Grantee details

Traveling Scholars Program Report

Nicolas Dawidowicz, DR

Travel date: March 6, 2024

Name of Meeting/Event/Activity: XI Congreso Latino Americano de Cuidados Paliativos

Origin: Buenos Aires, Argentina / Destination: Cartagena, Colombia

How will you new knowledge & acquired skills help in furthering your work in hospice and palliative care in your program/city/ or country?

There where many interesting interactions that foster future collaborations in education and program implementation

What were the three main takeaways from this conference/event

1. Use of alfa2 adrenergic for pain/delirium
2. Use of methylene blue oral rinse for oral mucositis
3. Experience of Ketamine use for pain

Did you attend a session or workshop on improving availability and access to medicines for palliative care? If yes, describe how you plan to improve the availability and safe and rational use of medicines in palliative care in your institution, city, or country

We organized a 6 hour workshop on access to essential medicines, together with the ALCP Commission for Access to essential Medicines, there where around 80 participants, with full interaction. It was organized with the structure of a strategic planning, finishing with take home messages and possible action plans.

Did you attend a session or workshop on education in palliative care? If applicable, describe how you plan to enact changes to curricula in your academic institution

The meeting of the City Cancer Challenge experience was useful as it allowed networking building and showed interesting results of PC implementation programs in different settings. I highlight the opportunity to add proposals, new projects and ideas
