Global Directory of Palliative Care Institutions and Organizations

Listing details

Institute of Oncology - Palliative Care and Medical Rehabilitation Department

The Oncological Institute of the Republic of Moldova was founded in October 1960. Palliative care in the Oncology Institute began to be provided with the organization of the oncology service in the Republic. The specialized palliative care service started its activity in 2008. At the base of the creation of the center is the activity of the Multidisciplinary Mobile Team in Palliative Care from the Oncological Institute, supported by the Soros Foundation Moldova. Service profile: providing palliative care to cancer patients, including: Consultation of patients with pain and other symptoms; Consultation with relatives and caregivers on palliative care issues; Support and consultancy of medical staff; Psychological support for patients and caregivers; Promoting palliative care in the republic; Educational and scientific activities related to cancer pain, the treatment of pain syndrome and the control of symptoms.
Republic of Moldova
Testemitanu 30
Website/Social media page
[email protected]
Contact person
Dr. Vadim Pogonet

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Last update: June 25, 2024
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