Literature Search - Issue No. 6 (Sep 2023)

The primary focus of this literature search is selected articles, etc., on key issues in end-of-life care for which the full text is available online. Added, however, are a few noteworthy articles, etc., but for which access to the full text is available only with a subscription or for a one-time fee for the article in question.1 Also listed are a few postings of special interest on key websites that serve the hospice and palliative care communities-at-large, and selected news media reports. The next listing will be published in approximately four to six weeks.

Articles of particular interest.

Libraries in educational institutions and medical centres may have a subscription to the journal in question and hold a photocopying licence, which may facilitate cost-effective access.

Access to Care

  1. ‘Need of community-based palliative care in rural India and factors that influence its sustainability: A comprehensive exploration using qualitative methodology in rural Puducherry, India,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 6 September 2023. Full text 

    News Media Report: ‘A community radio station that offers support for palliative care,’ The Hindu (Kerala, India). Posted online 2 September 2023. Full text

  2. ‘Expanding access to palliative care in Brazil,’ Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP. Posted online 1 September 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Improving access to palliative care for people experiencing socio-economic inequities: Findings from a community-based pilot research study,’ Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, 2023;43(8):365-374. Full text 


    3.2 ‘Access to palliative care in Canada,’ Healthcare Quarterly, 2023;26(2):6-8. Full text

    3.3 ‘Voices lost: Where is the person in evaluating a palliative approach to care?’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 28 August 2023. Full text

    3.4 ‘Physician home visits to rostered patients during their last year of life: A retrospective cohort study,’ Canadian Medical Association Journal Open, 2023;11(4):E597-E606. Full text


  1. ‘Experts call for prioritisation of palliative care services,’ New Vision (Uganda). Posted online 27 August 2023. Full text

    News Media Report: ‘How best can Rwanda improve palliative care services?’ The New Times. Posted online 22 August 2023. Full text

Vulnerable Populations

  1. ‘Reflecting on choices and responsibility in palliative care in the context of social disadvantage,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 25 August 2023. Full text


    5.2 ‘Building an action plan to tackle palliative care inequality through multi-stakeholder platforms,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 13 August 2023. Full text

    5.3 ‘“You can’t die here”: An exploration of the barriers to dying-in-place for structurally vulnerable populations,’ Research Square (Preprint). Posted online 8 August 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Challenges for developing palliative care services in resource-limited settings of Kazakhstan,’ Public Health Review. Posted online 18 August 2023. Full text


    6.2 ‘Cost-effectiveness of hospice palliative care for patients with cancer and family caregivers: A multicenter study in Kazakhstan,’ Value on Health Regional Issues. Posted online 14 August 2023. Full text

    6.3 ‘Improving palliative care outcomes in remote and rural areas of low- and middle-income countries through family caregivers: lessons from Kazakhstan,’ Frontiers in Public Health. Posted online 3 August 2023. Full text

  2. ‘A description and comparison of palliative care services in a developed country and a developing country...,’ Journal of College of Palliative Medicine of Sri Lanka, Posted online 15 August 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Palliative care: The Italian state of the art and a worldwide overview,’ MDPI (Preprint). Posted online 14 August 2023. Full text (click on pdf icon)

Education & Training


  1. ‘Palliative care practices and self-efficacy of students taking online palliative care course: Quasi-experimental study,’ Journal of Education & Research in Nursing, 2023;20(3):226-231. Full text


    1.2 ‘Effect of an educational intervention on nurses’ competence in activities of daily living support in end-of-life care using a pretest–post-test repeated measures design,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 22 August 2023. Full text

    1.3 ‘Translating knowledge into clinical practice: A unique end-of-life nursing education consortium teleconferencing program,’ Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care Nursing. Posted online 14 August 2023. Full text

    1.4 ‘A qualitative study of perception and experience toward end-of-life care among nursing students who witnessed dying people in their family,’ Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. Posted online 11 August 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Integrated dual training in palliative care and oncology,’ Current Problems in Cancer. Posted online 6 September 2023. Full text


    2.2 ‘End-of-life care education as blended learning approach for general practitioners: A scoping review,’ Journal of Cancer Education. Posted online 30 August 2023. Full text

    2.3 ‘Knowledge, goals, and misperceptions about palliative care in adults with chronic disease or cancer,’ Palliative & Supportive Care. Posted online 10 August 2023. Full text

