Global Directory of Palliative Care Institutions and Organizations

Listing details

PCEA Chogoria Hospital

Chogoria hospital is situated on the eastern slopes of Mt. Kenya, 200 km from Nairobi, in Maura district. The Hospital's capacity is 312-beds and focuses on the provision of Curative, Preventive and Promotive health care services in the greater Meru and the surrounding areas of Embu, Mbeere, Isiolo and Marsabit districts. It also serves as a referral and teaching hospital. The hospital runs a palliative care program which targets the terminally ill patients (HIV and Cancers). Care is extended to patient's homes.
P.O. Box 35-60401, Chogoria Kenya
Website/Social media page
Contact person
Leonard Gitonga

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Last update: June 25, 2024
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