Literature Search - Issue No. 9 (Dec 2023)

The primary focus of this literature search is selected articles, etc., on key issues in end-of-life care for which the full text is available online. Added, however, are a few noteworthy articles, etc., but for which access to the full text is available only with a subscription or for a one-time fee for the article in question.1 Also listed are a few postings of special interest on key websites that serve the hospice and palliative care communities-at-large, and selected news media reports. The next listing will be published in approximately four to six weeks.

Articles of particular interest.

Libraries in educational institutions and medical centres may have a subscription to the journal in question and hold a photocopying licence, which may facilitate cost-effective access.

Access to Care

  1. ‘Palliative Care’s role in austere medicine,’ Wilderness & Environmental Medicine. Posted online 29 November 2023. Full text
  2. ‘Palliative and end-of-life care access for immigrants living in high-income countries: A scoping review,’ Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine. Posted online 22 November 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Mapping palliative care availability and accessibility: A first step to eradicating access deserts in the low- and middle-income settings,’ Journal of Palliative Care. Posted online 19 November 2023. Abstract (w. references)
  4. ‘Palliative care need in India: A systematic review and meta-analysis,’ Indian Journal of Palliative Care. Posted online 11 November 2023. Full text.
  5. ‘Identification of regional hospice and palliative care networks in Germany...,’ Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen (Journal of Evidence & Quality in Health Care). Posted online 11 November 2023. Full German text (w. English language abstract)

Website Postings of Interest:Pallium Canada launches palliative care atlas in Ontario,’ Pallium Canada, 28 November 2023; ‘Dying in the margins: Terminally ill Scots need better care,’ The Herald. Posted online 16 November 2023.

Education & Training

  1. ‘Using social constructivist learning theory to unpack general practitioners’ learning preferences of end-of-life care: A systematically constructed narrative review,’ Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 2023;29(4):368-374. Full text

    1.2 ‘The Certificate of Added Competence credentialling program in family medicine: A descriptive survey of the family physician perspective of enhanced skill practices in Canada,’ Canadian Medical Education Journal, 2023;14(5):121-144. Full text (click on pdf icon)

  2. ‘Reflections of nursing students on the care of the person's dignity at the end of life: A qualitative study,’ Nurse Education Today. Posted online 6 December 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, references, etc.)


    2.2 ‘Palliative and end-of-life care curricula in prelicensure nursing education,’ Teaching & Learning in Nursing. Posted online 2 December 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, references, etc.)

    2.3 ‘A framework for integrating advanced practice palliative care competencies in nursing education,’ Journal of Nursing Education & Practice, 2023;13(9):32-37. Full text (click on pdf icon)

  3. ‘Evaluating provision of psychological assessment and support in palliative care: A national survey of hospices in England,’ Progress in Palliative Care. Posted online 29 November 2023. Full text
  4. “I’m very interested in learning more”: What health care professionals in the Dying2Learn Massive Open Online Course think of the death doula role,’ Progress in Palliative Care. Posted online 26 November 2023. Full text

Essential Medicines

Website Posting of Interest:Equal access, empowered health – no patient left behind,’ United Nations. Accessed 20 November 2023

News Media Reports:Push for expensive opioids worries palliative care experts,’ The Times of India, 5 December 2023; ‘End-of-life doctors warning over critical morphine stock,’ Radio New Zealand. Posted online 29 November 2023. Full text

Policy & Practice

  1. ‘Naturalizing dying at home for older adults: A critical analysis of policy texts,’ Canadian Public Administration. Posted online 6 December 2023. Full text
  2. ‘How clinicians recognise people who are dying: An integrative review,’ International Journal of Nursing Studies. Posted online 2 December 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Be an advocate for the hospice and palliative nurses association,’ Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 2023;25(6):298-299. First page view


    3.2 ‘Establishing palliative nursing organization to foster palliative care literacy and services in Indonesia: An embedded mixed methods study,’ Journal of Health Literacy. Posted online 26 November 2023. Abstract (w. link to references)

  4. ‘Improving policy and practices of hospice live discharge: A historical exploration of the Medicare hospice benefit,’ Journal og Aging & social Policy. Posted online 1 December 2023. Abstract (w. key points)


    4.2 Home-based care In Medicare Advantage, Part 2: Policy recommendations for equity and longitudinal care experiences,’ Health Affairs. Posted online 22 November 2023. Full text