  2. ‘A qualitative study of stakeholders’ perspectives of implementing interprofessional shared decision-making education in palliative care,’ Cureus. Posted online 24 August 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Teaching palliative care to emergency medicine residents using gamified deliberate practice-based simulation: Palliative gaming simulation study,’ JMIR Medical Education. Posted online 16 August 2023. Full text

Essential Medicines

  1. ‘The social organization of opioid policies and their implications for people with chronic pain and clinicians: An institutional ethnography,’ International Journal of Drug Policy, 2023; 120(October). Full text
  2. ‘Perceptions of barriers to using opioid analgesics: A mixed methods study,’ Palliative Medicine Reports. Posted online 30 August 2023. Full text

Policy & Practice

  1. ‘Best practice in telephone bereavement support: A thematic analysis of bereavement support providers’ perspectives,’ Omega – Journal of Death & Dying. Posted online 11 September 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Emerging health and social policy considerations for safe and quality end-of-life care in Australia: The evidence, gaps and challenges,’ Australian Health Review. Posted online 31 August 2023. Abstract


    2.2 ‘Population-level, patient-reported outcomes: A case study regarding a public health intervention that involves patients with life-limiting illnesses,’ Frontiers in Public Health. Posted online 10 August 2023. Full text

    Website Postings of Interest:High quality end-of-life care a right for all Australians,’ Australian Medical Association (AMA), 25 August 2023; ‘Dying well: Helping rural communities access palliative supports,’ University of South Australia, 21 August 2023:; ‘Dementia and palliative care : Meeting the need in Australia’s future,’ Palliative Care Australia, 15 August 2023

    N.B. AMA Position Statement

    News Media Report: ‘Palliative care model ill-suited for people with dementia,’ Australia Ageing Agenda. Posted online 22 August 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Reforming the Medicare Hospice Benefit – unintended consequences,’ JAMA Network. Posted online 31 August 2023. Full text


    3.2 ‘Impact of an institution-wide Goals of Care Program on the timing of referrals to outpatient palliative care,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 27 August 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, etc., references)

    3.3 ‘Concurrent care as the next frontier in end-of-life care,’ JAMA Network. Posted online 18 August 2023. Full text

    3.4 ‘Development of the Palliative Care Law & Policy GPS to access national policies in palliative care,’ Journal of Palliative Medicine. Posted online 16 August 2023. Abstract

    N.B. The Solomon Center for Health Law & Policy at Yale Law School, New Haven Connecticut, and the Center to Advance Palliative Care partnered to create a database tracking legislation on palliative care in the U.S. through the Palliative Care Law & Policy GPS

    Website Posting of Interest:Population health, quality, and palliative care: The role of public and private payors,’ American Academy of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, 11 August 2023

Research (Issues)

  1. ‘Planning ahead for research participation: Survey of public and professional stakeholders’ views about the acceptability and feasibility of advance research planning,’ BMC Medical Ethics. Posted online 9 September 2023. Full text
  2. ‘Why Europe needs a pain research strategy,’ European Journal of Pain. Posted online 4 September 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Treatment effect estimates from pilot trials are unreliable,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 2 September 2023. Full text
  4. ‘Novel methods to define invasive procedures at the end-of-life were developed to improve quality of end-of-life care research...,’ Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. Posted online 1 September 2023. Full text
  5. ‘Simplifying qualitative case study research methodology...,’ The Qualitative Report, 2023;28(8):2363-2379. Full text
  6. ‘Public and patient involvement: A survey on knowledge, experience and opinions among researchers within a precision oncology European project,’ BMC Cancer. Posted online 30 August 2023. Full text
  7. ‘Qualified and motivated, but limited by specialty-specific barriers: A national survey of U.K. palliative medicine consultants research experience,’ BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. Posted online 23 August 2023. Full text
  8. ‘What outcomes do studies use to measure the impact of prognostication on people with advanced cancer? Findings from a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 10 August 2023. Full text
  9. ‘Palliative care research utilising intersectionality: A scoping review,’ Research Square (Preprint). Posted online 8 August 2023. Full text

Research (Protocols)

