Message from the Chair and Executive Director

2014; Volume 15, No 10, October

Message from the Chair and Executive Director

Dear readers:

This month we have several important announcements to make:

Members’ Month

October is Members’ month and we are celebrating the support we receive from individuals and institutions around the world by giving away prizes in two categories: One to recognize loyalty among those current members who have kept their membership active for at least two consecutive years and one to those who bring and invite others to join. As we announced in our previous edition and through our list of subscribers, this month we will be giving a scholarship to attend the World Palliative Care Congress in Copenhagen next year, in each category. To read more about how the prizes will be given away, see the announcement included in our previous edition of this newsletter.

We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity and keep supporting IAHPC and our mission to promote and advance palliative care globally.

World Hospice Palliative Care Day

Saturday October 11th is the World Hospice Palliative Care Day, a great initiative campaign coordinated by the Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance (WPCA). The theme of this year’s World Day is: “Achieving Universal Coverage of Palliative Care: Who Cares? We Do!”. This year the World Day should serve to look at where we are in relation to Universal coverage of palliative care and some of the myths that are preventing more rapid progress. As we write this newsletter, many organizations throughout the world are planning celebrations to increase awareness among the civil society, governments and patients that palliative care improves the quality of life of patients and families and that appropriate policies and funding mechanisms need to be put in place to ensure access to palliative care to those in need. More about the World Day, the initiatives taking place around the world, photos and resources is available in the World Day website

World Congress on Pain and Award

This month the 15th World Congress on Pain organized by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. IASP is the leading professional forum for science, practice, and education in the field of pain with over 7,000 members worldwide. Liliana has been selected as the recipient of the John Loeser Award which will be delivered during the Congress. The John D. Loeser Distinguished Lecture award honors Dr. John D. Loeser for his many decades of dedication to the promotion of pain education and research. Liliana’s presentation is called Palliative Care and Pain Treatment in the Global Health Agenda and she will provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities in the global health agenda to improve access to essential medicines needed for the treatment of pain and other symptoms common in palliative care. Many thanks to the IASP, its President, Dr. Fernando Cervero, and the members of its council for this recognition. We hope to see many of you in Buenos Aires attending this event.

Until next month,

Lukas Radbruch, MD
Chair, Board of Directors

Liliana De Lima, MHA
Executive Director

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