Literature Search: Issue No. 3 (Jun 2023)

The primary focus of this literature search is selected articles, etc., on key issues in end-of-life care for which the full text is available online. Added, however, are a few noteworthy articles, etc., but for which access to the full text is available only with a subscription or for a one-time fee for the article in question.1 Also listed are a few postings of special interest on key websites that serve the hospice and palliative care communities-at-large, and selected news media reports. The next listing will be published in approximately two months.

Articles of particular interest.

Libraries in educational institutions and medical centres may have a subscription to the journal in question and hold a photocopying licence, which may facilitate cost-effective access.

Access to Care

  1. ‘Structure and integration of specialty palliative care in three [U.S.] National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers: A mixed methods case study,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 16 May 2023. Full text


    1.2 ‘Palliative care and neuro-oncological care: Better integration is needed,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 2 May 2023. Full text

  2. ‘Barrier analysis for continuity of palliative care from health facility to household among adult cancer patients in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 12 May 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Current state and future perspectives for palliative care in Latin America...,’ Future Medicine. Posted online 12 May 2023. Abstract
  4. ‘Palliative nursing in Africa: Scoping the landscape of evidence focusing on cancer care,’ Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 2023;31(Supplement):38-44. Accessed online 11 May 2023. Full text

    N.B. The supplement includes several articles on access to palliative care, e.g., ‘Development of cancer palliative care in Turkey,’ ‘Middle East Cancer Consortium: Development of palliative care services for cancer patients.’ Journal contents page

  5. ‘Accessibility to palliative care for non-cancer patients near the end of life: The obstacles and opportunities,’ Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 2023;106(5):460-466. Abstract
  6. ‘Facilitating equitable access to hospice care in socially deprived areas...,’ Palliative Medicine, 2023;37(4) 508–519.  Full text

Education & Training 

  1. ‘Evaluation of postgraduate family medicine trainee’s knowledge and attitude following an online educational module in palliative care: A descriptive study,’ Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 2023;39(4):1-5. Full text (click on pdf icon)
  2. ‘Towards a set of competencies in palliative care nursing in Spain: What’s getting in the way of consensus?’ Research Square (Preprint). Posted online 25 May 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Adaptation and psychometric testing of the end-of-life professional caregiver survey in Jamaica,’ BMC Health Services Research. Posted online 16 May 2023. Full text
  4. ‘Managing do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation recommendations in residential care: Towards improved training for social care and capacity professionals,’ The British Journal of Social Work. Posted online 16 May 2023. Full text


    4.2 ‘Evaluation of an advanced care planning training program incorporating online skills in shared decision making: A pre-intervention and post-intervention comparative study,’ Healthcare. Posted online 8 May 2023. Full text

  5. ‘Improving access to palliative care clinical pastoral education,’ Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy. Posted online 15 May 2023. Abstract
  6. ‘Implementing an interprofessional palliative care education program to speech-language therapy and dietetic students,’ Journal of Interprofessional Care. Posted online 10 May 2023. Full text
  7. ‘Integration of the verbatim exercise into a hospice and palliative medicine fellowship,’ Palliative Medicine Reports. Posted online 2 May 2023. Full text
  8. ‘A call for standardized undergraduate end-of-life care education in the post-COVID era,’ Journal of Asian Medical Students’ Association; 2023;10(1):222-236. Full text (click on pdf icon)
  9. ‘Phases and transitions of serious illness: A structure for teaching palliative care,’ Journal of Nursing Education, 2023;62(5):279-284. Full text
  10. ‘Learning from the film “Mitorishi (Transition Doula)” – Application to understanding the end-of-life in a gerontological nursing practice course in Japan,’ Open Journal of Nursing, 2023;13(5):233-248. Full text

    N.B. “Mitorishi” was produced by Nihon Mitorishi Kai, the Japan End-of-Life Care Provider Agency. Trailer (in Japanese).

  11. ‘How to do a realist review: Lesson learned from e-learning on palliative care for international students – an international collaborative educational project,’ Paliaţia, 2023;16(2):36-39. Full text

Essential Medicines

  1. ‘Parallel opioid crises: Brakes on sustainable development?’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 26 May 2023. Full text
  2. ‘Access to cancer pain management in Ecuador from health workers’ perspective: A qualitative study,’ Future Medicine. Posted online 23 May 2023. Abstract
  3. ‘Community pharmacies should publicise availability of “critical” palliative medicines, [UK] Royal Pharmaceutical Society standards recommend,’ The Pharmaceutical Journal. Posted online 22 May 2023. Full text

    N.B. Link to Royal Pharmaceutical Society standards. Scroll down to ‘Create an infrastructure in the pharmacy team which a supportive end-of-life strategy can be built upon.

