Grantee details

Traveling Scholars Program Report

Alexandra Aceituno, Psychologist

Travel date: March 6, 2024

Name of Meeting/Event/Activity: XI Congreso Latino americano de Cuidados Paliativos

Origin: Guatemala, Guatemala / Destination: Cartagena, Colombia

Narrative summary highlighting the needs and challanges you face

I am very interested in being able to publish, together with other colleagues in Central America, a research that we did focused on
palliative psychology. Likewise, I realized that a project that I have in mind, through which Palliative Care will be made known not only
to the person who can receive it but to the population in general, can have a great impact not only for Guatemala but for the region.

What were the three main takeaways from this conference/event

• Create connections to grow the reach of Palliative Care in the region.
• Compassion as part of palliative care, taking into consideration the humanity of patients in their illness and end-of-life process.
• Promote all professions within Palliative Care, in my case specifically psychology, not only in Latin America but worldwide.

Did you submit an abstract for a poster and/or an oral presentation and if so was/were they accepted? What was/were the title(s)?

Expandiendo los roles del Psicólogo en relación con los cuidados paliativos.
PhD Psic. Sofía Zambrano (COL-SUI), Mtra. Alexandra. Aceituno (GUA), Mg. Psic Alex Armando Arita (SAL), Psic. Ana García Pérez
(URU), Psic. Lorena Etcheverry (ARG).
TRABAJO DISTINGUIDO: Relación entre el sufrimiento y el grado de soledad, la interacción social y la percepción de los síntomas en
pacientes con cáncer avanzado en cuidados paliativos
Dra. Ana Higuita Rendón (COL).
COORDINADORA: Mtra. Alexandra Aceituno (GUA).
¿Cómo poner en marcha un Hospice en Latinoamérica (niños y adultos).
Dr. José Mario López Saca. La Cima (SAL),
CEC. Myriam Ríos. Villa de la Esperanza (GUA), Psic Lorena Etcheverry. Madre Teresa (ARG), Dr. Juan Carlos Hernández. Presentes
(COL) y Dra. Mónica Gana Arteaga, Fundación Casa Familia (hospice Casa de Luz) (CHI).
COORDINADOR: Mag. Psic. Alex Armando Arita (SAL).
Autocuidado: jugando y sanando.
Mtra. Alexandra Aceituno (GUA) y Dra. Psic. Nancy Rangel Domínguez (MÉX).
