Global Directory of Educational Programs in Palliative Care

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Add an educational program

Submit only if the educational program is anchored in an academic institution and it leads to a formal degree or certificate. To add any other type of event, submit to our IAHPC Calendar of Events.

Describe the three main learning objectives of this activity. Learning objectives are brief statements that describe what students will be expected to learn by the end of school year, course, unit, lesson, project, or class period.

This directory is copyrighted by IAHPC. Any use of the information contained in this directory should acknowledge IAHPC as the source.

This site is for informational purposes only. The use of the information contained in this directory is forbidden for commercial purposes. The IAHPC does not assume liability for errors or omissions. The inclusion of your program/listing in this directory does not imply formal endorsement or certification of quality by the IAHPC unless formal approval has been granted. To request endorsement, please contact the IAHPC Office.

Last update: July 2, 2024

This directory is partially funded by a grant from the US Cancer Pain Relief Committee.

Need help?

Contact Julia Libreros, Coordinator Directory Services

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