  4. ‘Early access programs for medicines: Comparative analysis among France, Italy, Spain, and UK and focus on the Italian case,’ Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy & Practice. Posted online 17 May 2023. Full text
  5. ‘Opioid: Plenitude versus pittance,’ The National Medical Journal of India, 2023;35(5):303-307. Full text


  1. ‘Does geography play a role in the receipt of end-of-life care for advanced cancer patients? Evidence from an Australian local health district population-based study,’ Journal of Palliative Medicine. Posted online 26 May 2023. Full text
  2. ‘Methods used to identify the prevalence of palliative care needs: An integrative review,’ Palliative & Supportive Care. Posted online 22 May 2023. Full text
  3. ‘Federal advance care planning policy primer: Key aspects, barriers, and opportunities,’ American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine. Posted online 19 May 2023. Abstract (w. references)
  4. ‘Policy, system and service design influence on healthcare inequities for people with end-of-life chronic obstructive airways disease, their support people and health professionals,’ Research Square (Preprint). Posted online 18 May 2023. Full text
  5. ‘Public health and palliative care,’ Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. Posted online 15 May 2023. First page view; references
  6. ‘Changes in the place of death and implications for end-of-life care policy: A population-based observational study,’ Journal of Palliative Medicine. Posted online 10 May 2023. Abstract (w. link to references)
  7. ‘“People that suffer or have been through it know the answers”: Stakeholders’ perspectives on improving healthcare systems for end-of-life care...,’ Research Square (Preprint). Posted online 8 May 2023. Full text


  1. ‘How to enhance advance care planning research?’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 28 May 2023. Full text
  2. ‘Development and piloting of a self-assessment measure of core research competencies for palliative care clinicians: The RESPACC [Research for Palliative Care Clinicians] Project,’ Paliaţia, 2023;16(2):5-10. Full text

Research (Protocols)

  1. ‘Palliative care as a digital working world (PALLADiUM) : A mixed-method research protocol,’ Universität Bayreuth, Germany. Accessed online 17 May 2023. Abstract
  2. ‘Integrated short-term palliative rehabilitation to improve quality of life and equitable care access in incurable cancer (INSPIRE): A multi-national European research project,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice (Inprint). Posted online 16 May 2023. Full text (click on ‘Document’ icon)
  3. ‘Protocol: Health and social care interventions in the 80 years old and over population: An evidence and gap map,’ Campbell Systematic Reviews. Posted online 9 May 2023. Full text
  4. ‘Compassionate communities: How to assess their benefit? A protocol of a collaborative study between different countries,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 8 May 2023. Full text


    4.2 ‘How does community engagement evolve in different compassionate community contexts? A longitudinal comparative ethnographic research protocol,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 21 April 2023. Full text

    N.B. See “The Compassionate Communities Connectors programme: Experiences of supported families and referring healthcare providers,’ p.5.

  5. ‘Indiana Palliative Excellence in Alzheimer’s Care Efforts [IN-PEACE]: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial in persons with advanced dementia,’ Contemporary Clinical Trials. Posted online 4 May 2023. Abstract

    N.B. See ‘Models of care for people with dementia approaching end of life: A rapid review,’ p.6.

  6. ‘Quality measures for palliative care in patients living with cancer in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review protocol,’ Systematic Reviews. Posted online 4 May 2023. Full text
  7. ‘Health inequalities for older people from minority ethnic groups receiving palliative care and end-of-life care: A scoping review protocol,’ Plos One. Posted online 2 May 2023. Full text

Of Related Interest

  1. ‘Characteristics and paramedic management of patients enrolled in a novel assess, see, treat and refer palliative care clinical pathway: A retrospective descriptive cohort study,’ Paramedicine. Posted online 30 May 2023. Full text
  2. ‘Preying on the Dying: Private Equity Gets Rich in Hospice Care,’ [U.S.] Center for Economic & Policy Research. Accessed online 25 May 2023. Full text


    2.2 ‘Hospice – The time is now for additional integrity oversight,’ JAMA Health Forum. Posted online 25 May 2023. Full text

  3. ‘Exploring knowledge, perspectives, and misperceptions of palliative care: A mixed methods analysis,’ Urologic Oncology: Seminars & Original Investigations. Posted online 22 May 2022. Abstract


    3.2 ‘Patient awareness of palliative care: systematic review,’ BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. Posted online 18 May 2023. Abstract

    3.3 ‘Awareness and actual knowledge of palliative care among older people: A Dutch national survey,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 17 May 2023. Full text

    3.4 ‘The French and the end of life: State of knowledge and representations of citizens,’ Médecine Palliative. Posted online 4 May 2023. Full text

    N.B. French language article w. English language abstract.

