Literature Search - Issue No. 7 (Oct 2023)

The primary focus of this literature search is selected articles, etc., on key issues in end-of-life care for which the full text is available online. Added, however, are a few noteworthy articles, etc., but for which access to the full text is available only with a subscription or for a one-time fee for the article in question.1 Also listed are a few postings of special interest on key websites that serve the hospice and palliative care communities-at-large, and selected news media reports. The next listing will be published in approximately four to six weeks.

Articles of particular interest.

Libraries in educational institutions and medical centres may have a subscription to the journal in question and hold a photocopying licence, which may facilitate cost-effective access.

Access to Care

  1. ‘Barriers and facilitators to palliative care for patients with non-curable cancer in Colombia: Perspectives of allied health and social care professionals,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 6 October 2023. Full text


    1.2 ‘Public policy on palliative care and its implications for services, opioids, and education in Colombia,’ Revista Cuidarte, 2023;14(2):e2501. Full Spanish language text (w. English language abstract)

  2. ‘Palliative care in Malawi: A scoping review,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 4 October 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Challenges in palliative care provision in Ethiopia: An exploratory qualitative study,’ Journal of Pain Research. Posted online 4 October 2023. Full text
  4. ‘Barriers and mechanisms to the development of palliative care in Aceh, Indonesia,’ Progress in Palliative Care. Posted online 30 September 2023. Full text
  5. ‘“Thank goodness you’re here”: Exploring the impact on patients, family carers and staff of enhanced 7-day specialist palliative care services – a mixed methods study,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 21 September 2023. Full text
  6. ‘Barriers for adult patients to access palliative care in hospitals: A mixed methods systematic review,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 17 September 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, etc., references)
  7. ‘When to initiate early palliative care? Challenges faced by healthcare providers,’ Frontiers in Medicine. Posted online 16 September 2023. Full text
  8. ‘Mapping of palliative care services and challenges in implementation of National Program for Palliative Care in Puducherry,’ Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 2023;29(3):266-278. Full text

Education & Training

  1. ‘Education about specialty palliative care among non-healthcare workers: A systematic review,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 4 October 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, etc., references)
  2. ‘Knowledge and practice of nurses on palliative care in tertiary hospitals,’ International Journal of Medical Science & Clinical Research Studies, 2023;3(10):2134–2140. Full text (click on pdf icon)


    2.2 ‘Healthcare professionals’ experiences of end-of-life care: A review of the literature,’ Journal of Modern Nursing Practice & Research. Posted online 1 October 2023. Full text

    2.3 ‘Teaching to prepare undergraduate nursing students for palliative care: Nurse educators’ perspectives,’ BMC Nursing. Posted online 27 September 2023. Full text

  3. ‘Using social constructivist learning theory to unpack general practitioners’ learning preferences of end-of-life care: A systematically constructed narrative review,’ Indian Journal of Palliative Care. Posted online 29 September 2023. Full text
  4. ‘Implementing palliative care education into primary care practice: A qualitative case study of the CAPACITI pilot program,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 28 September 2023. Full text

    Website Posting of Interest:Palliative care: Education and training opportunities for primary care and aged care workers,’ Department of Health & Aged Care, Australian Government. Posted online 22 September 2023.

    Important Notice

    The intention of IAHPC’s Literature Search is to disseminate information of possible interest to the hospice and palliative care communities, with the goal of advancing the philosophy and practice of palliative care globally. The listing of an article does not, however, indicate an endorsement of its contents. Readers, therefore, are advised to cast a discriminating eye over any articles, commentaries, etc., that capture their attention. See the full IAHPC disclaimer.

