Grantee details

Traveling Scholars Program Report

Kathleen Grimm, MD

Travel date: October 18, 2022

Name of Meeting/Event/Activity: McGill International Palliative Care Congress

Origin: Buffalo, New York, USA / Destination: Virtual Attendance, Canada


How was this meeting/activity helpful to you?

This meeting renewed my personal commitment to teach those I touch in training to know of the global context and need for advocacy, and increased awareness of the international stage for provision of palliative care.

How will you new knowledge & acquired skills help in furthering your work in hospice and palliative care in your program/city/ or country?

I was honored with the award of a scholarship to attend virtually. The poignant and passionate presentations and panel discussions were grounded in the shared humanity of relieving suffering of persons who are seriously ill. I will commit myself to advocate for all clinicians in training where I work to think globally as advocates.

How IAHPC Traveling Scholars Program be improved in order to help other future traveling scholars?

Although there was tremendous benefit to attending the sessions virtually, the loss was the ability to network, and I would strongly encourage in person attendance for any future scholarships.
