Literature Search - Issue No. 15 (May 2024)

The primary focus of this literature search is selected articles, etc., on key issues in end-of-life care for which the full text is available online. Added, however, are a few noteworthy articles, etc., but for which access to the full text is available only with a subscription or for a one-time fee for the article in question. 1 Also listed are a few postings of special interest on key websites that serve the hospice and palliative care communities-at-large, and selected news media reports. The next listing will be published in approximately four to six weeks.

Articles of particular interest.

Libraries in educational institutions and medical centres may have a subscription to the journal in question and hold a photocopying licence, which may facilitate cost-effective access.

Access to Care

  1. ‘Universal palliative care for healthy longevity,’ The Lancet: Healthy Longevity (Editorial). Accessed online 6 May 2024. Full text
  2. ‘Inequities in access to palliative and end-of-life care in the black population in Canada: A scoping review,’ International Journal of Equity in Health. Posted online 25 April 2024. Full text 


    2.2 ‘Practicing surgeons’ perception of barriers to palliative care delivery in British Columbia,’ Cureus. Posted online 11 April 2024. Full text

Website Posting of Interest:65% of adults are worried about access to palliative care,’ King’s College London (U.K.), 29 April 2024; ‘Funding and access to hospice care in Wales,’ Bangor University, 24 April 2024.

Policy & Practice

  1. ‘The first decade of the Danish Palliative Care Database: Improvements and ongoing challenges in the quality and use of specialised palliative care,’ Acta Oncology (Denmark). Posted online 2 May 2024. Full text
  2. ‘Benchmarking palliative care practices in neuro-oncology: A German perspective,’ Journal of Neuro-Oncology (Germany). Posted on line 2 May 2024. Full text  


    2.2 ‘End-of-life care in Germany between 2016 and 2020: A repeated cross-sectional analysis of statutory health insurance data,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 20 April 2024. Full text

  3. ‘Symptom burden, service use and care dissatisfaction among older adults with cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, dementia and neurological disease during the last 3 months before death: A pooled analysis of mortality follow-back surveys,’ Palliative Medicine (U.K.). Posted online 28 April 2024. Full text
  4. ‘‘How long do you think?’ Unresponsive dying patients in a specialist palliative care service: A consecutive cohort study,’ Palliative Medicine (Australia). Posted online 23 April 2024. Full text
  5. ‘Increase in hospital care at the end of life: Retrospective analysis of the last 20 years of life of a cohort of patients,’ Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología (Spain). Accessed 22 April 2024. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, refs., etc.) 


     5.2 ‘From static snapshots to dynamic panoramas: The evolution and future vision of palliative care atlas in cross-national perspectives,’ Research in Health Services & Regions (Spain). Posted online 18 April 2024. Full text

  6. ‘Using the Tasmanian Palliative & End-of-Life Care Policy Framework (2022) to assess service delivery in a rural general practice,’ Australian Journal of Rural Health (Australia). Posted online 16 April 2024. Full text
  7. ‘How to manage the end of life: An international perspective,’ Journal of Palliative & Medical Care (Belgium). Accessed online 11 April 2024. Full text
  8. ‘Challenges to delivering evidence-based palliative medicine,’ Clinical Medicine (U.K.). Accessed online 14 April 2024. Full text

Website Posting of Interest:Supporting dignity at the end of life: Practical everyday considerations,’ CareSearch (Australia), 1 May 2024.

News Media Reports of Interest:In two states, transforming the model for palliative care,’ Undark (U.S.), 16 April 2024: ; ‘French government’s seven-step plan to improve end-of-life care,’ The Local (France), 10 April 2024.

