Grantee details

Traveling Scholars Program Report

Nicoleta Mitrea, DR

Travel date: October 7, 2020

Name of Meeting/Event/Activity: 11th EAPC Research Congress - Online

Origin: Brasov, Romania / Destination: Vilvoorde, Belgium

How was this meeting/activity helpful to you?

I tried to follow as many tracks I could, only several of them I’ve inserted here. It was such a positive experience to meet with colleagues all over the world, follow the presentations, here the work of great clinicians, recommendations from publicists, etc. Struggles are similar. It was a relieve to know that the pandemic impact on Palliative Care services and challenges were similar mainly all over the world. And, still continue the good work, still providing good quality of care, still doing education and conducting research.

How will you new knowledge & acquired skills help in furthering your work in hospice and palliative care in your program/city/ or country?

The main educational oriented lessons learned is related to the on-line format of the congress. It has been an easy, fantastic experience to follow the congress diverse program through the platform provided. In this time of global pandemic situation, it will be useful for all National Palliative Care Associations to develop and run such platforms. Hopefully in Romania, at least. From the advocacy perspective, there are several posters that presented advocacy projects, tools, successes that hopefully we’ll get implemented in the process of developing Palliative Care Specialized services also in our country.

How IAHPC Traveling Scholars Program be improved in order to help other future traveling scholars?

It has been a blessing to be able to participate at the 11th EAPC World Research Congress, participation facilitated through the IAHPC Scholars program. Thank you.

Narrative summary highlighting the needs and challanges you face

The development of Palliative Care services in Romania has been a trip for the last 28 years that still continues. There are now multiple locations and multiple types of services developed. Each learning opportunity has made us advocates stronger and better equipped to develop our advocacy plans and policy initiatives for change. This current opportunity has helped me emerged in the experience of other Palliative Care professionals, experts, educators, researchers around the world, in this time of pandemic crisis, when challenges have been of a different matter and intensity. I was fascinated by the way the conference has been organized in the on-line environment and how easy was to access the sessions. Thank you again for this wonderful and unique opportunity. With respect and all the best wishes,
