New and Renewing Members

2015; Volume 16, No 1, January

New and Renewing Members' List

Read the list of individuals who joined/renewed their membership with IAHPC during the past month.

New members

Name Country
Essam Ibrahim Egypt
Aba Scott Ghana
Ann Broderick USA
Sharami Kerr USA

Membership renewals

Name Country
Ana Carolina Monti Argentina
Eastern Palliative Care Association, Inc. Australia
Fariba Nadimi Australia
Odette Spruyt Australia
Shelley Goodson Australia
Beatriz Thompson Belize
Andre Felipe Junquiera dos Santos Brazil
Carlota Morais Brazil
Claudia Burla Brazil
Santiago R Correa Brazil
Walkyria De Almeida Santos Brazil
Marie Carolina Sepulchre Chile
Alfred Philip India
Geeta Govindaraj Madathil India
Harmala Gupta India
Sandeep Sahu India
Liliandahirmawati Anggraini Indonesia
Maria Witjaksono Indonesia
Rudi Putranto Indonesia
Stella Mwari Rithara Kenya
Palliative Care Association of Malawi Malawi
Cy oun Teoh Malaysia
Robert Chen Malaysia
Myrna McLaughlin-Anderson Panama
Ma Eileen Sianghio Phillippines
Christian Ntizimira Rwanda
Rene Krause South Africa
St Helena Hospice UK
Holly Yang USA
Mary Lynn Mcpearson USA
Miguel E Rodriguez USA

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