Editor’s Corner

2018; Volume 19, No 5, May

Editor’s corner

‘What I learned this past year that helped transform me professionally.’ This is the topic we asked IAHPC Board Members to address, and the fascinating first installment of their responses — by Chair of the Board Dr. Lukas Radbruch and Board Members Dr. Esther Munyoro and Dr. Mhoira Leng — is our May feature story.

Along with the usual insightful Book Reviews and useful articles in MediaWatch, Advocacy Officer Dr. Katherine Pettus brings news and photos from her travels in South America this past month. Grants in Action gives room to the first reports from our Traveling Scholars who, along with Dr. Pettus, attended the ALCP Congress in Santiago, Chile, as well as an update on a Traveling Fellowship to Haiti.

I hope that you enjoy this month’s offerings!

Alison Ramsey
Senior Editor

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