Global Directory of Palliative Care Institutions and Organizations

Listing details

Coma Communication and Process Oriented Facilitation

We provide support and communication training for people in states of forgetfulness, advanced dementia, delirium, vegetative state, and coma from trauma and metabolic changes at end of life. Dying brings with it dreaming and altered states of consciousness.
Can we as carers learn to notice, follow, and engage, the communication signals of someone no longer using their language in a familiar way, or who may only respond through changes in their breath patterns. Can we be present and travel with them as they journey through differing states of consciousness, whether from nearing the end of their physical life, or during the years of forgetfulness, or from accident or injury. The spirit of a person, their essential nature, is always present and yes, there are ways to stay deeply and wonderfully engaged in a way that provides them with the fullest possibility for relationship and growth. Deep - engaging - sensory grounded - learnable - humane - healing.
North America
British Columbia
Victoria, Metulia
1281 Denman Street, Victoria, Metulia, Coast Salish Territory, British Columbia, Canada
Website/Social media page
[email protected]
Contact person
Stan Tomandl - Ann Jacob

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Last update: June 25, 2024
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