Global Directory of Palliative Care Institutions and Organizations

Listing details

IPOR Instituto Peruano de Oncología & Radioterapia

The Instituto Peruano de Oncología & Radioterapia started its activities in 2004. Since then, its goal has been to become an institution of scientific reference with high standards of treatment in oncology and radiotherapy. In 2012, the institute became the first private centre to provide Medical Residency teaching in the areas of oncology and radiotherapy, contributing to the training of specialists in Peru. In the same year, the institute created the non-profit organization: Asociación Peruana Vidas Sin Cáncer, where objectives include contributing towards an adequate quality of life for the patient and their relatives, as well as promoting and preventing cancer in the general population. The institute offers the following services: Clinical oncology, Day clinic, Oncology nursing, Clinical trials, Radiotherapy, Radiosurgery, Home care programme, Hyperbaric chamber, Ambulance, Mobile Clinic, Psycho-oncology, Oncology nutrition, and Palliative and supportive care.
South America
Av Pablo Carriquiry 115, San Isidro 15036, Peru
Website/Social media page
Contact person
Dr. Wuilbert Rodriguez Pantigoso

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Last update: June 25, 2024
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