    N.B. Part 1 of Health Affairs article

    4.3 ‘Effects of primary care-led, integrated palliative care for Medicare patients in a value-based model,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 14 November 2023. Full text

  5. ‘Prescribing and deprescribing in older people with life-limiting illnesses receiving hospice care at the end of life: A longitudinal, retrospective cohort study,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 30 November 2023. Full text
  6. ‘The selection of patients in palliative care units, a necessary condition for maintaining care,’ Médecine Sciences. Posted online 29 November 2023. Full French text
  7. ‘Interrater agreement of multi-professional case review as reference standard for specialist palliative care need: A mixed-methods study,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted Online 16 November 2023. Full text
  8. ‘A casemix classification for those receiving specialist palliative care during their last year of life across England: The C-CHANGE research programme,’ Programme Grants for Applied Research (National Institute for Health & Care Research). November 2023. Full text (click on pdf icon)

Research (Issues)

  1. ‘Identifying and improving the “ground truth” of race in disparities research through improved EMR data reporting: A systematic review,’ International Journal of Medical Informatics. Posted online 30 November 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, references, etc.)
  2. ‘Palliative care research utilising intersectionality: A scoping review,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 28 November 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Evaluating prospective study registration and result reporting of trials conducted in Canada from 2009 to 2019,’ Facet. Posted online 23 November 2023. Full text
  4. ‘Core Palliative care research competencies framework for palliative care clinicians.’ Journal of Palliative Medicine. Posted online 20 November 2023. Abstract
  5. ‘Addressing the palliative and end-of-life care research priorities: An updated grant mapping analysis,’ Health Open Research. Posted online 16 November 2023. Full text

Research (Protocols)

  1. ‘Palliative care interventions for patients with head and neck cancer: Protocol for a scoping review,’ BMJ Open. Posted online 27 November 2023. Full text
  2. ‘Experiences and perspectives of healthcare professionals, patients and caregivers toward the serious illness conversation guide: Protocol for a qualitative meta-synthesis,’ BMJ Open. Posted online 27 November 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Assessing the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of a novel symptom management care delivery intervention for caregivers receiving home hospice care: The I-HoME protocol,’ Contemporary Clinical Trials. Accessed 21 November 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, references, etc.)

Of Related Interest

Disparities in Palliative Care

  1. ‘Applied patient-level palliative care interventions designed to meet the needs of sexual and gender minorities: A scoping review and qualitative content analysis of how to support sexual and gender minorities at end of life,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 7 December 2023. Full text

Pediatric Palliative Care

  1. ‘The scope of practice of an embedded pediatric palliative oncology clinic,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 6 December 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, references, etc.)


    2.2 ‘Parents’ experiences of being involved in medical decision-making for their child with a life-limiting condition: A systematic review with narrative synthesis,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 6 December 2023. Full text

    2.3 ‘Infants, children, youth and young adults with a serious illness in British Columbia: A population-based analysis using linked administrative data,’ CMAJ Open. Posted online 5 December 2023. Full text

    2.4 ‘The meaning of dying and death for children, their carers, and families: A scoping review,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 4 December 2023. Full text

    2.5 ‘The Pediatric Palliative Care Quality Network: Palliative care consultation and patient outcomes,’ Hospital Pediatrics. Posted online 4 December 2023. Full text

    2.6 ‘Palliative care for children: Methodology for the development of a national clinical practice guideline,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 1 December 2023. Full text

    2.7 ‘A shared decision-making model in pediatric palliative care: A qualitative study of healthcare providers,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 28 November 2023. Full text

    2.8 ‘A psychological experience assessment protocol of parent caregivers in paediatric palliative care,’ Annals of Medicine. Posted online 27 November 2023. Full text

    2.9 ‘Supporting the family after the death of a child or adolescent,’ Pediatrics. Posted online 27 November 2023. Full text

    2.10 ‘Silent suffering: Status of pediatric palliative care services in Pakistan,’ Current Problems in Pediatric & Adolescent Health Care. Posted online 23 November 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, references, etc.)

    2.11 ‘Death, dying and palliative care in the NICU,’ Jornal de Pediatria. Posted online 23 November 2023. Full text

    2.12 ‘Pediatric palliative care: A task for everyone that is already underway,’ Andes Pediatrica. Posted online 18 November 2023. Full text (click on pdf icon)

    N.B. Click on respective icons for either Spanish or English language text.