  1. ‘Participatory development of a manual for the implementation of diversity-sensitive palliative and hospice care in Germany: A mixed-methods study protocol,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 5 September 2023. Full text
  2. ‘Evaluation of a study protocol of the application of humor interventions in palliative care through a first pilot study,’ Palliative Medicine Reports. Accessed online 5 September 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Comparison of home-based palliative care delivered by community health workers versus usual care: Research protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 2 September 2023. Full text
  4. ‘Developing a core outcome set for prognostic research in palliative cancer care: Protocol for a mixed methods study,’ JMIR Research Protocols. Posted on line 1 September 2023. Full text
  5. ‘Evaluating an advance care planning website for people with dementia and their caregivers: Protocol for a mixed method study,’ Digital Health. Posted online 28 August 2023. Full text
  6. ‘ITV-Pal Programme: Protocol of evaluation of the implementation of tech-volunteer programme in palliative care services,’ BMJ Open. Posted online 23 August 2023. Full text
  7. ‘Protocol for a scalable story-listening intervention for grief-related loneliness during COVID-19,’ Palliative Medicine Reports. Posted online 8 August 2023. Full text

Of Related Interest

Palliative Psychiatry

  1. ‘Palliative psychiatry,’ AMA Journal of Ethics, 2023;25(9):E651-E717. Access full texts of all articles in this latest issue of the journal


    1.2 ‘A current overview of palliative care: Palliative psychiatry,’ Turkish Journal of Psychiatry. Accessed online 5 September 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Navigating a child’s best interest: The essential role of palliative care,’ The Lancet: Child & Adolescent Health, 2023;7(9):612. Downloaded this article free of charge at


    2.2 ‘Healthcare professionals’ attitudes towards and knowledge and understanding of paediatric palliative medicine and its meaning within the paediatric intensive care unit: A summative content analysis in a tertiary children’s hospital in Scotland...,’ Healthcare. Posted online 31 August 2023. Full text

    2.3 ‘Parents’ experiences of paediatric palliative care in the community healthcare system: A qualitative study,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 28 August 2023. Full text

    2.4 ‘Psychosocial well-being of siblings of pediatric patients in palliative home care,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 27 August 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, etc., references)

    2.5 ‘“I’m afraid if this goes wrong… what will become of me?”: The psychological experience of grandparents in pediatric palliative care,’ Healthcare. Posted online 25 August 2023. Full text

    2.6 ‘Pediatric palliative care: Insights into assessment tools and review instruments,’ Children. Posted online 17 August 2023. Full text

    2.7 ‘Regional perspectives on the coordination and delivery of paediatric end-of-life care in the U.K.: A qualitative study,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 16 August 2023. Full text

    2.8 ‘Hospice care in India: A pediatrician’s perspective,’ South Asian Journal of Cancer. Accessed online 15 August 2023. Full text

    2.9 ‘Diversity of parent emotions and physician responses during end-of-life conversations,’ Pediatrics. Posted online 14 August 2023. Full text

    Call for Papers: ‘Early palliative care in children with oncological disease: Current views and perspectives,’ Frontiers in Oncology. Accessed online 11 August 2023. Full text

Referral to Palliative Care

  1. ‘Empowering primary palliative care to sustain specialist palliative care,’ Mayo Clinical Proceedings, 2023;98(9):1423-1425. Full text


    3.2 ‘Quality of referrals to specialist palliative care and remote patient triage...,’ Supportive Care in Cancer. Posted online 2 September 2023. Full text

    3.3 ‘Impact of an institution-wide Goals of Care Program on the timing of referrals to outpatient palliative care,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 27 August 2023. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, etc., references)

    3.4 ‘Integrating palliative care into primary health care: Indian perspectives,’ Progress in Palliative Care. Posted online 27 August 2023. Full text

    3.5 ‘Putting community-based palliative care into practice through primary health care: Policy, education and service delivery considerations for Sri Lanka,’ International Journal of College of Palliative Medicine of Sri Lanka. Posted online 25 August 2023. Full text

    3.6 ‘Improving palliative care referrals across oncology,’ Oncology Nursing News. Posted online 17 August 2023. Full text

    3.7 ‘Specialist and primary physicians’ experiences and perspectives of collaboration while caring for palliative patients: A qualitative study,’ Healthcare. Posted online 2 August 2023. Full text

Aged, Long-Term & Residential Care

  1. ‘“I didn’t know it was going to be like this.”: Unprepared for end-of-life care, the experiences of care aides care in long-term care,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 9 September 2023. Full text

    4.2 ‘Preferences and end-of-life care for residents of aged care facilities...,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 1 September 2023. Full text

    4.3 ‘Providing palliative and end-of-life care in long-term care during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study of clinicians’ lived experiences,’ Canadian Medical Association Journal Open. Posted online 22 August 2023. Full text

    4.4 ‘Palliative care for elderly people in long-stay institutions: An integrative review,’ Health & Biosciences, 2023;4(2):32-47. Full Portuguese text (w. English-language abstract)

