Palliative Care Services Alleo Health System
Palliative Care Services is the leading provider of Palliative Care in 31 counties throughout Tennessee, Georgia, and North Carolina. Palliative Care is ongoing treatment throughout a serious illness. Our team serves patients who are struggling with advanced illness or complex medical conditions with a goal of helping to improve the quality of life. As a PCS patient, we will help you manage your symptoms, provide you with disease-specific education and always talk with you about your goals from the care we provide. We also provide you with a social worker to help you navigate your way through community resources and give emotional support for both patients and caregivers.
North America
United States of America
4411 Oakwood Drive, Building 3, Chattanooga, TN 37416
Website/Social media page
Contact person
Dr. Greg Phelps
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Last update: November 30, 2024
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