Global Directory of Palliative Care Institutions and Organizations

Listing details

Hospice and Palliative Care Association of Zimbabwe (HOSPAZ)

Hospice and Palliative Care Association of Zimbabwe (HOSPAZ) is a national membership body, registered in Zimbabwe in 1999 as a private voluntary organisation (PVO 13/99). It has over 120 members who provide a wide range of comprehensive services throughout the country. The members comprise of palliative care service providers (hospices, home-based care & OVC care organisations, support groups of PLHIV and hospitals), with at least one member in each of the 62 districts. The organisation’s mission is to promote palliative care and support palliative care service providers, through capacity development, advocacy and membership coordination.
13 Lezard Avenue, Milton Park, Harare, Zimbabwe
Website/Social media page
Contact person
Eunice Garanganga

Red star: Hospice/Palliative Care unit - IAHPC Institutional Lifetime member
Orange star: Hospice/Palliative Care unit - IAHPC Institutional Member
Green dot: Hospice/Palliative Care unit

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Last update: June 25, 2024
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