2024 Advocacy Initiatives

77th World Health Assembly

IAHPC Statement WHA77 Social Determinants of Heath 15.1
IAHPC Statement WH77 Materna. Child Health
IAHPC Statement WHA77 GPW14 Controlled Medicines

Symposium: “Towards a Narrative of Hope: An International Interfaith Symposium on Palliative Care” to be held in Toronto, Canada, from 21-23 May 2024

14th Open Ended Working Group on Ageing

67th Session Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Recording of IAHPC/Belgium Side Event at CND 67

IAHPC response Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of All Human Rights by Older Persons on legal capacity and informed consent


Key Challenges and New Developments in Ensuring Access to Medicines, Vaccines and other Health Products

67th Meeting of Commission on Narcotic Drugs and Mid-Term Review

March 2024

135th meeting of the World Health Organization Executive Board

January 22-27, 2024

Advocacy Program