Education & Training

  1. ‘Helping patients prepare their dependent children for parental death: Mixed-methods evaluation of a co-developed training programme for palliative and allied healthcare professionals in the U.K.,’ BMJ Open. Posted online 9 May 2024. Full text
  2. ‘Certainty is an illusion: Lessons for palliative care,’ Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (New Zealand). Posted online 3 May 2024. Full text
  3. ‘How registrar palliative care training affected palliative care integration in South African oncology,’ South African Journal of Oncology (South Africa). Posted online 30 April 2024, Full text
  4. ‘Palliative care patients in the emergency medical service: A retrospective cohort study from Finland,’ BMC Health Services Research. Posted online 29 April 2024. Full text 


    4.2 ‘Implementing spiritual care education into the teaching of palliative medicine: An outcome evaluation,’ BMC Medical Education (Germany). Posted online 15 April 15 2024. Full text

     4.3 ‘Basic training in palliative medicine for internal medicine residents: Pilot testing of a Canadian model in Switzerland,’ Palliative Medicine Reports. Posted online 15 April 2024. Full text

  5. ‘Cultivating excellence in palliative care education and training: A network and thematic deep dive into CODE-YAA@PC-EDU initiatives,’ Palliative Medicine in Practice. Posted online 29 April 2024. Full text (click on pdf icon) 

    N.B. Contributing authors from Austria, Estonia, Finland, France, Israel, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland and U.K.

  6. ‘Insights into the experiences of nurse educators in end-of-life care: A qualitative study,’ Nurse Education in Practice (Japan). Posted online 22 April 2024. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, refs., etc.)


    6.2 ‘Competencies perceived based program for nurses regarding palliative and end-of-life care,’ International Journal of Novel Research in Healthcare & Nursing (Egypt). Posted online 18 April 2024. Full text

    6.3 ‘Crossing Antarctica: Hospital nurses’ experience of knowledge when providing palliative and end-of-life care,’ Nurse Education Today (U.K.). Posted online 14 April 2024. Full text

  7. ‘Leadership’s perceptions of palliative care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management (U.S.). Posted online 20 April 2024. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, refs., etc.):
  8. ‘“Being an informal caregiver – strengthening resources”: Mixed methods evaluation of a psycho-educational intervention supporting informal caregivers in palliative care,’ BMC Palliative Care (Germany). Posted online 11 April 2024. Full text
  9. ‘Exploring perceptions and practices of interprofessional shared decision-making education in palliative care settings,’ Advances in Medical Education & Practice (Saudi Arabia). Posted online 6 April 2024. Full text

Website Postings of Interest: ‘Training to provide inclusive palliative care,’ Australian Ageing Agenda (Australia), 12 April 2024:; ‘Grief training in palliative care fellowships,’ Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (Canada), 10 April 2024:

Research (Issues)

  1. ‘Negotiating pace, focus and identities: Patient/public involvement/engagement in a palliative care study,’ Sociology of Health & Illness (U.K.). Posted online 8 May 2024. Full text
  2. ‘Patient experiences of randomised placebo-controlled trial participation during end-of-life palliative cancer care,’ BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care (Sweden). Posted online 16 April 2024. Full text
  3. ‘Integrating mixed method research in palliative care of cancer patients: Enhancing holistic understanding and patient-centered care,’ South Asian Journal of Cancer (India). Posted online 12 April 2024. Full text
  4. ‘Social media for palliative and end-of-life care research: A systematic review,’ BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care (U.K.). Posted online 9 April 2024. Full text

Of Related Interest

Environmental Matters

  1. ‘Managing greenhouse gas emissions in the terminal year of life in an overwhelmed health system: A paradigm shift for people and our planet,’ The Lancet: Planetary Health (Canada), 2024;8(5):327-333. Full text

Community & Home-Based Palliative Care

  1. ‘Lived experiences of end-of-life care at home in the U.K.: A scoping review of qualitative research,’ British Journal of General Practice. Posted online 9 May 2024. Full text 


    2.2 ‘Willingness to support neighbours practically or emotionally: A cross-sectional survey among the general public,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice (Belgium). Posted online 9 May 2024. Full text

    2.3 ‘The effectiveness of out-of-hours palliative care telephone advice lines: A rapid systematic review,’ Palliative Medicine (U.K.). Posted online 6 May 2024. Full text

    2.4 ‘How to approach patients and families at the end of life,’ South African Family Practice (South Africa). Posted online 24 April 2024. Full text

    2.5 ‘Patients’ experiences with shared decision-making in home-based palliative care – navigation through major life decisions,’ BMC Palliative Care (Norway). Posted online 17 April 2024. Full text

