Global Directory of Educational Programs in Palliative Care

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Course affiliated with (name of Organization/University) Post Graduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM)
Country Sri Lanka
City Colombo
Address 160, Prof. Nandadasa Kodagoda Rd, Colombo
The program leads an official or formal degree? Yes
  • Diploma
Target audiences
  • Physicians
  • Palliative Care
  • Palliative Medicine
  • English
Frequency Once per year
Length 12 months
  • Bedside teaching
  • Classroom
Cost of full tuition and fees Free for selected applicants/regions
Director Prof. Senaka Rajapakse
Contact name Mrs. Anuradhi Perera, Director’s Secretary
Phone +94 112 688649 ext. 112
Learning objectives 1 Manage symptoms and other clinical problems secondary to life-limiting progressive disease as well as other common concurrent medical problems.
Address and manage psychological, emotional and social issues of patients and their families within the context of palliative care.
Identify psychiatric conditions and make appropriate psychiatrist referral.
Learning objectives 2 Identify specific disease processes and common emergencies which may arise in the context of palliative care.
Prescribe medications within the palliative care setting.
Provide care for dying people in the hospital and the community.
Learning objectives 3 Recognize that spirituality may be a key dimension of the experience of dying patients and address spiritual issues when necessary.
Establish therapeutic and supportive relationships with patients and families.
Work effectively with others and collaborate effectively amongst health professionals.
Participate in advocacy for the welfare of individual patients with a life-limiting illness and their families, and facilitate discussion/ encourage promotion of palliative care issues within the general community.
Description In Sri Lanka, there are an increasing number of patients with cancers, HIV/AIDS, end-stage renal disease, motor neuron disease etc. who require comprehensive palliative care at every stage of their disease process. Due to the dearth of trained personnel, palliative care services for these patients have not been addressed optimally on most occasions. Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka has identified the importance of offering palliative care services at tertiary, secondary & primary care setting to tackle the resurgence of non-communicable diseases including cancers. Knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding palliative care need to be improved among the health care professionals when developing services in Sri Lanka. Importance of initiating post graduate level teaching programme on palliative care was highlighted at the National Advisory Committee Meeting on Cancer Control and was decided to explore the possibilities to commence a Post Graduate Diploma in Palliative care leading to a MD at the Post Graduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo. As an initial step, Ministry of Health has suggested a Post Graduate Diploma in Palliative Care as capacities of medical officers need to be strengthened to cater to this request. In view of the considerable overlap of specialties involved in providing palliative care, the PGIM initiated the Palliative Medicine programme through the Board of Study in Multidisciplinary Study Courses. Therefore, the programme receives multi-dimensional inputs from various stakeholders including foreign experts, in order to provide a comprehensive training to its trainees.
This course is set at Level 7 of the Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework and meets the requirements of the relevant level descriptors and the minimum admissions requirement of a Bachelor’s degree.
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This directory is limited to academic institutions that provide education in palliative care and to programs that lead to a formal degree or certificate. For other educational events please check the IAHPC Calendar of Events.

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Last update: August 31, 2024

This directory is partially funded by a grant from the US Cancer Pain Relief Committee.

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