Grantee details

Traveling Scholars Program Report

Margarita Chacon Roger

Travel date: April 14, 2016

Name of Meeting/Event/Activity: VIII Latin American Congress on Palliative Care

Origin: La Habana, Cuba / Destination: Mexico City, Mexico

How was this meeting/activity helpful to you?

The event over fulfilled my expectations for the broad participation of professionals from across the region, the reunion with colleagues, exchange of experience and closely observe the progress, strengths and weaknesses in the region. The broad participation of professionals allowed a real technical and human scientific exchange was achieved. Knowledge of what happens in each of the countries enriched us, allowed us to know the similarities and differences according to various cultural, economic and geographical contexts, which helps Palliative Care contextualization according to the characteristics. The diversity of work, modalities and speakers allowed to begin the analysis that we have and that we can continue doing. In this event, this 4 print two main author and speaker and two as coauthor, presented by other speaker. Participating in the General Assembly of Members allowed me to meet the incremneto of its members and the current status (use of resources, activities, etc.) and the future headquarters. I was invited to participate in the Special Session coordinated by Whpca, which was aimed at strengthening palliative care as part of comprehensive treatment throughout life, according to the resolution of the World Health Assembly; the workshop was of great importance as it will join efforts to implement the resolution in my country. In fact, on my return to Cuba I held an office with the ministerial body which coordinates the palativo care so that you can develop an Action Plan aimed at implementing it. It was very nice exchange with other professionals who received the grant to strengthen ties and share the benefit achieved with the scholarship. For all the above, I appreciate the support I received otherwise not have been able to participate or to represent my country and to my colleagues.

How will you new knowledge & acquired skills help in furthering your work in hospice and palliative care in your program/city/ or country?

In my country I participate in all strategies palliative care program. Learned in this event helps me from all points of view. First, there has been an update about the best treatments and ways to achieve effective control of symptoms, in this sense knowledge gained will help me continue to urge decision-makers on how best to use resources and making more informed DECISIONS and effectiveness, I can make better suggestions and recommendations professionals both teams as managers and decision makers. Moreover, acquired and systematized knowledge in this event will serve to advise me in preparing the Plan of Action to implement the resolution of the World Health Assembly in 2014. To date, the Cuban program fundamentalmnete addressed to patients with cancer, this event helps me see the best way to incorporate all the sick who need it, as well as working on strengthening the quality of palliative care as a strategy to improve and have reliable statistics and incremnetar the quality of service provided.

How IAHPC Traveling Scholars Program be improved in order to help other future traveling scholars?

One way to improve this form of support, would increase its potential acquisition of funds, as more professionals would benefit developing countries. To this end, it could promote the realization of research projects finaciados by sponsoring different sources developed country (state and private); these projects would generate funds and new knowledge that will be put in terms of improving care for patients and increased knowledge in the professional skills acquired by professionals involved in the project could be multiplied with its presentation at events of this kind, which would help to generalize the conocimeinto.

Narrative summary highlighting the needs and challanges you face

Palliative care represents a challenge and a break with past practice care, team work led to the comprehensive care of patients in advanced stages and their families proves it. Being part of a team whose mission is to organize, implement and evaluate the actions of palliative care in the country, we consider it as an opportunity to be part of the change that is generated in this area. Participate in the event broadened the Horizante of our performance, increase knowledge, according to self-assess and do other actions we can do. The knowledge gained at the event will identify areas for improvement and seek new ways to achieve greater impact on the actions that are now made, but also allowed to continue the exchange with other professionals and discuss areas in which they can undertake work together toward the better development of our countries. The next two years will be an appropriate time as a temporary goal to return to self-assess at the regional level, the next event will be considered another time cutting to know that we have progressed according to the regional context to which we belong. In short, participate in this event gave me the opportunity to increase knowledge, contextualize and have tools that allow us to undertake the search for improvements using indicators not only process but also results and impact.