    2.6 ‘In-home respite care services available to families with palliative care needs in Quebec: Novel digital environmental scan,’ JMIR Nursing (Canada). Posted online 16 April 2024. Full text

    2.7 ‘Palliative care in the community: The Greek version of the Supportive & Palliative Care Indicators Tool (SPICT™),’ Journal of Primary Care & Community Health (Greece). Posted online 11 April 2024. Full text

    2.8 ‘Telephone advice lines for adults with advanced illness and their family carers: A qualitative analysis and novel practical framework,’ Palliative Medicine (U.K.). Posted online 10 April 2024. Full text

    2.9 ‘Communities of care approach: Developing a place-based model of care and building partnerships in the communities in central Singapore,’ International Journal of Integrated Care. Posted online 9 April 2024. Full text

    2.10 ‘The role of pharmacist in community palliative care: A scoping review,’ International Journal of Pharmacy Practice (Australia). Posted online 8 April 2024. Full text

    2.11 ‘End-of-life care at home: Dignity of family caregivers,’ Nursing Ethics (Norway). Posted online 8 April 2024. Full text

    Website Posting of Interest: ‘Greater Choices for At-Home Palliative Care – Information pack for general practice,’ North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (Australia), 17 April 2024:

Pediatric Palliative Care

  1. ‘Work-related quality of life in professionals involved in pediatric palliative care: a repeated cross-sectional comparative effectiveness study,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice (Switzerland). Posted online 9 May 2024. Full text 


    3.2 ‘Children with palliative care needs – the landscape of the Nordic countries,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 8 May 2024. Full text

    N.B. Åland, Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

    3.3 ‘Meta-synthesis of ethnic minority families’ experiences of children’s palliative care across developed countries,’ Palliative & Supportive Care (U.K.). Posted online 24 April 2024. Full text

    3.4 ‘Chinese and Belgian pediatricians’ perspectives toward pediatric palliative care: An online survey,’ BMC Palliative Care (China). Posted online 23 April 2024. Full text

     3.5 ‘Enhancing quality of life in pediatric palliative care: Insights, challenges, and future directions – a systematic review,’ Health & Social Care in the Community (Spain). Posted online 23 April 2024. Full text

    3.6 ‘It’s about living a normal life: Parents’ quality of life when their child has a life-threatening or life-limiting condition – a qualitative study,’ BMC Palliative Care (Norway). Posted online 9 April 2024. Full text

    3.7 ‘Palliative care for children with cancer: Caregivers’ perceptions of the form of care, availability, and the child’s symptoms at the end of life,’ Lakartidningen (Sweden). Posted online 9 April 2024. Full Swedish text:

    Website Postings of Interest: ‘Culturally safe care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people,’ eHospice (Australia), 30 April 2024:; ‘PALLIPED – The report on pediatric palliative care provision in Italy in the Italian Journal of Pediatrics,’ eHospice, 15 April 2024:

Assisted Dying Practices

  1. ‘“Walk me through the final day”: A thematic analysis study on the family caregiver experience of the Medical Assistance in Dying procedure day,’ Palliative Medicine (Canada). Posted online 9 May 2024. Full text 


    4.2 ‘Facing a request for assisted death – views of Finnish physicians, a mixed method study,’ BMC Medical Ethics (Finland). Posted online 3 May 2024. Full text

    4.3 ‘The wish to hasten death in patients with life-limiting conditions. A systematic overview,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management (Spain). Posted online 3 May 2024. Full text

    4.4 ‘Assisted dying needs a thoughtful and engaged dialogue,’ The Lancet (U.K.). Posted online 27 April 2024. Full text

    4.5 ‘Rural healthcare professionals’ participation in medical assistance in dying (MAiD): Beyond a binary decision,’ BMC Palliative Care (Canada). Posted online 25 April 2024. Full text

    N.B. See special issue of ‘Literature Search’ on assisted dying practices at:

    Website Posting of Interest: ‘Palliative sedation Is not a form of assisted suicide,’ PalliNews (International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care), 9 May 2024:; ‘Thinking aloud as an organisation about assisted dying,’ eHospice (U.K.), 8 May 2024:

Public Engagement

  1. ‘Barriers and drivers of public engagement in palliative care: Scoping review,’ BMC Palliative Care. (iLive Group, Europe) Posted online 7 April 2024. Full text 

