Grantee details

Traveling Scholars Program Report

Julio Cesar Rojas Tencio, MD

Travel date: March 6, 2024

Name of Meeting/Event/Activity: XI Congreso Latino americano de Cuidados Paliativos

Origin: San Jose, Costa Rica / Destination: Cartagena, Colombia

How was this meeting/activity helpful to you?

I really don't have the experience of having previously made scientific publications in magazines, only some posters. But after seeing the incredible work done by colleagues, I feel the desire to start incorporating this into our work areas and of course all the collaboration that can be obtained through those who have already had the opportunity and initiative is extremely important.

What were the three main takeaways from this conference/event

Palliative care focuses on improving the quality of life of patients with serious or terminal illnesses, and a common conclusion is often the importance of a comprehensive approach that addresses not only the physical aspects of care, but also the emotional, social and spiritual aspects.
The importance of continuing education and training for health professionals in the field of palliative care is often highlighted. This includes both doctors and nurses as well as social workers, psychologists and other professionals involved in caring for patients at this stage.
Palliative care often requires an interdisciplinary approach, where different professionals work as a team to provide the best possible care to the patient and their family. At conferences, the importance of collaboration between doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, chaplains and other professionals to offer comprehensive and coordinated care is often emphasized.

Did you attend a session or workshop on improving availability and access to medicines for palliative care? If yes, describe how you plan to improve the availability and safe and rational use of medicines in palliative care in your institution, city, or country

Improving access to essential medicines in palliative care is crucial to ensure that patients with serious or terminal illnesses receive relief from pain and other symptoms, as well as the support necessary to improve their quality of life. Some ways access to these medications could be improved:
Appropriate policies and regulations: It is important that governments establish policies and regulations that facilitate access to the medications necessary for palliative care. This may include removing bureaucratic barriers, simplifying prescribing and dispensing procedures, and ensuring that medicines are available in public health systems.
Training and training: It is essential to train health professionals in the prescription, administration and management of medications used in palliative care. This includes not only doctors and nurses, but also pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who may be involved in the care of these patients.
Equitable access: All patients must be ensured to have equitable access to essential palliative care medications, regardless of geographic location, socioeconomic status, or health insurance status. This may require the implementation of subsidy programs or free access for those who cannot pay for medications.
Collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry: It is important to encourage collaboration between the public and private sectors, including the pharmaceutical industry, to ensure the availability and accessibility of essential medicines for palliative care. This may include negotiating affordable prices, local production of needed medicines, and developing policies that prioritize access to these medicines.
Public education: Public education about the importance of palliative care and the need for access to essential medicines is also crucial. This can help reduce the stigma associated with palliative care and promote greater awareness of patients' rights to receive appropriate treatment to relieve pain and suffering at the end of life.

Did you attend a session or workshop on education in palliative care? If applicable, describe how you plan to enact changes to curricula in your academic institution

Teaching provides health professionals with the skills necessary to address the physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of palliative care. This includes pain management, effective communication, grief management, and patient-centered care.
Through teaching, awareness is raised about the importance of palliative care both among health professionals and in society in general. This helps overcome the stigma associated with terminal illness and death, and promotes greater understanding and support for patients and their families.
Likewise, adequate training in palliative care leads to an improvement in the quality of care provided to patients at the end of life. Trained professionals are better equipped to meet the unique needs of patients and their families, resulting in more comprehensive and compassionate care.

Do you have any suggestions on how you think the IAHPC Scholarship Program can be improved to help future scholars?

I really think that the work you do is excellent and I have no suggestions
