Global Palliative Care Community Highlights

2017; Volume 18, No 7, July

Global Palliative Care Community Highlights – initiatives from across the world

New PALCHASE Survey on palliative care in humanitarian contexts – interested in joining a community of practice?

Do you think that the ethical call for providing palliative care does not apply to natural disasters, armed conflicts and other humanitarian emergencies? Or that it’s weaker? Palliative care is practically absent from the current humanitarian response. If this is an issue that interests you, and you may want to join a community of like-minded individuals aiming to change this state of affairs, please consider completing the survey below.

The Palliative Care in Humanitarian Aid Situations and Emergencies (PALCHASE) Steering Group is looking for your views in order to develop the objectives and activities of the organization, and is welcoming you to join its working groups and mail list.

In December 2016, PALCHASE brought together the groups of PCHAS (Palliative care in humanitarian aid settings) and PALCHE (Palliative care in complex humanitarian emergencies). It is generously hosted by the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care.

The survey takes between 10 to 25 minutes, depending on your breadth of experience and the level of detail you choose to provide.

All questions are optional. Towards the end of the survey, we ask about your name and contact details. This is also optional and is only needed if you want to join a PALCHASE working group or receive communication from us. Such identifying information will be separated from the rest of the data. If you prefer, you can leave the survey anonymous and send us your name and contact details separately, to the email addresses provided at the end of the survey.

The survey is hosted by the University of Cambridge and has received ethical approval from a University ethics committee.

Find out more . . .

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