    N.B. iLive Consortium website:


    5.2 ‘Building public engagement and access to palliative care and advance care planning: A qualitative study,’ BMC Palliative Care (Northern Ireland). Posted online 12 April 2024. Full text

Grief & Bereavement

  1. ‘The matter of grief, loss and bereavement in families of those living and dying in residential aged care setting: A systematic review,’ Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics (Australia). Posted online 6 May 2024. Full text 


    6.2 ‘“I have never felt so alone and vulnerable”: A qualitative study of bereaved people’s experiences of end-of-life cancer care during the Covid-19 pandemic,’ Research Square (Wales). Posted online 23 April 2024. Full text

    N.B. This is a preprint; it has not been peer reviewed by a journal.

    6.3 ‘How can I deal with the death of a patient?’ British Medical Journal (U.K.). Posted online 15 April 2024. Full text


  1. ‘Virtual consultations: The experience of oncology and palliative care healthcare professionals,’ BMC Palliative Care (U.K.). Posted online 2 May 2024. Full text 


    7.2 ‘The effects of virtual reality interventions on occupational participation and distress from symptoms in palliative care patients: A pilot study,’ Palliative & Supportive Care (Australia). Posted online 12 April 2024. Full text

    Website Posting of Interest: ‘How new technology makes us feel is important,’ Marie Curie (U.K.), 11 April 2024:

Substance Use Disorders

  1. ‘A path to recovery for overlooked populations and their unique challenges: Integrating rehabilitation in palliative care for patients with substance use disorders,’ Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences (U.S.). Posted online 2 May 2024. Full text


    8.2 ‘Association between opioid use disorder and palliative care: A cohort study using linked health administrative data in Ontario, Canada,’ Canadian Medical Association Journal. Posted online 29 April 2024. Full text

Psychosocial & Spiritual Care

  1. ‘Journey through labor: Navigating the psychosocial and spiritual depths of palliative care,’ Palliative & Supportive Care (Indonesia). Posted online 2 May 2024. Full text 


    9.2 ‘Positive psychology and palliative care: A call for an integrative approach,’ Palliative Care & Supportive Care (Switzerland). Posted online 8 April 2024. Full text

    9.3 ‘Staff perceptions of the use of the patient dignity inventory in a Welsh palliative care service,’ Progress in Palliative Care (Wales). Posted online 8 April 2024. Full text

Place of Death

  1. ‘Providing comfort: Caring for patients who wish to die in their home country,’ Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine (U.S.). Posted online 1 May 2024. Full text

Pain Management

  1. ‘American Society for Pain Management Nursing and Hospice & Palliative Nurses Association Position Statement: Pain Management at the End of Life,’ Pain Management Nursing (U.S.). Posted online 1 May 2024. Full text 


    11.2 ‘Medication strategies: enhancing symptom management and quality of life in palliative care,’ International Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health (Portugal), 2024;11(5):1796-1801. Full text

Low- & Middle-Income Countries

  1. ‘Primary palliative care in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of the evidence for models and outcomes,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 1 May 2024. Full text 

    N.B. Contributing authors from Malawi and South Africa.


    12.2 Development of palliative care clinical practice guidelines and referral care pathways for primary care practitioners in Pakistan,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 1 May 2024. Full text

    12.3 ‘Joint position statement between Indian Association of Palliative Care and Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine: A collaborative effort to expand primary palliative care throughout the country,’ Indian Journal of Community Medicine (India). Accessed 26 April 2024. Full text

    12.4 ‘Emotional experiences in palliative care and professional quality of life: A qualitative approach,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice (Ecuador). Posted online 25 April 2024. Full text

    12.5 ‘Missed opportunity to diagnose palliative care need among older emergency department patients in a middle-income country: A retrospective study,’ Open access Emergency Medicine (Thailand). Posted online 17 April 2024. Full text

     12.6 ‘Global assessment of palliative care need: Serious health-related suffering measurement methodology,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. Posted online 16 April 2024. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, refs., etc.)

    N.B. Contributing authors from China, India, Jamaica, Mexico and Rwanda.

