Grantee details

Traveling Scholars Program Report

Julia Camargo, Nurse

Travel date: March 6, 2024

Name of Meeting/Event/Activity: XI Congreso Latino Americano de Cuidados Paliativos

Origin: Sao Paulo, Brazil / Destination: Cartagena, Colombia

How will you new knowledge & acquired skills help in furthering your work in hospice and palliative care in your program/city/ or country?

Yes, at the Congres I was able to meet other professionals interested in research and producing on the same topic as me.
Understanding that it is an emerging topic, I was able to return to my institution with the desire to better explore the challenges for decision-making for patients at the end of life, both for patients and families, but especially for professionals and their different decision-making profiles, as well as encouraging more nurses to write and report their research, this way this year we will be able to propose a palliative care symposium at my institution where there will be an important incentive for the multidisciplinary team to report their experiences and research.

What were the three main takeaways from this conference/event

What impressed me was the fact that people around the world have the same interest in bringing palliative care and its philosophy based in scientific evidence. as well as identifying the difference that exists between policies, professional training and specialties in different countries. Some challenges that I experience in Brazil are challenges that are present in other countries as well.

Did you attend a session or workshop on education in palliative care? If applicable, describe how you plan to enact changes to curricula in your academic institution

Workshop from two educative experiences with Dra. Rut Kiman, Dr. Mark Stoltenberg and Dra. Marcela Specos. In addition to bringing the Kobi concepts that I had already come into contact with before, they presented the educational strategy in an immersive way, making me permeate the learning styles. I felt like I was being introduced to the topic at the same time that I participated in the practice of this strategy.
I intend to use the discussions presented at the congress about different educational programs in other countries as a basis for discussions in my country, for example, I was able to identify that the same problem was found in my country due to having a palliative care curriculum at undergraduate level and not having trained professionals. Tor teaching is an extremely relevant topic and is present in other countries. Therefore, I understand it as an important mission of mine as a palliative nurse to invest in teaching and training professionals who provide direct care to patients, equipping them with the principles of general palliative care and empowering these professionals to provide care using the best practices.

Did you attend any sessions or workshops on research in palliative care? If so, describe ways you will enact what you learned in your research projects

I watched this class: What is not published does not exist: What you need to know to write and publish an article on palliative care (adults and pediatrics)". This was very important for me as a researcher because I was able to learn how a magazine's editorial process works.
And, the step-by-step process of a researcher going through the submission process, cheering on the reviewers, returning the research to sort out the reviewer's suggestions, and sending it again... the waiting, the expectation for the publication... It was cool to know that very researcher goes through this and that you have lot of resilience.

Did you submit an abstract for a poster and/or an oral presentation and if so was/were they accepted? What was/were the title(s)?

Evolução Histórica do Conforto no Cuidado de Enfermagem ao Pacientes Oncológico em Fim de Vida: Uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura
Qualidade da assistência em cuidados de fim de vida em pacientes com Glioblastoma Multiforme
Relação entre características de profissionais de saúde e o respeito à autonomia de pacientes oncológicos em fase final de vida

Presenting my work at the Congress in poster format was a big challenge, both because of the language and because of the different themes of my projects. Talking about decision-making and seeing its application in research has been an important line of research that I have followed in my doctorate as well, hearing opinions and discussing the topic was enriching and the suggestions and provocations made served as motivation to continue developing research and seeking new knowledge and scientific publications.
