Global Directory of Palliative Care Institutions and Organizations

Listing details

SANAD- The Home Hospice Organization of Lebanon

SANAD is an independent non-governmental non-profit organization established in January 2010. It was the first in its field to deliver palliative and hospice care services in Lebanon. It provides holistic care to address the medical, psychological and social needs of patients and their caregivers. It strives to empower patients and their families to become skilled in their own care and allow them to make informed choices that are in line with their values and beliefs.
Chibli Bldg, 2nd Floor, Pierre Gemayel Ave., Matha, Beirut, Lebanon
Website/Social media page
Contact person
Dr. Salam Jalloul, MD - Medical DIrector

Red star: Hospice/Palliative Care unit - IAHPC Institutional Lifetime member
Orange star: Hospice/Palliative Care unit - IAHPC Institutional Member
Green dot: Hospice/Palliative Care unit

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Last update: June 25, 2024
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