  5. “Completely by accident”: A qualitative analysis of service providers motivations to practice palliative care,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 20 September 2023. Full text
  6. ‘Health literacy on quality of life for children with cancer: Modules on pediatric palliative care,’ Pan American Journal of Public Health, 2023;47:e134. Full text (click on pdf icon)

Essential Medicines

  1. ‘Systematic review on barriers to access opioid analgesics for cancer pain management from the health worker perspective,’ Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy. Posted online 29 September 2023. Abstract (w. link to references)
  2. ‘Views and experiences of opioid access amongst palliative care providers and public representatives in a low-resource setting: A qualitative interview study, Plos Global Public Health. Posted online 21 September 2023. Full text

Policy & Practice

  1. ‘An evolving end-of-life approach. Reflections from twenty years of practice in palliative care,’ Annales Médico-Psychologiques. Posted online 8 October 2023. English language Abstract
  2. ‘Proposing a racism-conscious approach to policy making and health care practices [in the U.S.],’ Health Affairs, 2023;42(10):1351-1358. Full text

    N.B. The focus of the current issue of Health Affairs is tackling structural racism in health. Journal contents page

  3. ‘Bundle of care to drive improvements in palliative and end-of-life care (PEOLC) in an acute tertiary hospital,’ BMJ Open Quality. Accessed online 7 October 2023. Full text
  4. ‘Organizational structures influencing timely recognition and acknowledgment of end-of-life in hospitals: A qualitative study of nurses' and doctors’ experiences,’ European Journal of Oncology Nursing. Posted online 3 October 2023. Full text


    4.2 ‘Comprehensive analysis of mortality in a hospital center in the year 2020 and the provision of palliative care in current medical practice,’ Medical Research Archives. Posted online 30 September 2023. Full text (click on pdf icon)

  5. ‘Understanding patient views and experiences of the IDENTIfication of PALLiative care needs (IDENTI-Pall): A qualitative interview study,’ British Journal of General Practice. Posted online 27 September 2023. Full text
  6. ‘Emerging health and social policy considerations for safe and quality end-of-life care in Australia: The evidence, gaps and challenges,’ Australian Health Review. Posted online 12 September 2023. Full text
  7. ‘Palliative care practices and policies in diverse socio-cultural contexts: Aims and framework of the European Research Council globalizing palliative care comparative ethnographic study,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 11 September 2023. Full text
  8. ‘Perceived policy-related barriers to palliative care implementation: A qualitative descriptive study,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 11 September 2023. Full text

Research (Issues)

  1. ‘Voice, disability and “end-of-life” research: Strategies for including people with intellectual disabilities in qualitative research related to death and dying,’ Journal of Policy & Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. Accessed online 3 October 2023. Full text
  2. ‘Health care professional recruitment of patients and family carers to palliative care randomised controlled trials: A qualitative multiple case study,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 27 September 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Views needed on priorities for palliative care research,’ Nursing Times. Posted online 26 September 2023. Full text


    3.2 ‘Do palliative care research priorities match those for its care? A journals content analysis 2021–2022,’ Progress in Palliative Care. Posted online 12 September 2023. Abstract (w. link to references)

  4. ‘Patient priorities for fulfilling the principle of respect in research: Findings from a modified Delphi study,’ BMC Medical Ethics. Posted online 21 September 2023. Full text
  5. ‘An in-depth exploration of researcher experiences of time and effort involved in health and social care research funding in the U.K.: The need for changes,’ Plos One. Posted online 21 September 2023. Full text
  6. ‘Is there a role for citizen science in death and dying research?’ Frontiers in Public Health. Posted online 19 September 2023. Full text
  7. ‘Kenyan palliative care providers’ and leaders’ perceptions of palliative care research needs and support to facilitate rigorous research,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 12 September 2023. Full text

Research (Protocols)

  1. ‘Interventions that may increase control at the end of life in persons with dementia: The cross-cultural CONT-END acceptability study protocol and pilot-testing,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 27 September 2023. Full text
  2. ‘Palliative care for persons with late-stage Alzheimer’s and related dementias and their caregivers: Protocol for a randomized clinical trial,’ Trials. Posted online 25 September 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Dissemination and implementation of a community health worker intervention for disparities in palliative care: A study protocol for a hybrid type 1 randomized controlled trial,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 18 September 2023. Full text
  4. ‘Models of palliative care for under-served populations in high-income countries: A scoping review protocol,’ JBI Evidence Synthesis. Posted online 18 September 2023. Full text
  5. ‘Evaluation of a study protocol of the application of humor interventions in palliative care through a first pilot study,’ Palliative Medicine Reports. Posted online 11 September 2023. Full text
  6. ‘Development of a risk classification protocol for cancer patients in home-based palliative care,’ Saúde em Debate, 2023;47(138). Full text

Of Related Interest

Community & Home-Based Palliative Care

  1. ‘Comfort my father, and you comfort me: Family caregivers and the critical role of communication (Part 1 of 2),’ International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care Newsletter. Posted online 9 October 2023. Full text

    N.B. Part 2: Advice for the family caregiver, information about pain medication, and communication when death is imminent will be published in the November issue of the Association’s newsletter.


