Global Directory of Palliative Care Institutions and Organizations

Listing details

Department of Palliative Medicine University of Bonn - Clinic for Palliative Medicine

The clinic for palliative medicine has a palliative medicine service. A palliative care unit (Saunders station) with 8 beds has been available since the end of 2014. An interdisciplinary team treats up to eight patients there. In addition, the Center for Palliative Medicine at the Maltese Hospital is available for inpatient care as well as for specialized outpatient palliative care (SAPV).
Universitätsklinikum Bonn, Venusberg-Campus 1, D-53127 Bonn
Website/Social media page
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Lukas Radbruch

Red star: Hospice/Palliative Care unit - IAHPC Institutional Lifetime member
Orange star: Hospice/Palliative Care unit - IAHPC Institutional Member
Green dot: Hospice/Palliative Care unit

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Last update: June 25, 2024
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