Editor’s corner

2016; Volume 17, No 1, January

Editor’s corner

A Happy New Year to you all and a special welcome to the first IAHPC Newsletter of 2016. My apologies for a slightly delayed edition owing to the recent holiday break. On the Policy page, Dr. Katherine Pettus keeps you up to date with key advocacy moments of the past two months and is also joined by Diederik Lohman from Human Rights Watch. Read about the achievements, challenges and barriers facing colleagues in low- and middle-income countries in the fascinating accounts from IAHPC Traveling Scholars – from Jamaica to Uganda, with many in between! On the Global Highlights page, read all about the first ever Religions of the World Charter for Children's Palliative Care. And, as always, our Book Reviews and Media Watch pages provide a rich and varied source of reading matter.

Many thanks to everyone for their input to this edition – I hope you will enjoy it!


Avril Jackson
Senior Editor

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