Global Directory of Palliative Care Institutions and Organizations

Listing details

"Jenny Karezi" Palliative Care Unit - National and Kapodistrian University

The "Jenny Karezi" Palliative Care Unit of the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, offers free integrated and specialized palliative care to chronic patients (cancer patients and non-cancer patients). The largest number of cases are patients with cancer in about 75%, while the remaining 25% include patients with chronic diseases. The Unit is staffed with specialized personnel. The purpose of the multidisciplinary team (doctors, nurses, psychologists) of our Unit is the complete and continuous care of the patient and his family. Controlling pain and other physical symptoms, as well as psychological, social and spiritual problems, is a priority for us as we aim to achieve the best possible quality of life for patients and their families
Korinthias 27 Ampelokipoi, 11526 Athens
Website/Social media page
Contact person
Prof. Kyriaki Mystakidou, MD,PhD

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Last update: June 25, 2024
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