    12.7 ‘A mixed-methods systematic review investigating the use of digital health interventions to provide palliative and end-of-life care for patients in low- and middle-income countries,’ Palliative Care & Social Practice. Posted online 12 April 2024. Full text

    N.B. Contributing authors from Sri Lanka.

    12.8 ‘Impact of training on knowledge, confidence and attitude amongst community health volunteers in the provision of community-based palliative care in rural Kenya,’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 11 April 2024. Full text

    Research (Protocol): ‘Palliative care needs of people and/or their families with serious and/or chronic health conditions in low- or middle-income country humanitarian settings: A systematic scoping review protocol,’ Systematic Reviews (U.K.). Posted online 11 April 2024. Full text

    News Media Reports of Interest:Is China ready for hospice care?Sixth Tone, 1 May 2024; ‘Cancer patients in Uzbekistan dying for want of palliative care,’ The Times of Central Asia, 9 April 2024.

Hospital & Community-Based Palliative Care Multidisciplinary Teams

  1. ‘Multidisciplinary team meetings in palliative care: An ethnographic study,’ BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care (U.K.). Posted online 30 April 2024. Full text 


    13.2 ‘Stress factors for the paediatric and adult palliative care multidisciplinary team and workplace wellbeing solutions,’ Healthcare (Romania). Posted online 23 April 2024. Full text

Care Planning & Serious Illness Conversations

  1. ‘Outcomes of a multi-site mentored implementation approach to promoting goals-of-care conversations,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management (U.S.). Posted online 30 April 2024. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, refs., etc.) 


    14.2 ‘Exploring the role of nurses in advance care planning within long-term care homes: A qualitative study,’ Sage Open Nursing (Canada). Posted online 29 April 2024. Full text

     14.3 ‘“They must have seen it, you know.” Body talk, extension talk, and action talk: A qualitative study on how palliative care patients and their significant others express experiencing these non-verbal cues,’ Plos One (Sweden). Posted online 17 April 2024. Full text

    14.4 ‘Goals-of-care among patients with advanced cancer and their family caregivers in the last years of life,’ JAMA Open Network (Singapore). Posted online 11 April 2024. Full text

    14.5 ‘“It’s not making a decision, it’s prompting the discussions”: A qualitative study exploring stakeholders’ views on the acceptability and feasibility of advance research planning...,’ Research Square (U.K.). Posted online 9 April 2024. Full text

    N.B. This is a preprint; it has not been peer reviewed by a journal.

    14.6 ‘Communication in palliative care and about end of life: A state-of-the-art literature review of conversation-analytic research in healthcare,’ Research on Language & Social Interaction (U.K.). Posted online 3 April 2024. Full text


  1. ‘Development and validation of impact of early integration of palliative care and oncology (IEI PCO) questionnaire: A survey for medical oncologists and nurses,’ BMC Palliative Care (Kuwait). Posted online 26 April 2024. Full text 


    15.2 ‘Oncology social workers’ involvement in palliative care: Secondary data analysis from nationwide oncology social workers survey,’ Palliative & Supportive Care (U.S.). Posted online 24 April 2024. Full text

Neuropalliative Care

  1. ‘A palliative care goals model for people with dementia and their family: Consensus achieved in an international Delphi study,’ Palliative Medicine. Posted online 18 April 2024. Full text 

    N.B. Contributing authors from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Japan, The Netherlands, Portugal, and U.K.: ‘2024 Alzheimer's Disease Facts & Figures,’ Alzheimer’s Association (U.S.), May 2024.


    16.2 ‘Future policy and research for advance care planning in dementia: Consensus recommendations from an international Delphi panel of the European Association for Palliative Care,’ The Lancet: Healthy Longevity). Posted online 9 April 2024. Full text

    16.3 ‘Winners, losers or ties? What game theory contributes to analysing a care network for patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A pilot project with a mixed-method approach,’ Research Square (Germany). Posted online 9 April 2024. Full text

    N.B. This is a preprint; it has not been peer reviewed by a journal.

    Website Posting of Interest:Advance care planning in dementia: Announcing the EAPC task force’s second white paper,’ European Association for Palliative Care, 6 May 2024.

