
2013; Volume 14, No 12, December


12th Global Conference on Ageing. "Health, Security and Community"

The 12th International Federation on Ageing (IFA) conference that will take place during 10-13 June 2014 in Hyderabad, India, is aimed to promote collaboration among the business, political, academic, leaders of society and other stakeholders to ring together successful practices, policy formulations, service provision in communities, preventive and curative healthcare, caregiving, empowerment of older persons, access to economic and health security, promotion of intergenerational amity, role of private and public sectors in improving by ensuring higher quality of life of older persons as they advance in age and their engagement.

More information at

7th Annual Pediatric Pain Master Class

June 7-13, 2014, Marquette Hotel, Minneapolis, MN

The Pediatric Pain Master Class - presented by the Children’s Institute for Pain and Palliative Care (CIPPC) - offers state-of-the-art education in pain management for the pediatric patient from a holistic and interdisciplinary perspective. The program covers pharmacological, medical, psychosocial and integrative therapies in the management of children’s acute, procedural and complex/chronic pain. Pain assessment and management of somatic, visceral, neuropathic, psychosocial and spiritual pain, as well as end-of-life management of pain and distressing symptoms will be explored in depth.

Online registration opened Dec. 1, 2013
More information at, and [email protected].

Untreated cancer pain is a scandal of global proportions ESMO study shows

Untreated cancer pain shown a ‘scandal of global proportions’ by the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) led collaborative opioid survey with a group of 22 partners, including the IAHPC.

Results from the Global Opioid Policy Initiative (GOPI) project have just been published in Annals of Oncology and reveal that due to a lack of access to inexpensive and effective essential opioids more than 4 billion people (over half the world population) live in countries where regulatory barriers leave cancer patients suffering excruciating pain.

National governments must take urgent action to improve access to these medicines, as it has been called for by many organizations throughout the years. “The next step is for international and national organizations working alongside governments and regulators to thoughtfully address the problems,” agree the two lead authors of the study, Nathan Cherny, Chair of the ESMO Palliative Care Working Group, and James Cleary, Director of the Pain and Policy Studies Group in Wisconsin, USA and a member of the IAHPC Board of Directors.

Take a look at the survey results here.

Get more advocacy resources here.

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