    1.2 ‘“What if I die before him?”: Concerns of caregivers in palliative care,’ Journal of Contemporary Medicine. Posted online 30 September 2023. Full text

    1.3 ‘The upsides, downsides to home-based palliative care programs,’ Health Care News. Posted online 29 September 2023. Full text

    1.4 ‘Patient and family as the unit of care: A half-truth of palliative care,’ Journal of Palliative Medicine. Posted online 29 September 2023. First page view

    1.5 ‘Support given by health professionals before and after a patient’s death to relatives involved in general palliative care at home in Sweden: Findings from the Swedish Register of Palliative Care,’ Palliative & Supportive Care. Posted online 25 September 2023. Full text

    1.6 ‘The caregiver’s perspective on end-of-life inpatient palliative care: A qualitative study,’ Annals of Medicine. Posted online 22 September 2023. Full text

    1.7 ‘The effectiveness of community-based palliative care programme components...,’ Age & Aging. Posted online 16 September 2023. Full text

    1.8 ‘Substantial shift in palliative care from hospice to community and its integration into community-based primary health care,’ Journal of Medical-Clinical Research & Reviews, 2023;7(9):1-7. Full text

Care Planning & Serious Illness Conversations

  1. ‘Fundamentals of end-of-life communication as part of advance care planning from the perspective of nursing staff, older people, and family caregivers: A scoping review,’ BMC Nursing. Posted online 6 October 2023. Full text


    2.2 ‘A quality improvement initiative to increase documentation of preferences for life-sustaining treatment in hospitalized adults,’ The Joint Commission Journal on Quality & Patient Safety. Posted online 28 September 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, etc., references)

    2.3 ‘Family carers’ experiences of goals-of-care conversations in acute hospital settings,’ Journal of Applied Gerontology. Posted online 20 September 2023. Full text

    2.4 ‘Shared decision making with frail people with intellectual disabilities in the palliative phase: A process evaluation of the use of the In-Dialogue Conversation Aid in practice,’ Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Posted online 16 September 2023. Full text

    2.5 ‘Testing the What Matters to Me workbook in a diverse sample of seriously ill patients and caregivers,’ Patient Education & Counseling. Posted online 16 September 2023. Full text

    2.6 ‘Parent experience of advance care planning: Reconstructing meaning – grounded theory,’ BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. Posted online 12 September 2023. Full text

    2.7 ‘Video intervention and goals-of-care documentation in hospitalized older adults: The VIDEO-PCE Randomized Clinical Trial,’ JAMA Network Open. Posted online 11 September 2023. Full text

    2.8 ‘The mapping of influencing factors in the decision-making of end-of-life care patients: A systematic scoping review,’ Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 2023;29(3):234-242. Full text


  1. ‘Patient-reported outcome measures in children, adolescents, and young adults with palliative care needs; A scoping review,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 6 September 2023. Full text


    3.2 ‘An agenda to develop pediatric palliative care programs to serve children with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 29 September 2023. Full text

    3.3 ‘A call to improve paediatric palliative care quality through research,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 26 September 2023. Full text

    3.4 ‘Fathers' experiences of living with a child with a progressive life-limiting condition without curative treatment options: A qualitative systematic review,’ Journal of Advanced Nursing. Posted online 26 September 2023. Full text

    3.5 ‘Establishing goals of care in serious and complex pediatric illness,’ Pediatric Clinic of North America. Posted online 19 September 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, etc., references)

    3.6 ‘A new scale assessing the stressors and rewards of children’s hospice work,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 13 September 2023. Full text

    3.7 ‘The science to spirituality in paediatric palliative care: A commentary,’ Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 2023;29(3):336-339. Full text

    3.8 ‘Pediatric nurses’ perceived competencies toward palliative care for terminally ill children,’ Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2023;24(9):3275-3282. Full text (click on PDF icon)

    Call for Papers:Pediatric palliative care,’ BMC Palliative Care. Accessed 26 September 2023. Deadline for submissions 9 February 2024.

