAHPC & INPCS.
India's largest home care service successfully fosters centers run by volunteers.
A fun-filled & enriching experience to help propel palliative care to the fore, as described by Sherin Susan Paul.


New course: Palliative Care in Neurological Conditions

This course is in partnership with the International Neuropalliative Care Society (INPCS). The goal of this course is to increase the palliative care knowledge and skills of those managing patients with neurological conditions.

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