Travel date: April 11, 2018
Name of Meeting/Event/Activity: IX Congreso Latinoamericano de Cuidados Paliativos de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Cuidados Paliativos (ALCP)
Origin: Buenos Aires, Argentina / Destination: Santiago, Chile
It was my first activity in the Latin American setting. It allowed to me relate the names with the faces, and share the issues of PC in each of our countries, knowing the people, and forge closer bonds for the future
I will try to improve my PCU, applying concepts related to structure, processes and results
A strict selection process targeted to people from resource-poor countries will be useful to enhance knowledge on palliative care.
Apply new knowledge related to the latest research in PC, such as new drugs and new scales and questionnaires. New tools acquired are important to improve quality of care. There is a need for quality certification. To reach international standards would surely result in a benefit for our practice. The gap between medical practice and health policies should be overcome. This should be managed at a national level. We all have difficulties to solve