    Website Postings of Interest:The Children’s Palliative Care Education & Training Education Standard Framework for Advance Care Planning in Children,’ International Children’s Palliative Care Network, 26 September 2023; ‘New Nuffield report recommends help to resolve care disagreements.’ Together for Short Lives, 18 September 2023; ‘Identifying who children’s palliative care is for,’ Together for Short Lives, 14 September 2023.

Breaking Bad News

  1. ‘Physicians’ lived experience of breaking bad news in clinical practice: Five essentials of a relational process,’ Quality Health Research. Posted online 4 October 2023. Full text


    4.2 ‘A literature review of nurses challenges and barriers in assisting patients and families facing breaking bad news,’ Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 2023;29(3):243-249. Full text

Perinatal Palliative Care

  1. ‘The case for perinatal palliative care and expanded research,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 3 October 2023. Full text


    5.2 ‘“Holding families in uncertainty”: A framework analysis of the role and impact of children's hospices in the provision of perinatal palliative care,’ Illness, Crisis & Loss. Posted online 16 September 2023. Full text

Mental Health

  1. ‘Mental health integration and delivery in the hospice and palliative medicine setting: A national survey of clinicians,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 1 October 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, etc., references)

Geriatric Medicine

  1. ‘Characterization in end-of-life care of elderly people attended by geriatricians,’ Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, 2023;58(6):101408. Abstract (w. Spanish and English language intro., section snippets, etc., references)


    7.2 ‘HIV and an ageing population: What are the medical, psychosocial, and palliative care challenges in healthcare provisions,’ Microorganisms. Posted online 28 September 2023. Full text

    7.3 ‘Uncovering methods and outcomes of palliative care for geriatric patients: A scoping review,’ Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. Posted online 27 September 2023. Full text

    7.4 ‘Pre-assessment criteria for the needs of patients in palliative care: The role of palliative care by age groups,’ Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 2023;26(3): Full text (click on PDF icon)


  1. ‘Health care personnel’s perspectives on quality of palliative care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study,’ Journal of Multidisciplinary Health. Posted online 27 September 2023. Full text


    8.2 ‘Changes in hospice care experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic,’ Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Posted online 19 September 2023. Full text

Neuropalliative Care

  1. ‘Palliative care in neuro-oncology: An update,’ Current Neurology & Neuroscience Reports. Posted online 26 September 2023. Full text


    9.2 ‘Palliative care at any stage of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A prospective feasibility study,’ Frontiers in Medicine. Posted online 13 September 2023. Full text

    9.3 ‘End-of-life care of hospitalized patients with Parkinson disease: A retrospective analysis and brief review,’ Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. Posted online 6 March 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Project Respect: Experiences of seriously ill LGBTQ+ patients and partners with their healthcare providers,’ Health Affairs Scholar. Posted online 26 September 2023. Full text (click on pdf icon)


    10.2 ‘Palliative and end-of-life care for LGBT+ cancer patients: Scoping the problems and identifying the solutions,’ Seminars in Oncology Nursing. Posted online 20 September 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Precision medicine’s new frontier: Integrating palliative care at the right time,’ ESMO (European Society For Medical Oncology) Open. Posted online 25 September 2023. Full text


    11.2 ‘Vital signs in palliative care: A scoping review,’ Cancers. Posted online 20 September 2023. Full text

    11.3 ‘Palliative and end-of-life care for LGBT+ cancer patients: Scoping the problems and identifying the solutions,’ Seminars in Oncology Nursing. Posted online 20 September 2023. Full text

    11.4 ‘Caregiver’s quality of life in advanced cancer: Validation of the construct in a real-life setting of early palliative care,’ Frontiers in Oncology. Posted online 14 September 2023. Full text

    11.5 ‘Assessing the impact of palliative care admission of end-of-life cancer adults,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 11 September 2023. Full text

For-Profit Hospices in the U.S.