End-of-Life Care Behind Bars

  1. ‘How do people in prison access palliative care?: A scoping review of models of palliative care delivery for people in prison in high-income countries,’ Palliative Medicine (U.K.). Posted online 16 April 2024. Full text 

    N.B. ‘End-of-Life Care in the Prison Environment,’ a “backgrounder,” dated 1 August 2022, can be downloaded from the Palliative Care Network website. Supplements #1, #2 & #3 (July, September, November 2023) can be downloaded. Supplements #4, #5 & #6 (January, March, May 2024) can be downloaded.

Aged, Long-Term & Residential Care

  1. ‘The involvement of caregivers in the end-of-life care of an older adult living in a long-term care home: A qualitative case study with nurses and relatives,’ Canadian Journal of Nursing Research (Canada). Posted online 15 April 2024. Full text 


    18.2 ‘The epidemiology of dying within 48 hours of presentation to emergency departments: A retrospective cohort study of older people across Australia and New Zealand,’ Age & Ageing. Posted online 9 April 2024. strong>Fulltrong>

    News Media Report of Interest: ‘Demand for palliative care services expected to surge as number of Australians aged over 85 grows,’ ABC News (Australia), 14 April 2024:

Intensive Care Unit

  1. ‘Family members’ feedback on the “quality of death” of adult patients who died in intensive care units and the factors affecting the death quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis Cureus (Japan). Posted online 15 April 2024. Full text


    19.2 ‘Palliative care clinicians’ views on metrics for successful specialist palliative care delivery in the ICU,’ Journal of Pain & Symptom Management (U.S.). Posted online 15 April 2024. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, refs., etc.)

    19.3 ‘Variations in reporting of nurse involvement in end-of-life practices in intensive care units worldwide (ETHICUS-2): A prospective observational study,’ International Journal of Nursing Studies. Posted online 11 April 2024. Abstract (w. intro., section snippets, refs., etc.)

    N.B. Contributing authors from Canada, Israel, France, Germany, Mexico, Norway, Spain, Switzerland and U.S.

Quality of Palliative & End-of-Life Care

  1. ‘Patient altruism at the end of life: A scoping review,’ Palliative & Supportive Care (Switzerland). Posted online 12 April 2024. Full text 


    20.2.‘Quality of palliative and end-of-life care: A quantitative study of temporal trends and differences according to illness trajectories in Quebec (Canada),’ BMC Palliative Care. Posted online 10 April 2024. Full text

Website Postings of Interest 


  1. Palliative care sector unites to give stark warning to next government,’ eHospice (U.K.), 7 May 2024.


     1.2How much do we really value end-of-life care?,’ University of Birmingham (U.K.), 23 April 2024.

    1.3Hospice sector facing collective deficit of £77million,’ Hospice UK (U.K.), 15 April 2024.

  2. ‘An essential part of the hospice: A report into the role of the Men’s Sheds in hospices,’ Marie Curie (U.K.). Posted online 22 April 2024. Downland report

    N.B.Setting up a Men's Shed’ website.

  3. The value and economic benefits of palliative care in primary care: An international perspective,’ eHospice (European Association of Palliative Care), 11 April 2024.
  4. National End-of-Life Survey finds majority of people feel their loved ones receive very good end-of-life care in Ireland, but areas for improvement remain,’ Health Information & Quality Authority, 11 April 2024.

North America

  1. Barriers to care: An Inuit perspective,’ Canadian Virtual Hospice (Canada), 9 May 2024.
  2. A critical examination of ethnocultural considerations in the Canadian volunteer hospice palliative care landscape,’ Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (Canada), 24 April 2024.

Selected News Media Reports  


  1. The proposal to label it [i.e., palliative care] “accompaniment care” leads to regrettable confusion,’ West Observer (France), 25 April 2024.
  2. A congress across borders to cooperate on palliative care,’ Nuova Europa (Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, the Balkans), 13 April 2024.

North America

  1. A survey reveals that palliative care remains a taboo subject in Quebec,’ DayFR Euro (Canada), 6 May 2024.
  2. An unexpected beacon of peace: What Israelis and Palestinians teach Canada about palliative care,’ The Hamilton Spectator, 3 May 2024.