Palliative Care in the Emergency Department

  1. ‘Healthcare professionals’ perspectives of the management of people with palliative care needs in the emergency department of a U.K. hospital,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 6 September 2023. Full text


    5.2 ‘Teaching palliative care to emergency medicine residents using gamified deliberate practice-based simulation: Palliative gaming simulation study,’ JMIR Medical Education. Posted online 16 August 2023. Full text

    5.3 ‘Development of an emergency department end-of-life care audit tool...,’ International Journal of Nursing Studies. Posted online 25 July 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Integrating palliative care into the evolving landscape of oncology,’ Current Problems in Cancer. Posted online 6 September 2023. Full text


    6.2 ‘Integrated dual training in palliative care and oncology,’ Current Problems in Cancer. Posted online 6 September 2023. Full text

    6.3 ‘From cultural safety to anti-racism: Reflections on addressing inequities in palliative care,’ Current Oncology. Posted online 28 August 2023. Full text

    6.4 ‘Integrating palliative care into oncology: Location, location, location?’ JCO Oncology Practice. Posted online 17 August 2023. Full text

    6.5 ‘Improving palliative care referrals across oncology,’ Oncology Nursing News. Posted online 17 August 2023. Full text

    6.6 ‘Palliative cancer care guidelines,’ Medscape. Posted online 14 August 2023. Full text

    6.7 ‘In-person and virtual adaptation of an interprofessional palliative care communications skills training course for pediatric oncology clinicians,’ Research Square (Preprint). Posted online 11 August 2023. Full text

    6.8 ‘Why is end-of-life inpatient cost high among cancer patients...,’ Research Square (Preprint). Posted online 9 August 2023. Full text

    6.9 ‘Nursing-specific strategies support early palliative care in oncology,’ Oncology Nurse Advisor. Posted online 7 August 2023. Full text

    6.10 ‘Supportive care: The “keystone” of modern oncology practice,’ Cancers. Posted online 29 July 2023. Full text

    6.11 ‘Delivering palliative and supportive care for older adults with cancer: Interactions between palliative medicine and geriatrics,’ Cancers. Posted online 29 July 2023. Full text

    6.12 ‘Challenges for oncologists in discussions about death/end-of-life care...,’ Paliatia: Journal of Palliative Care, 2023;16(3):26-32. Full text

    Call for Papers: ‘Early palliative care in children with oncological disease: Current views and perspectives,’ Frontiers in Oncology. Accessed online 11 August 2023. Full text

    Research (Issues): ‘Public and patient involvement: a survey on knowledge, experience and opinions among researchers within a precision oncology European project,’ BMC Cancer. Posted online 30 August 2023. Full text

Psycho-Social Aspects of Palliative Care

  1. ‘The Italian versions of the This Is ME Questionnaire and the Patient Dignity Question: Understanding personhood and supporting dignity in patients with terminal cancer,’ Palliative & Supportive Care. Posted online 6 September 2023. Full text


    7.2 ‘Integrating spirituality in the context of palliative and supportive care: The care for the whole person,’ Palliative & Supportive Care. Posted online 22 August 2023. Full text

    7.3 ‘Palliative care: A practice of dignity and morality,’ Journal of College of Palliative Medicine of Sri Lanka, 2023;1(1). Posted online 20 August 2023. Full text

    7.4 ‘Dignity therapy, psycho-spiritual well-being and quality of life in the terminally ill: Systematic review and meta-analysis,’ BMJ Supportive & Palliative care. Posted online 18 August 2023. Full text

Care Planning & Serious Illness Conversations

  1. ‘Characterizing end-of-life communication in families,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 4 September 2023. Full text


    8.2 ‘Effective communication in palliative care from the perspectives of patients and relatives: A systematic review,’ Palliative & Supportive Care. Posted online 30 August 2023. Full text

    8.3 ‘Use of the Supportive & Palliative Care Indicators Tool (Spict™) for end-of-life discussions: A scoping review,’ Research Square (Preprint). Posted online 24 August 2023. Full text

    8.4 ‘A grounded theory study exploring palliative care healthcare professionals’ experiences of managing digital legacy as part of advance care planning for people receiving palliative care,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 23 August 2023. Full text

    8.5 ‘Community-led, peer-facilitated advance care planning workshops prompt increased advance care planning behaviors among public attendees,’ PEC Innovation. Posted online 21 August 2023. Full text

    8.6 ‘The duality of “goals of care” language: A qualitative focus group study with frontline clinicians,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 18 August 2023. Full text

    8.7 ‘Communication of benefits and harms in shared decision making with patients with limited health literacy: A systematic review of risk communication strategies,’ Patient Education & Counseling. Posted online 17 August 2023. Full text

    8.8 ‘What is the most important, measurable goal of serious illness conversations in the ambulatory setting?’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 15 August 2023. Full text

    N.B. Part of the journal’s ‘Controversies in Palliative Care’ series.