  1. ‘Changes in diagnoses and site of care for patients receiving hospice care from agencies acquired by private equity firms and publicly traded companies,’ JAMA Network Open. Posted online 25 September 2023. Full text


    News Media Report: ‘The most expensive states to die in, ranked,’ Forbes. Posted online 13 September 2023. Full text

Public Awareness/Knowledge

  1. ‘Assessment of knowledge and attitudes toward palliative care and end-of-life decision-making in Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study,’ Cureus. Posted online 22 September 2023. Full text


    13.2 ‘Palliative care survey: Awareness, knowledge and views of the Styrian population in Austria,’ Healthcare. Posted online 22 September 2023. Full text

    13.3 ‘Top 10 tips palliative care clinicians should know about messaging for the public,’ Journal of Palliative Medicine. Posted online 22 September 2023. Abstract

    13.4 ‘Public sentiments and the influence of information-seeking preferences on knowledge, attitudes, death conversation, and receptiveness toward palliative care: Results from a nationwide survey in Singapore,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 15 September 2023. Full text

    13.5 ‘What does the general public know about palliative care...,’ BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. Posted online 12 September 2023. Abstract

    13.6 ‘How can palliative care help me?’ JAMA Internal Medicine (Patient Page). Posted online 11 September 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Artificial intelligence in clinical decision-making: Rethinking personal moral responsibility,’ Bioethics. Posted online 19 September 2023. Full text


    14.2 ‘A perspective on potential psychological risks and solutions of using virtual reality in palliative care,’ Frontiers in Virtual Reality. Posted online 13 September 2023. Full text

Intensive Care Medicine

  1. ‘Recommendations on palliative care aspects in intensive care medicine,’ Critical Care. Posted online 18 September 2023. Full text


    15.2 ‘Examining the role of race in end-of-life care in the intensive care unit: A single-center observational study,’ Palliative Medicine Reports. Posted online 11 September 2023. Full text

Psychosocial-Spiritual Aspects of Palliative Care

  1. ‘Use of a person-centered narrative intervention in an outpatient palliative care setting: A feasibility study,’ Journal of Patient Experience. Posted online 18 September 2023. Full text


    16.2 ‘Psychosocial-spiritual well-being is related to resilience and mindfulness in patients with severe and/or life-limiting medical illness,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 11 September 2023. Full text

    Website Posting of Interest:Psychosocial palliative care – a series of three articles,’ Association of Palliative Care Centres (Cape Town, South Africa). Accessed 11 September 2023.

Emergency Medicine

  1. ‘SAVED – a mnemonic to facilitate palliative care integration in the emergency department,’ Jornal Brasileiro de Medicina de Emergência, 2023;3(3):e23015. Full English language text


    17.2 ‘Emergency nurses’ perceptions of end-of-life care obstacles and supportive behaviors in Chengdu, the People’s Republic of China,’ Nursing Journal CMU,’ 2023;50(3) Full text (click on PDF icon)

Professional Issues: Self-Care

  1. ‘Compassion fatigue in nurses providing palliative cancer care and coping strategies to prevent and manage it,’ Seminars in Oncology Nursing. Posted online 15 September 2023. Full text


    18.2 ‘We care: A wellness intervention project for palliative care physicians,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 12 September 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, etc., references)

Disparities in Palliative & End-of-Life Care

  1. ‘Fighting disparities in palliative and end-of-life care,’ MDedge Internal Medicine. Posted online 13 September 2023. Full text

Grief & Bereavement

  1. ‘Best practice in telephone bereavement support: A thematic analysis of bereavement support providers’ perspectives,’ Omega – Journal of Death & Dying. Posted online 11 September 2023. Full text

Publishing Matters

  1. ‘Editors’ statement on the responsible use of generative AI technologies in scholarly journal publishing,’ The Hastings Center Report. Posted online 1 October 2023. Full text
  2. ‘Peer review and scientific publication at a crossroads,’ JAMA Network. Posted online 22 September 2023. Full text

Website Postings of Interest


  1. The Rough Guide to the End of Life,’ Marie Curie. Accessed 6 October 2023.


    1.2Charity Marie Curie reframes end-of-life care in touching brand update.’ Little Black Book, 4 October 2023.

    1.3A manifesto for palliative and end of life care.’ Hospice UK (in partnership with Marie Curie, the National Bereavement Alliance, Sue Ryder and Together for Short Lives), 2 October 2023.

    1.4England’s adults’ hospices have faced a real-terms cut in their Government funding of £47 million in the past two years, according to new data from Hospice UK.’ Hospice UK, 26 September 2023.

