Global Directory of Educational Programs in Palliative Care

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Course affiliated with (name of Organization/University) Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto
Country Portugal
City Porto
Address Alameda Prof. Hernâni Monteiro, 4200-319
The program leads an official or formal degree? Yes
  • Doctorate (PhD)
Target audiences
  • Physicians
  • Administrative/Management/Finance
  • Advocacy
  • Communication
  • Geriatric Palliative Care
  • Grief and Bereavement
  • Health Care Policy
  • Palliative Medicine
  • Team Work
  • English
  • Portuguese
Frequency More than once per year
Length 3 years
  • Long distance
Cost of full tuition and fees Same rate/cost for all
Director Prof. Rui Nunes
Contact name Prof. Rui Nunes
Email [email protected]
Phone +351220426840
Learning objectives 1 The essential aim of this PhD in Palliative Care is that the student acquires knowledge in research in Palliative Care.
Learning objectives 2 The student must get the necessary skills and capacities for a more human and competent professional exercise in palliative care.
Learning objectives 3 There are three essential factors regarding the acquisition of the PhD in Palliative Care: the student must master a specific subject completely, the student must extend the body of knowledge about that subject, and he/she need to become a successful independent researcher.
Description This PhD is the result of many physicians and other health care professionals who wish to acquire skills in research and practice in palliative care. This PhD in Palliative Care has occupied an important gap, as there is today a strong demand for this type of training throughout the country and internationally. This program occurs in partnership with important and prestigious universities and health institutions at national and international level .
The PhD in Palliative Care is organized under a system of credits. It comprises a curricular component, with a total of 60 ECTS, and a research component of 120 ECTS (preparation and public defence of an original thesis and specially developed for this purpose). The PhD is successfully completed after students reach a passing grade in eight compulsory modules.
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Academic institution - IAHPC Institutional Lifetime member
Academic institution - IAHPC Institutional Member
Academic institution

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This directory is limited to academic institutions that provide education in palliative care and to programs that lead to a formal degree or certificate. For other educational events please check the IAHPC Calendar of Events.

This directory is copyrighted by IAHPC. Any use of the information contained in this directory should acknowledge IAHPC as the source.

This site is for informational purposes only. The use of the information contained in this directory is forbidden for commercial purposes. The IAHPC does not assume liability for errors or omissions. The inclusion of your program/listing in this directory does not imply formal endorsement or certification of quality by the IAHPC unless formal approval has been granted. To request endorsement, please contact the IAHPC Office.

Last update: August 31, 2024

This directory is partially funded by a grant from the US Cancer Pain Relief Committee.

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