Global Directory of Palliative Care Institutions and Organizations

Listing details

Fundación Cudeca-Cudeca Hospice

Academic Institution (University, College),Patient Care Institution (Hospital, Clinic, Medical Office),Civil Society (Association Foundation). To change the process of dying to a process of living. Although we cannot add days to life, in Cudeca we try to add quality of life to days through our “special kind of caring”. We want to become a reference in taking care of patients and their families by providing palliative care through our services. Develop holistic and innovative models in the treatment of any kind of suffering, providing relief to suffering through a holistic approach based on a multidisciplinary team, and seeking the highest comfort for patients and their family. Extending the philosophy and knowledge of palliative care in our community by specialized training activities. Contributing to the development of palliative care through research.
Avenida del Cosmos, Benalmádena, Spain 29631
Website/Social media page
Contact person
Rafael Gómez García - Assistential Manager

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Last update: October 7, 2024
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