    1.5Hospices: Health care providers, commercial businesses – or both?’ Hospice UK, 14 September 2023.

    1.6End-of-life doula U.K. evaluation: Leeds and surrounding areas NHS Commission,’ The Open University. Accessed 14 September 2023.


  1. End-of-life Care in the Prison Environment (Supplement #2).’ Palliative Care Network, 29 September 2023.

    N.B. The last updated backgrounder, ‘End-of-Life Care in the Prison Environment,’ was posted on the Palliative Care Network website in August 2022. Occasional “supplements” listing selected articles, reports, etc., published in the literature and in the news media in recent weeks will be posted on this website. Supplement #1 (July 2023) can be downloaded at.


  1. New research findings reveal complex problems in end-of-life care.’ Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen), 29 September 2023.


    3.2 The Truacanta Project: Helping Each Other With Death, Dying, Loss & Care.’ Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care. Accessed 20 September 2023.


  1. ‘Improving end-of-life care is the compassionate and cost-effective solution to Canada’s health crisis.’ The Hub, 28 September 2023: Full text


  1. ‘Pre-budget submission 2024: Investing in the best end of life and bereavement call for all.’ Irish Hospice Foundation, 20 September 2023.


    5.2Palliative care study finds patients and caregivers feel obliged to give and receive support.’1 Trinity College Dublin, 11 September 2023.

    1. ‘Patient and caregiver reciprocal support: Impact on decision making in specialist palliative care,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 4 August 2023 (noted in IAHPC Literature Search #5, August 2023). Full text

    5.3 ‘Recognising palliative care as a public health issue is important as more and more people will need it in months and years ahead,’ The Irish News. Posted online 11 September 2023. Full text

    N.B. The author cites the following: ‘Department of Health’s Advance Care Planning Policy document for Northern Ireland’ –; ‘Report of The Lancet Commission on the Value of Death: Bringing death back into life’ (2022) –; ‘Where Are We Now? Examining public knowledge and attitudes towards palliative care and advance care planning in Northern Ireland,’ University of Ulster (2021) –;

  2. Equity – can we achieve equal access to hospice and palliative care for all?’ European Association for Palliative Care, 12 September 2023.

Selected News Media Reports


  1. ‘President Jimmy Carter’s decision to opt for hospice care adds to his legacy,’ Forbes. Posted online 3 October 2023. Full text


    1.2 ‘What is a death doula? The growing field for end-of-life care explained,’ NBC News. Posted online 26 September 2023. Full text (w. video clip)

    1.3 ‘Navigating end-of-life care decisions: The vital role of social workers,’ UJ City News (Florida). Posted online 25 September 23. Full text

    1.4 Study finds gap between what rural residents want for end-of-life care and what they receive,’1 The Daily Yonder (Whitesburg, Kentucky). Posted online 12 September 2023. Full text

    1. ‘A Better Death: Views and experiences with end-of-life issues,’ St. David’s Foundation (Austin, Texas). Published 6 July 2023. Download


  1. ‘Health and social care organisations call on government to overhaul end-of-life care,’ Posted online 28 September 2023. Full text


    2.2 ‘Parents must have a say in end-of-life care cases for children where they disagree with medical professionals, review recommends,’1 The Daily Mail. Posted online 19 September 2023. Full text

    1. ‘Disagreements in the care of critically ill children,’ Nuffield Council on Bioethics. Download


  1. ‘How long will a loved one live? It’s difficult to hear, but harder not to know,’ The Conversation. Posted online 24 September 2023. Full text


    3.2 ‘End-of-life care – infusing the “person” back into the ‘patient,’ Health Debate. Posted online 6 September 2023. Full text


  1. ‘2 million Koreans opt out of life-extending treatments,’ The Korean Herald. Posted online 24 September 2023. Full text

Northern Ireland

  1. ‘Western Trust working towards providing ‘Just-in-Case’ medication boxes for palliative care,’ Derry Journal. Posted online 12 September 2023. Full text


    5.2 ‘Recognising palliative care as a public health issue is important as more and more people will need it in months and years ahead,’ The Irish News. Posted online 11 September 2023. Full text

    N.B. Department of Health’s ‘Advance Care Planning Policy Document for Northern Ireland’