    3.5 ‘What patients and caregivers experience when they receive palliative care: A study eliciting metaphors that could shape public messaging,’ Journal of Palliative Medicine. Posted online 2 May 2023. Abstract (w. link to references)

    3.6 ‘General knowledge of palliative care among patients with incurable illnesses and their caregivers: A systematic review,’ Paliaţia, 2023;16(2):5-10. Full text

  4. ‘Towards a dignified death: A new approach to care for people using substances who are at, or near, the end of their lives,’ International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health. Posted online 18 May 2023. Full text
  5. ‘Tourism and final wish making: The discourse of terminal illness and travel,’ Tourism Recreation Research. Posted online 17 May 2023. Full text
  6. ‘Parent priorities in end-of-life care for children with cancer,’ JAMA Open Network. Posted online 15 May 2023. Full text
  7. ‘Transformation of the concepts and practice of total pain and total care: 30 years of Danish hospices,’ Frontiers in Sociology. Posted online 12 May 2023. Full text
  8. ‘The Compassionate Communities Connectors Programme: Experiences of supported families and referring healthcare providers,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 12 May 2023. Full text
  9. ‘How different components of palliative care services affect end-of-life care,’ Oncology Nurse Advisor. Posted online 8 May 2023. Full text
  10. ‘The Polish palliative care response to the war in Ukraine and the subsequent humanitarian crisis,’ Palliative Medicine in Practice. Posted online 8 May 2023. Full text (click on pdf icon)
  11. ‘Models of care for people with dementia approaching end of life: A rapid review,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 7 May 2023. Full text
  12. ‘Catholic teaching: A middle ground and guide for end-of-life care and decision-making and an antidote for dying badly in America,’ The Linacre Quarterly. Posted online 4 May 2023. Abstract (w. references)
  13. ‘When home is not the best place to die,’ Association of American Medical Colleges News. Posted online 2 May 2023. Full text
  14. ‘Health professionals’ experiences of rapport during telehealth encounters in community palliative care: An interpretive description study,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 2 May 2023. Full text
  15. ‘Misuses of “quality of life” judgments in end-of-life care,’ Chest, 2023;163(5):1228-1231. Full text
  16. ‘Illuminating elder abuse in hospice centers: Bringing awareness and policy reform to an overlooked crisis,’ University of California Berkeley Research Paper. Posted online 26 April 2023. Full text

Website Postings of Interest

  1. ‘New national program to improve palliative care.’ Posted on the University of University of Wollongong (Australia) 26 May 2023


    1.2 ‘Greater choice for at home palliative care.’ Posted on the Australian Government Department of Health & Aged Care website 23 May 2023

    1.3 ‘Palliative care training for nurse practitioners must be part of “the plan.”’ Posted on the Palliative Care Australia website 22 May 2022

  2. ‘Palliative care physicians’ perceptions of conditions required to provide early palliative care.” Posted on the Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (Canada) website 24 May 2023
  3. ‘Why should gender be taken into account in palliative and end-of-life care?’ Posted on the Institute of Welsh Affairs website: 23 May 2023
  4. ‘Teaching one reaches multitudes: The ripple effect of training a palliative care provider.’ Posted on the eHospice website 18 May 2023


    4.2 ‘Bridgeport nursing students practice end-of-life care during hospice simulation.’ Posted on the website of the School of Nursing, West Virginia University (USA) 16 May 2023

  5. ‘Trends in palliative care research.’ Posted on Canada’s Pediatric Palliative & End of Life Care Network website 16 May 2023


    5.2 ‘Everyday life is a real challenge for those caring for a seriously ill child.’ Posted on the Together for Short Lives (UK) website 3 May 2023

    N.B. Findings of a UK survey.

  6. ‘Older people who are homeless need better access to hospice and palliative care.’ Posted on the eHospice website 16 May 2023
  7. ‘Access to palliative care: A little-known right in Quebec.’ Posted on the eHospice website 9 May 2023: English language version –; French language version –

    N.B. Findings of an Alliance des maisons de soins palliatifs du Québec survey.

  8. ‘How a resource-oriented approach can enhance palliative care.’ Posted on the European Association for Palliative Care blog 9 May 2023

Selected News Media Reports

  1. ‘Palliative care as a human right: COVID ICU Project unveils ground-breaking approach,’ BizNews (South Africa). Posted online 18 May 2023. Full text


    1.2 ‘The cost of ignoring South Africa’s dying people,’ City Press (Johannesburg). Posted online 6 May 2023. Full text

  2. ‘MAiD’s evolving ethical tensions: Does it make dying with dignity easier than living with dignity?’ The Conversation (Canada). Posted online 17 May 2023. Full text


    2.2 ‘Palliative care still woefully lack in Canada,’ The Globe & Mail. Posted online 2 May 2023. Download

    N.B. Commentary on ‘Access to Palliative Care In Canada,’ Canadian Institute for Health Information. Posted online 27 April 2023. Download at

  3. ‘Cutting hospice beds to help people die at home,’ BBC News (Scotland). Posted online 11 May 2023. Full text
  4. ‘Number of people receiving community palliative care in Singapore up 30% since 2017,’ The Straits Times. Posted online 10 May 2023. Full text
  5. ‘How one Ottawa doctor is fighting to improve palliative care for kids at Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario – and around the world,’ The Ottawa Citizen (Canada). Posted online 5 May 2023. Full text