Global Directory of Educational Programs in Palliative Care

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Course affiliated with (name of Organization/University) HOSPICE Casa Sperantei, Transilvania University Brasov, The University of Rhode Island
Country Romania
State Brasov
City Brasov
Address Str Piatra Mare 101, Brasov, Romania
The program leads an official or formal degree? No
  • Certificate
Target audiences
  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Pharmacists
  • Psychologists
  • Therapists
  • Other: Dietitians, Researchers and Students
  • Communication
  • Complementary Therapy
  • Nursing
  • Pain Management
  • Palliative Care
  • Team Work
  • English
Frequency Once per year
Length 12 hours
  • Long distance
Cost of full tuition and fees Same rate/cost for all
Director Nicoleta Mitrea, PhD, MSPC, APRN
Contact name Laura Iosub
Email [email protected]
Learning objectives 1 Communication and Ethics in Palliative Care
Learning objectives 2 Nursing challenges in caring for wounds, lymphedema and stomas
Learning objectives 3 Pain- assessment, physiopathology, pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions
Description INTERNATIONAL PALLIATIVE NURSING MASTERCLASS (12 HOURS) January 16 – 18, 2023, 15:00- 19:30 (EET), 3 days x 4 hours focusing on palliative nursing roles, responsibilities, competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities) The Palliative Nursing Masterclass is a three-day, distance learning event with an intense and interactive program (4 hours per day with 5 minutes breaks) focusing on: (1) Chronic Pain: assessment, physiopathology, pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions, (2) Communication & Ethics in Palliative Care (3) Nursing challenges in caring for wounds, lymphedema, stomas and opportunity for Open discussions.This educational event aims to enhance the competency level of nurses and other professionals in the PC specialized teams in Europe and beyond.The Palliative Nursing Masterclass is a Romanian- American initiative of The University of Transilvania from Brasov in collaboration with HOSPICE Casa Sperantei, with the scientific contribution of high-profile Palliative Nurse Specialists and Professors from The University of Rhode Island, The University of Maryland in Baltimore, The University of Massachusetts Medical School. Coordinator of the program: Nicoleta Mitrea, PhD, MSPC, APRN. Contact person: Sorina Hasu, [email protected]; +4 0728 130071. Educational event organized by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Transilvania from Brasov, creditated with CME points by the Romanian Order of Registered Nurses with 9 credits.
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Academic institution - IAHPC Institutional Lifetime member
Academic institution - IAHPC Institutional Member
Academic institution

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This directory is limited to academic institutions that provide education in palliative care and to programs that lead to a formal degree or certificate. For other educational events please check the IAHPC Calendar of Events.

This directory is copyrighted by IAHPC. Any use of the information contained in this directory should acknowledge IAHPC as the source.

This site is for informational purposes only. The use of the information contained in this directory is forbidden for commercial purposes. The IAHPC does not assume liability for errors or omissions. The inclusion of your program/listing in this directory does not imply formal endorsement or certification of quality by the IAHPC unless formal approval has been granted. To request endorsement, please contact the IAHPC Office.

Last update: July 2, 2024

This directory is partially funded by a grant from the US Cancer Pain Relief Committee.

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