    8.9 ‘Shared decision making and advance care planning: A systematic literature review and novel decision-making model,’ BMC Medical Ethics. Posted online 14 August 2023. Full text

    8.10 ‘Palliative care clinician perspectives on person-centered end-of-life communication for racially and culturally minoritized persons with cancer,’ Cancers. Posted online 12 August 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Home-based care for people living with dementia at the end of life: Perspective of experts,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 1 September 2023. Full text


    9.2 ‘Care challenges of home health patients living with dementia: A pathway forward with palliative care,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 29 August 2023. Full text

    9.3 ‘Toward gerineuropalliative care for patients with dementia,’ The New England Journal of Medicine. Posted online 26 August 2023. This article can be downloaded free of charge

    9.4 ‘End-of-life care in dementia: a literature review on the global context,’ Journal of College of Palliative Medicine of Sri Lanka. Posted online 15 August 2023. Full text

    9.5 ‘We need to improve care for people with dementia at the end of life,’ Nursing Times. Posted online 9 August 2023. Full text

    Website Posting of Interest:Dementia and palliative care : Meeting the need in Australia’s future,’ Palliative Care Australia, 15 August 2023

    News Media Report: ‘Palliative care model ill-suited for people with dementia,’ Australia Ageing Agenda. Posted online 22 August 2023. Full text

  2. ‘The efficacy of hospice-in-place care versus traditional inpatient care,’ American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine. Posted online 31 August 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Carbon emissions associated with end-of-life care in the hospital setting: A paradigm shift for people and our planet,’ Center for Open Science (Preprint). Posted online 29 August 2023. Full text

Website Posting of Interest:Greening the estate: Working towards a greener hospice.’ Posted on the eHospice website 6 September 20-23

Compassionate Communities

  1. ‘Developing a compassionate community: A Canadian conceptual model for community capacity development,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 28 August 2023. Full text

    Website Posting of Interest:Compassionate communities and cities,’ Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance, 10 August 2023.

    Research (Protocols): ‘Compassionate communities and cities in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review protocol to identify transferrable lessons for implementation in the primary care context,’ Journal of College of Palliative Medicine of Sri Lanka, 2023;1(1). Posted online 15 August 2023. Full text

    News Media Report: “Health professionals and residents bring palliative care to patients in Brazilian favelas,’ Folha de S.Paulo (Rio de Janeiro). Posted online 16 August 2023. Full text

  2. ’Hospice and palliative care during disasters: A systematic review, Healthcare. Posted online 24 August 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Process evaluation of a tailored nudge intervention to promote appropriate care and treatment of older patients at the end-of-life,’ Research Square (Preprint). Posted online 24 August 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Unrepresented, unheard and discriminated against: A qualitative exploration of relatives’ and professionals’ views of palliative care experiences of people of African and Caribbean descent during the COVID-19 pandemic,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 23 August 2023. Full text


    15.2 ‘Providing palliative and end-of-life care in long-term care during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study of clinicians’ lived experiences,’ Canadian Medical Association Journal Open. Posted online 22 August 2023. Full text

    15.3 ‘A bad time to die? Exploring bereaved families/wha-nau [sic] experiences of end-of-life care under COVID-19 restrictions: A qualitative interview study,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 13 August 2023. Full text

    N.B. Whānau is Māori for extended family.

    15.4 ‘Public opinions about palliative and end-of-life care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Twitter-based content analysis,’ JMIR Formative Research. Accessed online 10 August 2023. Full text


  1. ‘Clinicians and AI use: Where is the professional guidance?’ Journal of Medical Ethics. Posted online 22 August 2023. Full text


    16.2 ‘The use of virtual reality in hospice,’ Psychology Today. Posted online 8 August 2023. Full text

Neuropalliative Care

  1. ‘End-of-life care of hospitalized patients with Parkinson’s disease: A retrospective analysis and brief review,’ Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. Posted online 22 August 2023. Full text


    17.2 ‘20 years later, neuropalliative care is finally on the map,’ Neurology Today. Posted online 17 August 2023. Full text

