I have the following news from Brazil, regarding the 4th trimester of 2004.
Dr. Leonardo Oliveira Consolim, was appointed as Director of the Palliative Care Service of the São Judas Hospital (Oncology), Barretos,
SP. This palliative care unit has 40 beds and an outpatient service. In the beginning it will not provide home assistance because Barretos is a small town and has very few terminal cases of cancer.
São Judas is a state and regional hospital, and home attendance will have to be specially designed to work well. Dr. Consolim is a GP with some experience in Geriatrics and a 1 year training
at the PC unit of Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo (University of São Paulo). He was highly commended by the PC staff of HC-USP.
After several months of conversations, the Hospital do Servidor Publico Estadual de São Paulo, accepted groups of two medical and nursing
graduate students of The Federal University of São Paulo-Paulista School of Medicine for a10 day visit to the PC unit (outpatient, home care and hospital) during the vacation months of January,
February and July. This is an experience long planned by Dr. Marco Tullio de Assis Figueiredo and it will be the first in Brazil.