Message from the Chair and Executive Director

2014; Volume 15, No 1, January

Message from the Chair and Executive Director

Please Welcome our New Chair, Lukas Radbruch, MD (Germany)

Happy New Year 2014!

With the beginning of 2014, my term as Chair of the IAHPC has started, and I am happy and excited to be able to work with the board of directors and the members on the development of palliative care in all regions of the world. I also feel really honored to have been elected to this position, and will try to do my very best to comply with the expectations attached to it.

It is an exciting time indeed to work in palliative care. There are major challenges, such as the reduction of funding of hospice and palliative care in many developing countries, and the persisting lack of opioids in large parts of the world as pointed out in the global survey on opioid availability just published in the Annals of Oncology. However, there are also wonderful opportunities, such as an increasing recognition that palliative care has to be an integral part of health care in developed as well as in developing countries which was highlighted in the recent declaration of African health ministers at the African Palliative Care Congress in Johannesburg in September 2013.

The IAHPC is increasing its advocacy efforts with international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB). IAHPC has gained the status of an official collaborating organization with the WHO which adds to our opportunities for advocacy work. Using this status, we managed to include a whole range of palliative care medicines in the WHO essential medicines list this past summer. We will have to continue ceaselessly with these advocacy efforts throughout the next years, using every opportunity to promote access to palliative care as a human right for all those who need it, regardless of which country or region of the world they live in.

The board of directors of IAHPC is currently revisiting the strategic plan for the next years, discussing which topics and areas will require time, energy and commitment from the board members. We hope that we can use this discussion to start new initiatives and developments, and give sustainability to the good work that has been done by IAHPC in recent years. We would like to invite our members to join us and contribute wherever they see fit!

I am well aware, that the IAHPC has had the benefit of excellent chair persons and board members who have contributed greatly to the successes that have been achieved. I am very happy that our previous chair, Roberto Wenk, who steered the board during the last six years with so much enthusiasm and energy, will support me in his new role as past Chair throughout my term. Similarly, I will rely on the support of our executive director Liliana de Lima. I hope that together with the board, the executive director and the members we will be able to continue the good work already begun!

Lukas Radbruch

Dr. Radbruch's biography may be seen here.

A Message from our Executive Director

Dear readers:

I hope that this New Year brings happiness, peace and health to you and your loved ones.

As you know, this month marks the start of the term of our new Chair, Dr. Lukas Radbruch. We are very excited and look forward to his leadership. Dr. Radbruch brings a lot of expertise in international issues after leading the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) for many years. In the next few months we will work together in implementing a strategic plan developed during this past November that will continue the excellent work of our past Chair, Dr. Roberto Wenk. We will be focusing a lot on advocacy efforts and identifying ways and strategies on how IAHPC may serve the global palliative care community better with the limited resources we have.

During the past several years many advances and changes have taken place, especially in our ability to communicate with palliative care workers around the globe. These are exciting times that offer new opportunities for collaboration, networking and support. Visit and click “like” on our Facebook page here and follow us on Twitter to keep connected!

As in the past, we will continue to help the development of palliative care, education, research and practice around the world. This year, we will be meeting in Medellin, Colombia during the Congress of the Latin American Association for Palliative Care. I am happy to announce, as we have in the past, that through our traveling scholarships we will support individuals who would otherwise not be able to afford the travel. To learn more about the ALCP Congress please visit here.

The end of the year also marked the expiration of IAHPC membership for many of you. Individuals and institutions whose membership is about to expire should have received reminders by mail. If your membership expired and you have not renewed, please remember to do so. Your membership benefits includes full online access to palliative care journals, the ability to participate in research projects and the possibility of applying for financial support if you live in a developing country. In addition, membership dues are very important to IAHPC as they help us to continue our mission to help others. To renew your membership, go here.

During the month of December, we received many donations from individuals who gave funds to IAHPC in memory of a friend or loved one as a gesture of gratitude for the care that they received from hospice and palliative care providers. Many thanks for your encouragement, support, and help. These donations are very important to our organization as they are a reflection of how much impact we are really having at the level that matters most - patients and families.

We appreciate the confidence that all of our donors, members and readers have placed in us and in our work. We will strive to be better each day and look forward to working with you in 2014.

Liliana De Lima, MHA
Executive Director

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