    2.13 ‘Seeking alignment of end-of-life goals within the Australian pediatric context,’ Current Problems in Pediatric & Adolescent Health Care. Posted online 17 November 2023. Full text

    2.14 ‘Little patients, big tasks: A pediatric emergency medicine escape room,’ Journal of Education & Teaching. Accessed online 17 November 2023. Full text

    2.15 ‘Palliative care services in paediatric oncology centers across Europe: A cross-sectional survey,’ EJC Paediatric Oncology. Posted online 14 November 2023. Full text

    2.16 ‘Hospice care in pediatrics,’ Research Square. Posted online 14 November 20223. Full text

    N.B. This article is a preliminary version of a manuscript that has not completed a peer review.

    2.17 ‘Taboo words in pediatric oncology: Communication experiences of nurses and physicians with dying children and their families,’ European Journal of Oncology Nursing. Posted online 13 November 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, references, etc.)

    2.18 ‘Barriers to the spiritual care of parents taking care of their child with a life-limiting condition at home,’ European Journal of Pediatrics. Posted online 11 November 2023. Full text

    2.19 ‘Choice of place of the death of children with cancer during end-of-life care: Parent’s perspectives in a developing country,’ Indian Journal of Palliative Care. Posted online 11 November 2023. Full text

    2.20 ‘Specialist perinatal palliative care: A retrospective review of antenatal referrals to a children’s palliative care service over 14 years,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 10 November 2023. Full text

Website Postings of Interest:Working together to improve pediatric palliative care in Nepal,’ University of British Columbia, 1 December 2023; ‘New ‘Green Book’ available for paediatric palliative care,’ Palliative Care Australia. Posted online 21 November 2023.

News Media Report: ‘Why it's necessary to destigmatise palliative care for children,’ The Star (Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia). Posted online 4 December 2023. Full text

Cultural Diversity

  1. ‘End-of-life care considerations for the Hispanic patient in the United States,’ Journal of Palliative Medicine. Posted online 6 December 2023. Access full text at Palliative Care Network of Wisconsin website


    3.2 ‘Māori end-of-life care in the intensive care unit: A qualitative exploration of nursing perspectives,’ Australian Critical Care. Posted online 29 November 2023. Full text

    3.3 ‘Healthcare practitioners’ perspectives of providing palliative care to patients from culturally diverse backgrounds: A qualitative systematic review,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 17 November 2023. Full text

    3.4 ‘Don’t overlook race and ethnicity: New guidelines urge change for psychology research,’ Nature. 1 Accessed online 10 November 2023. Full text

    1. ‘Journal Article Reporting Standards,’ American Psychological Association. Download

    3.5 ‘Navigating cultural diversity and conversation barriers in palliative care: A mini review,’ Hospice & Palliative Medicine International Journal. Posted online 3 October 2023. Full text

    3.6 ‘Stories of Care at End-of-life: Listening to Aboriginal and Culturally Diverse Communities in Western Sydney,’ Western Sydney University Caring at End-of-Life Research Program in collaboration with Western Sydney Local Health District. July 2023. Full text (click on pdf icon)

Community & Home-Based Palliative Care

  1. ‘How to manage the suffering of the patient and the family in the final stage of life: A qualitative study,’ Nursing Reports. Posted online 6 December 2023. Full text


    4.2 ‘Dying at “home”: A qualitative study of end-of-life care in rural Northern Norway from the perspective of health care professionals,’ BMC Health Services Research. Posted online 5 December 2023. Full text

    4.3 ‘Tackling the escalating burden of care in Uganda: A qualitative exploration of the challenges experienced by family carers of patients with chronic non-communicable diseases,’ BMC Health Services Research. Posted online 5 December 2023. Full text

    4.4 ‘End of life care at home: The role of critical care transfer services,’ Journal of the Intensive Care Society. Posted online 4 December 2023. Full text

    4.5 ‘Explaining how and why social support groups in hospice day services benefit palliative care patients, for whom, and in what circumstances,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 2 December 2023. Full text

    4.6 ‘Engaging with communities in rural, coastal and low-income areas to understand barriers to palliative care and bereavement support: Reflections on a community engagement programme in South-west England,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 1 December 2023. Full text

    4.7 ‘How initial policy responses to COVID-19 contributed to shaping dying at home preferences and care provision: Key informant perspectives from Canada,’ BMC Health Services Research. Posted online 30 November 2023. Full text

