Travel date: March 6, 2024
Name of Meeting/Event/Activity: XI Congreso Latino americano de Cuidados Paliativos
Origin: Guatemala, Guatemala / Destination: Cartagena, Colombia
I am very interested in being able to publish, together with other colleagues in Central America, a research that we did focused on
palliative psychology. Likewise, I realized that a project that I have in mind, through which Palliative Care will be made known not only
to the person who can receive it but to the population in general, can have a great impact not only for Guatemala but for the region.
• Create connections to grow the reach of Palliative Care in the region.
• Compassion as part of palliative care, taking into consideration the humanity of patients in their illness and end-of-life process.
• Promote all professions within Palliative Care, in my case specifically psychology, not only in Latin America but worldwide.
Expandiendo los roles del Psicólogo en relación con los cuidados paliativos.
PhD Psic. Sofía Zambrano (COL-SUI), Mtra. Alexandra. Aceituno (GUA), Mg. Psic Alex Armando Arita (SAL), Psic. Ana García Pérez
(URU), Psic. Lorena Etcheverry (ARG).
TRABAJO DISTINGUIDO: Relación entre el sufrimiento y el grado de soledad, la interacción social y la percepción de los síntomas en
pacientes con cáncer avanzado en cuidados paliativos
Dra. Ana Higuita Rendón (COL).
COORDINADORA: Mtra. Alexandra Aceituno (GUA).
¿Cómo poner en marcha un Hospice en Latinoamérica (niños y adultos).
Dr. José Mario López Saca. La Cima (SAL),
CEC. Myriam Ríos. Villa de la Esperanza (GUA), Psic Lorena Etcheverry. Madre Teresa (ARG), Dr. Juan Carlos Hernández. Presentes
(COL) y Dra. Mónica Gana Arteaga, Fundación Casa Familia (hospice Casa de Luz) (CHI).
COORDINADOR: Mag. Psic. Alex Armando Arita (SAL).
Autocuidado: jugando y sanando.
Mtra. Alexandra Aceituno (GUA) y Dra. Psic. Nancy Rangel Domínguez (MÉX).