Message from the Chair and Executive Director

2014; Volume 15, No 3, March

Message from the Chair and Executive Director

Dear Readers,

Several important things are happening at the international level:

First, some exciting news from India: Finally the controversial Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Act has been amended. Congratulations to MR Rajagopal and all his Indian colleagues who worked very hard for many years to make this happen. This edition includes a brief piece about this exciting news.

Second, the extraordinary news that our friend and past IAHPC board member, Dr. Anne Merriman, has been nominated to the Nobel Peace Prize! Dr. Merriman was the founding vice president of Hospice Africa Uganda and a founding member of the African Palliative Care Association. She also had a significant influence on the development of palliative care in Asia, introducing palliative care in Singapore through the founding of the Hospice Care Association in that city state. She also worked as a missionary doctor in Nigeria, contributing a total of 33 years of service to palliative care development in Africa.

This edition also includes an article about recent events in Russia about a patient who was unable to find medication for the relief of pain and the case of a doctor who has been indicted for prescribing tramadol for a patient with severe pain. These cases highlight the importance of ensuring access to treatment for patients in need and contrast with the recent statements from the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB). On the opening of the 109th session a day before the World Cancer Day on 4 February, INCB President Raymond Yans reaffirmed the importance of ensuring the availability and rational use of medications for the relief of pain and suffering. “All people have the right to access internationally controlled narcotic drugs for the relief of pain and suffering” said Mr Yans, pointing to the global increase in cancer cases, particularly in developing countries, and to the disparities in the availability of opioid medications. To read the press release click here.

Finally, several of us will attend the VII Congress of the Latin American Association for Palliative Care (ALCP) in Medellin, Colombia later this month. We look forward to sharing experiences and networking with our friends and colleagues from the region and meeting those who are entering the field. Additional information about the congress and the program is available in the ALCP website.

Until next month,

Lukas Radbruch, MD
Chair, Board of Directors

Liliana De Lima, MHA
Executive Director

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