Donor, New and Renewing Member Lists

2012; Volume 13, No 10, October

Donor, New and Renewing Member Lists

We wish to thank all of the following people and institutions for their support during the past month.


Name Country
Up to $99.00
Jim Guinn USA
Tom and Ellen Fenton & Family USA
Evelyn and Angelo Cornacchia USA
Stephen and Michelle Cagnina USA
$100.00 to $199.00
Julio Cruz USA
Angela Ledford USA
More than $500.00
San Diego Hospice - LDI Programm USA
Eric Krakauer USA


Name Country
Marco Tulio Assis Figueiredo Brazil
Marcos Borges Brazil
Omar Gomezese Colombia
Mariam Velijanashvili Georgia
Lingegowda Boregowda India
Rachel Whaanga New Zealand
Sue Marsden New Zealand
Lilian Hidalgp Peru
Marlene Vermaak South Africa
Javier Rocafort Spain
Eddie Mwebeza Uganda
Esther Walker UK
Colin Wozencraft USA


Name Country
Claudia Petrou Cyprus
Katerina Georgiade Cyprus
Kyryakos Stylianides Cyprus
Silvia Lazaridou Cyprus
Mohamed Hablas Egypt
Giorgi Metivishvili Georgia
Tamari Gotsiridze Georgia
Edwina Addo Ghana
Mawuli Gyakobo Ghana
Mariarita Pepe-Milizia Italy
Otago Community Hospice New Zealand
Paul Mmbando Tanzania
Sarah Urasa Tanzania
Mereline Brown USA

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