Editor’s Corner

2017; Volume 18, No 1, January

Editor’s corner

A Happy New Year to you all and a warm welcome to the first IAHPC Newsletter of 2017, which appears a little later than usual owing to the recent holiday break.

On the Policy page, Dr. Katherine Pettus keeps you up to date with highlights of our advocacy work, while our guest writer on the Feature page is IAHPC board member, Prof. Sushma Bhatnagar, who writes about the achievements of the Indian Journal of Palliative Care. On the Traveling Scholarships Reports page, Genevieve Napier, our Programs and Projects Manager, reflects on the spread and impact of IAHPC grants and just what they mean to some of our grantees.

Our Book Reviews and Media Watch pages will bring you up to date with the latest palliative and end-of-life care literature, and there are some great opportunities to follow up on our Resources and Announcements page. Contributions to our Newsletter are welcomed so please keep this in mind for 2017!

Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this edition – I hope you will enjoy it.

All good wishes,

Avril Jackson
Senior Editor

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