    4.8 ‘How compassionate is your neighborhood? Results of a cross-sectional survey on neighborhood participation regarding serious illness, death, and loss,’ Death Studies. Posted online 25 November 2023. Full text

    4.9 ‘‘Grounded theory about becoming a caregiver for a family member in palliative care through home care,’ Enfermería Actual de Costa Rica. Accessed online 25 November 2023. Full Spanish text (w. English language abstract)

    4.10 ‘Home alone or connected: Caregiver communication and training from health providers,’ Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Posted online 25 November 2023. Full text

    4.11Informal caregivers’ experiences of transitioning during end-of-life care: A scoping review,’ Journal of Advance Nursing. Posted online 20 November 2023. Full text 

    4.12 ‘Nurse practitioner and physician end-of-life home visits and end-of-life outcomes,’ BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. Posted online 18 November 2023. Full text

    4.13 ‘How do navigation programs address the needs of those living in the community with advanced, life-limiting Illness? A realist evaluation of programs in Canada,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 15 November 2023. Full text

    4.14 ‘How nurses can support families where a person with serious illness is living at home: A scoping review,’ Health & Social Care in the Community. Posted online 13 November 2023. Full text

    4.15 ‘End-of-life care at home as a therapeutic landscape within a compassionate communities approach,’ Progress in Palliative Care. Posted online 13 November 2023. Full text

    4.16 ‘Essential elements of home-based palliative care model: A rapid review,’ Indian Journal of Palliative Care. Posted online 11 November 2023. Full text

Neuropalliative Care

  1. ‘A systematic practice review: Providing palliative care for people with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 6 December 2023. Full text

    News Media Report: ‘Telehealth team a viable option for Parkinson’s patients who need palliative care,’ McKnight’s Senior Living. 1 Posted online 15 November 2023. Full text

    1. ‘Patient and family outcomes of community neurologist palliative education and telehealth support in Parkinson disease,’ JAMA Neurology. Posted online 13 November 2023. Abstract (w. key points)

Care Planning & Serious Illness Conversations

  1. ‘A patient’s perspective on care decisions: A qualitative interview study,’ BMC Health Services Research. Posted online 1 December 2023. Full text


    6.2 ‘Barriers and facilitators that hospital clinicians perceive to discuss the personal values, wishes, and needs of patients in palliative care: A mixed-methods systematic review,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 1 December 2023. Full text

    6.3 ‘A model for community-led peer-facilitated advance care planning workshops for the public,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 29 November 2023. Full text

    6.4 ‘“What’s the most important to them?” Swiss health care proxies, nurses and physicians discuss planning practices for aged care residents who no longer have medical decision-making capacity,’ Gerontology. Posted online 24 November 2023. Full text (click on pdf icon)

    6.5 ‘Communication strategies used by medical physicians when delivering bad news at the Maputo Central Hospital, Mozambique: A cross-sectional study,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 22 November 2023. Full text

    6.6 ‘Advance care planning: A story of trust within the family,’ Journal of Applied Gerontology. Posted online 20 November 2023. Full text

    6.7 ‘“Gives peace of mind” – Relatives’ perspectives of end-of-life conversations,’ Palliative & Supportive Care. Posted online 20 November 2023. Full text

    6.8 ‘Decision-making in palliative care: Patient and family caregiver concordance and discordance – systematic review and narrative synthesis,’ BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. Posted online 17 November 2023. Full text

    6.9 ‘Emergency nurses’ perceived barriers and solutions to engaging patients with life-limiting illnesses in serious illness conversations: A United States multicenter mixed-method analysis,’ Journal of Emergency Nursing. Posted online 15 November 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, references, etc.)

    6.10 ‘Protecting incapacitated patients’ rights and best interests,’ Indian Journal of Palliative Care. Posted online 11 November 2023. Full text

Last Rites

  1. ‘The last rites in palliative and supportive care: A patient-centered approach,’ Palliative & Supportive Care. Posted online 30 November 2023. Full text

Faith & Healing

  1. ‘The relationship between religion and improving the prognosis of patients in palliative status,’ International Seven Journal Multidisciplinary. Posted online 29 November 2023. Full Português text

Death Education in Schools

  1. ‘Death in the Scottish curriculum: Denying or confronting?’ Death Studies. Posted online 28 November 2023. Full text

