Global Directory of Palliative Care Institutions and Organizations

Listing details

The Duke Initiative for Science & Society Institute.

The Duke Initiative for Science & Society examines the integral role of science in law, policy, social institutions, and culture.
Our Mission:To maximize social benefit from scientific progress by making science more accessible, just, and better integrated into society.
Our Goals: To embed an understanding of the ethical, legal, and social implications of science into education and scientific research, conduct, and communication. To better integrate science into policy and legal decision-making. To improve science communication in order to enhance public understanding of science. To carry out and publish research on questions related to the integration of science and society.
North America
United States of America
North Carolina
304 Research Drive, Box 90222 Durham, NC 27708
Website/Social media page
Contact person
Dr. Emily Esmaili

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Last update: November 30, 2024
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