    Assessment Tools

  2. ‘Validation of Bengali version of Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale-Revised (ESAS-r Bengali): A multidimensional symptom assessment tool for patients with advanced incurable diseases receiving palliative care,’ Sage Open Medicine. Posted online 22 August 2023. Full text


    18.2 ‘Validation study of the PALCOM scale of complexity of palliative care needs: A cohort study in advanced cancer patients,’ Cancers. Posted online 20 August 2023. Full text

    18.3 ‘Evaluating equity in performance of an electronic health record-based 6-month mortality risk model to trigger palliative care consultation: A retrospective model validation analysis,’ BMJ Quality & Safety. Posted online 17 August 2023. Full text

    18.4 ‘Pediatric palliative care: Insights into assessment tools and review instruments,’ Children. Posted online 17 August 2023. Full text

    18.5 ‘Attitudes towards death and dying among intensive care professionals: A cross-sectional design evaluating culture-related differential item functioning of the Frommelt attitudes toward care of the dying instrument,’ Heliyon. Posted online 5 August 2023. Full text

    18.6 ‘Development of an emergency department end-of-life care audit tool: A scoping review,’ International Journal of Nursing Studies. Posted online 25 July 2023. Full text

  3. ‘A meta-ethnographic review of paid staff and volunteers working together in palliative care,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 12 August 2023. Full text

Occupational Therapy

  1. ‘How to enable participation until the end of life? A survey of German occupational therapists working in palliative care,’ Journal of Clinical Medicine. Posted online 12 August 2023. Full text


    20.2 ‘International consensus on occupational therapy interventions for people with palliative care needs: A European Association for Palliative Care group concept mapping study,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 3 August 2023. Abstract (w. appendices, references)

Family Caregiver

  1. ‘Understanding caregiver challenges: A comprehensive exploration of available resources to alleviate caregiving burdens,’ Cureus. Posted online 6 August 2023. Full text

    Website Posting of Interest:Interventions for family caregivers of patients receiving hospice palliative care at home: A scoping review,’ Hospice Palliative Care Ontario. Posted online 30 August 2023.

Call for Papers

  1. JAMA Network call for papers on health and the 2024 U.S. election,’ JAMA Network. Posted online 18 August 2023. Full text

Publishing Matters

  1. ‘How do journals publishing palliative and end-of-life care research report ethical approval and informed consent?’ Learned Publishing. Posted online 8 September 2023. Full text
  2. ‘Why preprint review is the way forward,’ Research Information (Cambridge, U.K.). Posted online 25 August 2023. Full text
  3. ‘The commodification of academic publishing: Relevance to cancer palliative care literature,’ Current Medicine Research & Practice. Posted online 18 August 2023. Full text

Website Postings of Interest 

  1. Dying Well at Home: Focus Group Report,’ Irish Hospice Foundation. 5 September 2023.
  2. Addressing palliative and end of life care needs for people living with heart failure: a revised framework for integrated care systems,’ National Health Service (England). 29 August 2023


    2.2 ‘Palliative care and advanced heart failure: New clinical consensus statement,’ European Association for Palliative Care, 15 August 2023:

  3. Bereavement in the context of homelessness: A rapid review,’ Hospice Palliative Care Ontario [Canada], 16 August 2023
  4. End of life and palliative care toolkit,’ Royal College of General Practitioners (U.K.), 15 August 2023
  5. Palliative and hospice care in the prehospital setting,’ [U.S.] National Association of EMS Physicians, 14 August 2023

Selected News Media Reports


  1. ‘A fitting final gift from Jimmy Carter,’ The New York Times. Posted online 28 August 2023. Full text


    1.2 U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: Nearly 400 Hospices considered for “administrative action” as program integrity efforts heat up,’ Hospice News. Posted online 22 August 2023. Full text

    1.3 ‘The hospice industry needs major reforms. It should start with apologies,’ Stat. Posted online 22 August 2023. Full text

    1.4 ‘“It’s where we’re at right now”: U.S. prison system struggling to keep up with growing need for palliative care,’ Hospice News. Posted online 10 August 2023. Full text

    N.B. August 2022 ‘End-of-Life Care in the Prison Environment’ backgrounder can be downloaded from the Palliative Care Network website; July 2023 supplement.

  2. ‘How to take care of trans patients in hospice,’ Stat. Posted online 22 August 2023. : Full text
  3. ‘Palliative care was created in Montreal – The McGill University Health Centre Foundation is building on this legacy to change lives,’ The Montrealer (Quebec, Canada). Posted online 13 August 2023. Full text