Public Awareness/Understanding

  1. ‘Awareness, attitudes, and beliefs about palliative care: Results from a representative survey of the Italian-speaking Swiss population,’ Plos One. Posted online 28 November 2023. Full text


    10.2 ‘“A soft death”: Perceptions and attitudes towards palliative care in Senegal,’ Innovation in Aging. Posted online 17 November 2023. Full text (click on pdf icon)

    10.3 ‘Managing understandings of palliative care as more than care immediately before death: Evidence from observational analysis of consultations,’ Health Expectations. Accessed online 14 November 2023. Full text

    10.4 ‘End-of-life care: Differences in perceptions on between patients and family members,’ Central Philippine University Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2023;3(1):1-17. Full text (click on pdf icon)

Website Postings of Interest: ‘A positive public message: Introducing the understanding palliative care e-module,’ The Palliative Approach (Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association), 24 November 2023:; ‘End of life: Understanding palliative care,’ Protecteur du citoyen (Quebec Ombudsman), 15 November 2023: ; ‘Age-Friendly Insights Poll: Adults 50+ overwhelmingly want palliative care, once they know what it is,’ The John A. Hartford Foundation (New York, NY). Accessed online 10 November 2023.

News Media Report: ‘Report indicates fewer Vermonters opting for hospice care,’ WCAX-TV. Posted online 29 November 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Palliative care in intensive care,’ Intensive Care Medicine. Posted online 27 November 2023. Full text


    11.2 ‘Palliative care in intensive care units: An integrative review,’ Revista Bioética, 2023;31(2). Full text

    11.3 ‘Window of opportunity for ICU end-of-life care: A retrospective cohort study,’ Research Square. Posted online 14 November 2023. Full text

    N.B. This article is a preliminary version of a manuscript that has not completed a peer review.

End-of-Life Care in People With Mental Illness

  1. ‘The perspectives of hospital doctors about end-of-life care in people with mental illness: An observational pilot study,’ Internal Medicine Journal. Posted online 27 November 2023. Full text


Website Posting of Interest:What is palliative care’s role when caring for patients with a serious mental illness?’ Center to Advance Palliative Care, 17 November 2023

Emergency Medicine

  1. ‘Emergency department hospice care pathway associated with decreased ED and hospital length of stay,’ American Journal of Emergency Medicine. Posted online 23 November 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, references, etc.)


13.2 ‘Palliative care needs and barriers in an urban Ugandan emergency department: A mixed-methods survey of emergency healthcare workers and patients,’ African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2023;13(4):339-344. Full text

13.3 ‘Survey on the presence of palliative care knowledge and palliative care structures in German emergency departments,’ Die Anaesthesiologie. Posted online 23 November 2023. Full German text (w. English language abstract)

Physical Disabilities

  1. ‘End-of-life care for adults with long-standing physical disability from the perspectives of bereaved family members: A qualitative exploratory study,’ Disability & Society. Posted online 17 November 2023. Full text


    14.2 ‘Palliative care needs among outpatient adults with cystic fibrosis: Baseline data from the Improving Life with CF trial,’ Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 1 Posted online 10 November 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, references, etc.)

    1. ‘Improving Life with CF,’ Institute for Innovation in Palliative Care, Massacheusetts General Hospital.

Grief & Bereavement

  1. ‘Grief and loss in people living with dementia: A review and metasynthesis of qualitative studies,’ Aging & Mental Health. Posted online 16 November 2023. Full text


    15.2 ‘Mapping MAiD discordance: A qualitative analysis of the factors complicating MAiD bereavement in Canada,’ Qualitative Health Research. Posted on Line 16 November 2023. Full text

    15.3 ‘The COVID-19 pandemic: Bereavement outcomes between hospital and home deaths in palliative care,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 15 November 2023. Full text

    15.4 ‘Widowhood and bereavement in late life,’ Current Opinion in Psychology. Posted online 14 November 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Hospice use in patients with cancer: A comprehensive clinical literature review,’ Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2023;27(6):629-636. Full text


    16.2 ‘Quality of cancer treatment care before and after a palliative care pathway: Bereaved relatives’ perspectives,’ BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. Posted online 16 November 2023. Full text

    16.3 ‘The future of cancer care in the U.K. – time for a radical and sustainable National Cancer Plan,’ The Lancet Oncology. Posted online 14 November 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, references, etc.)

