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Literature Search (2023-2024)
Global Palliative Care Database (2021)
Palliative Care Essentials
Consensus-Based Definition of Palliative Care (2019)
Opioid Price Watch (2016, 2018)
Global Data Platform to calculate SHS and Palliative Care Need
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Global Directory of Palliative Care Institutions and Organizations
Global Directory of Educational Programs in Palliative Care
Pallipedia: Palliative Care Dictionary
Pain Assessment and Management Course
Comprehensive Symptom Assessment and Management Course
Advocacy Course for global, regional, and national advocacy for palliative care
Practical Aspects in Chronic Pain Treatment (in Spanish)
Peace in SHS and at the End of Life
Palliative Care in Neurological Conditions
IAHPC Publications
IAHPC Special Issue on Assisted Dying Practices
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Book Reviews
Getting Started
Manual of Palliative Care
Palliative Care in the Developing World
The IAHPC: Advancing Hospice and Palliative Care Worldwide
Palliative Care Advocacy: Why Does It Matter?
Palliative Care and Covid-19 Series - Briefing Notes Compilation
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Policy and Ethics
Policy Frameworks and Norms
Civil Society Initiatives
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IAHPC Interventions
Collected IAHPC Statements to WHOEB 140 on Dementia, World Drug Problem, SDGs, etc.
IAHPC/VNGOC Intervention at CND Intersessional 2017 on Twin Opioid Crises
IAHPC statement Friday July 7 OEWG8
IAHPC Statement on Medicines EB140
IAHPC statement to WHO EB140 on promoting the health of migrants and refugees
IAHPC/WHPCA Interventions at WHA 70
IAHPC WHPCA Statement on WHA Report on Progress towards the SDGs
Joint Statement for WHO Europe RC67 on Refugee Health
Montevideo Roadmap WHO on NCDs
Open Ended Working Group 8 IAHPC Statement
ORAL IAHPC WHPCA Intervention on Agenda Item 16.3 Women's Children's Adolescent 's Health
Balanced Opioid Systems Collaborative Paper
Catholic Church Teachings on Palliative Care and Pain Medicine
KP Remarks VNGOC Side Event CND 60
Palliative care and controlled medicines at WHOEB 140
Pallium India joins International palliative care organizations to urge governments to ensure balanced access to opioids for pain relief
Resources and Articles, Right of Older Persons to Long Term and Palliative Care
Special Event on Access CND 60
VNGOC Side Event CND 60
WHA 70 Agenda Palliative Care Advocacy
APCA KAMPALA 2016 presentation
Human Rights Council Side Event Rights of Older Refugees
Improving Access to Palliative Care for Persons with Disabilities: A Human Rights Perspective
. Social Forum 2016.
Palliative Care for Children with Disabilities
Palliative Care for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
Palliative Care for the Deaf Social Forum
NGO Joint Statement- 5(c) Action plan for NCDs
Reasons for drug policy reform: millions of people are left with untreated pain
Palliative Care for Older Persons
IAHPC Statement 7th OEWGA
Second IAHPC Statement 7th OEWGA Interactive Dialogue with Civil Society
Statement on Refugee and Migrant Health - Final
The global and regional frameworks for the provision of palliative care: the human rights and public health approach. Dainius Pūras
UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health
5th African Palliative care conference
Kampala, Uganda
VNGOC statement to PGA, CND, CPCJ 251116
Women's children's adolescents' health and human rights WHO Consultation
IAHPC Advocacy Officer statement at Commission on Narcotic Drugs Intersessional on UNGASS Sept. 24 2015
AU Draft Protocol on Rights of Older Persons APCA Letter
UNGASS Civil Society Task Force - Guidance for Survey
Open Society Foundations. Older People and the Right to Freedom from Suffering
Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa, Open Society Foundation for South Africa and Open Society Institute. Legal Aspects of Palliative Care (2009)
Human Rights Watch Report. Global State of Pain Treatment: Access to Medicines and Palliative Care (2011)
Human Rights Watch Report. Needless Pain Government Failure to Provide Palliative Care for Children in Kenya (2010)
Human Rights Watch Report. Unbearable Pain: India’s Obligation to Ensure Palliative Care (2009)
Human Rights Watch Report. Uncontrolled Pain: Ukraine’s Obligation to Ensure Evidence-Based Palliative Care (2011)
INTERIGHTS The International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights. Human Rights Abuses and Health Care (2011)
The Mayday Fund. A Call to Revolutionize Chronic Pain Care in America: An Opportunity in Health Care Reform (2009)
Legal Rights of Children in Palliative Care (chapter 8). Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa (2011)
Open Society Foundations. Access to Palliative Care: A Neglected Component of the Right to Health A Report on the Human Rights Council Side Event June 2011. Published April 2013
European Association for Palliative Care. The Prague Charter –Palliative Care, a Human Right (2013)
World Medical Association. Resolution on the Access to Adequate Treatment (2011)
IAHPC – WPCA Joint Declaration and Statement of Commitment on Palliative Care and Pain Treatment as Human Rights. Available in English, French, Spanish and Russian. Click
Access to pain relief: an essential human right. A report for World Hospice and Palliative Care. Published by Help the Hospices for the Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance, 2007
Human Rights Watch Report “Please Do Not Make Us Suffer Any More…Access To Pain Treatment As A Human Right.” (2008)
Korea Declaration on Hospice and Palliative Care, March 2005
Morphine consumption in the world: Countries with the highest and lowest consumption in 2006. Pain and Policy Studies Group, WHO Collaborating Center in Policy and Communications for Cancer Care, Madison, 2008
Palliative Care and Human Rights: A Resource Guide. Open Society Institute and Equitas. New York: OSI, 2007.
Panama Proclamation – Pain and Palliative Care as Human Rights. Federation of Latin American IASP Chapters, May 2008.
UNAIDS/UNHCR International Guidelines on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights: 2006 Consolidated version
Open Society Foundations. Palliative Care as a Human Right. Fact Sheet (2010)