Message from the Chair and Executive Director

2016; Volume 17, No 5, May

Message from the Chair and Executive Director

VIII Congress of the Latin American Association for Palliative Care

Last month, the IAHPC co-sponsored the VIII Congress of the Latin American Association for Palliative Care (ALCP) in Mexico City. IAHPC supported 21 participants to the congress through our Traveling Scholarship program. Almost 600 participants from 23 countries in North America, Latin America and the Caribbean participated.

IAHPC awarded 23 Traveling Scholarships to the Congress to palliative care workers from the Region to attend the congress. They had accepted posters and oral presentations and come from diverse backgrounds, including administration, nursing, health care systems, emergency care, geriatrics and spiritual care. Below is a photo of some of the grantees with members of the IAHPC board and staff members – use the grid below the photo to identify and locate their names.

Number Name Role
1 Eduardo Bruera IAHPC Past president and founder, USA
2 Eric Krakauer IAHPC Board member, USA
3 Julia Libreros IAHPC Coordinator Directories, USA
4 Maria Angelica Becerra Acosta Grantee, Chile
5 Ana M. Restrepo IAHPC Membership officer, USA
6 Lina Rozo IAHPC Finance officer, USA
7 Ines Francis Gomez Padilla Grantee, Mexico
8 Carolina Jaña Grantee, Chile
9 Tatiana Fernandez Davila Grantee, Ecuador
10 Marina Alejandra Torres Hernandez Grantee, Colombia
11 Irene Muñoz Pino Grantee, Chile
12 Julio Cesar Rojas Tencio Grantee, Costa Rica
13 Liliana De Lima IAHPC Executive Director, USA
14 Maria Jose Puga Yung Grantee, Chile
15 Ximena Pozo Grantee, Ecuador
16 Cesar Consuegra Grantee, Colombia
17 Mariana Pechenik Grantee, Argentina
18 Roberto Wenk IAHPC past president and board member, Argentina
19 Ricardo Salamanca Grantee, Colombia
20 Gloria Mabel Carrillo Grantee, Colombia
21 Alfredo Andres Rodriguez Nuñez Grantee, Chile
22 Edier Mauricio Arias Rojas Grantee, Colombia

Other TS grantees not pictured in the photo: Javier Alexander Rojas, PhD, (Costa Rica), Xiomara Carmona, RN (Colombia), Dr. Margarita Chacon Roger (Cuba), Dr. Viviana Davalos, (Ecuador), Dr. Mariusk Forteza Saez (Cuba), Dr. Irene Muñoz, MD (Chile), Dr. Marco Antonio Rodriguez Paz (El Salvador), Ms. Clara Ines Duran (Colombia).

Hearty congratulations to the organizers for a great event. Here are some pictures taken during the congress - Although difficult to spot him, below is Dr. Krakauer delivering an excellent plenary on dyspnea.

Many thanks to all those who stopped by and became members of IAHPC during the congress – we look forward to our collaboration to advance palliative care in the region.
With Doctors Isabel Torres-Vigil and Tania Pastrana, who facilitated the pre-congress research workshop
Doctors Ximena Pozo (Ecuador), Julio Cesar Rojas Tencio (Costa Rica) and Tatiana Fernandez (Ecuador)
Doctors Eduardo Bruera and Eric Krakauer
Palliative Care representatives from Nicaragua
Along with Frank Ferris, Sofia Bunge and Nicolas Davidowicz, Liliana also facilitated a leadership workshop which was fantastic. We received great feedback from all the participants. Many thanks to Frank for his enthusiasm and interest in developing leaders throughout Latin America!
Last but not least, congratulations to the newly elected board of the ALCP and especially to Dr. Tania Pastrana, the IAHPC research adviser, for her election as the ALCP President! From left to right: Maricarmen Alfaro (Peru) Tania Pastrana (president – Colombia and Germany), Marta Leon (Colombia), Patricia Bonilla (Venezuela), Alejandro Vargas (Costa Rica), Miriam Riveros (Paraguay), Eduardo Garcia Yanneo (Past president – Uruguay) and Marisol Ahumada (Chile).

9th World Research Congress of the EAPC

We are happy to announce that IAHPC has awarded two traveling scholarships to Doctors Gauri Garuaiya Chinchalker, Palliative Care Junior Resident pursuing an MD in palliative medicine, from Indore, India and to Pankaj Singhai, Palliative Medicine Junior Registrar from Mumbai, India. The congress will take place in Dublin, June 9-11. Additional information is available in the Congress website.

United Nations General Assembly Special Session

The United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Drugs (UNGASS) took place from April 19-21 in New York. The Civil Society Task Force brought together organizations affected by harmful drug policies to participate in the discussions. IAHPC was represented by Dr. Katherine Pettus, the IAHPC Advocacy Officer. This was an unprecedented opportunity to address and bring to light the lack of access to controlled medicines for legitimate medical needs. She has a great report in this edition of the Newsletter, which we invite you to read. We are preparing and drafting plans on how IAHPC can help the palliative care community in the implementation of the outcome document in their countries through technical guidance, support and advocacy training. We are excited for what comes ahead and look forward to our future collaboration.

Until next month,

Lukas Radbruch, MD
Chair, Board of Directors

Liliana De Lima, MHA
Executive Director

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