    16.4 ‘The quality of death and dying of patients with advanced cancer in hospice care in Uganda and Kenya,’ Palliative & Supportive Care. Posted online 10 November 2023. Full text

Aged, Long-Term & Residential Care

  1. ‘Family ties at end-of-life: Characteristics of nursing home decedents with and without family,’ Palliative Medicine Reports. Posted online 16 November 2023. Full text


    17.2 ‘The experience of Australian aged care workers during a trial implementation of a palliative care outcomes programme,’ International Journal of Health Planning & Management. Posted online 9 November 2023. Full text

Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)

  1. ‘Response to ‘Medical Assistance in Dying, palliative care, safety, and structural vulnerability,’’ Journal of Palliative Medicine. 1,2 Posted online 14 November 2023. Full text
  2. ‘Medical Assistance in Dying, palliative care, safety, and structural vulnerability,’’ Journal of Palliative Medicine, 2023;26(9):1175-1179. Abstract (of original article)
  3. ‘Medical Assistance in Dying, palliative care, safety, and structural vulnerability,’ Journal of Palliative Medicine. Posted online 17 November 2023. Full text (of response to 14 November posting)


  1. ‘Can artificial intelligence aid communication? Considering the possibilities of GPT-3 in palliative care,’ Indian Journal of Palliative Care. Posted online 11 November 2023. Full text


    19.2 ‘The perils and promise of technology in palliative nursing,’ Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 2023;25(6):297. Full text

Publishing Matters

  1. ‘Writing for the world: Enhancing engagement and connection with an international audience,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 4 December 2023. Full text
  2. ‘Scope of Annals of Palliative Medicine based on a review of the disciplinary development and evolving definition of palliative medicine,’ Annals of Palliative Medicine. Posted online 20 November 2023. Full text (click on pdf icon)

Website Postings of Interest


  1. Snapshot of palliative care in Australia,’ Palliative Care Australia, 7 December 2023


  1. Palliative care in survivors of critical illness,’ Hospice Palliative Care Ontario, 6 December 2023.


  1. Care for the Dying,’ European Association for Palliative Care, 16 November 2023.


  1. Palliative Care in Humanitarian Crises: A field manual,’ eHospice, 25 November 2023.
  2. End-of-Life Care in the Prison Environment (Supplement #3),’ Palliative Care Network, 14 November 2023.


  1. Palliative and end of life care profile December 2023 update: Statistical commentary,’ Office of Health Improvement & Disparities. Posted online 5 December 2023.


    6.2 ‘Should hospice care be part of the NHS?’ Hospice UK. Posted online 30 November 2023:

    6.3 ‘Devon hospice faces funding crisis as it receives less than half the national average from government,’ Devon Live. Posted online 23 November 2023:

    6.4 ‘Health inequalities shaping hospice care,’ eHospice. Posted online 21 November 2023:

    6.5 ‘Briefing: Dying in the margins,’ The Poverty Alliance. Posted online 15 November 2023:

    6.6 ‘End-of-life and palliative care toolkit,’ Royal College of General Practitioners (in partnership with Marie Curie and the Clinical Innovation & Research Centre), 15 November 2023:

    6.7 ‘Dying for beginners: What happens when someone is dying,’ Hospice UK. Accessed online 10 November 2023:

    6.8 ‘New resource launched to optimise and support end-of-life care,’ National Institute for Health & Care Research. Accessed online 10 November 2023:


  1. Palliative care provides additional aid when facing serious illness,’ UCLA Health, 15 November 2023.


    7.2CAPC launches expanded palliative care provider directory,’ Center to Advance Palliative Care, 14 November 2023.

Selected News Media Reports


  1. ‘Priests given tools to aid in end-of-life care,’ The Catholic Register. Posted online 17 November 2023. Full text

Southeast Asia

  1. ‘End-of-life care still hard to broach even as Thailand’s population ages rapidly,’ The Straits Times. Posted online 11 November 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Charity’s stark warning that terminally ill face “cost of dying crisis” at end of life,’ 1 Daily Express. Posted online 16 November 2023. Full text
  2. ‘The cost of dying crisis: A society in which dying well is something people can’t afford,’ Sue Ryder. Posted online 14 November 2023. Download

United Arab Emirates

  1. ‘UAE’s first community-powered hospice to boost palliative care in Abu Dhabi,’ Khaleej Times. Posted online 13 November 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Carters’ journey highlights tough questions about when to choose hospice,’ The Washington Post. Posted online 24 November 2023. Full text