Dear readers:
Happy New Year! On behalf of all our Directors and Officers at IAHPC we wish you a year full of success, health and happiness. We have four important announcements to make:
- We are proud to let you know that the following members have been elected to our Board of Directors for a period of three years:
Professor Neil MacDonald CM MD FRCP(C) FRCP (Edin) LLD(HC). Professor MacDonald is a well know world leader in palliative care who has published extensively and served in many editorial boards throughout his career. He has been an advisor in numerous consultative panels including the cancer control program to the World Health Organization and has received several awards and recognitions for his work. Professor MacDonald is currently the Director of the McGill Cancer Nutrition and Rehabilitation Program in the Department of Oncology at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
Dr. Daniela Mosoiu, MD. Dr. Mosoiu is a medical oncologist, trained in the oncology institute in Bucharest, Rumania. Currently she is hospice director and also director of the Study Center for Palliative Care in Posnan. She is now recognized as one of the leaders in palliative care in her country and Eastern Europe. Currently she's a PhD candidate at Sheffield University (distance learning).
Dr. Mohammad Zafir Al-Shahri, MBChB, FFCM, ABHPM. Dr Al-Shahri is a specialist in Family and Community Medicine with a post graduate training in Palliative Care at the University of Alberta in Canada. He earned his bachelor degrees at King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah. Dr Al-Shahri is currently a fellow in palliative care at King Faisal Hospital and Research Center in Riyadh. He is the IAHPC editor for the Middle East in the Regional News Section in our Website.
Dr. Paulina Taboada, MD, PhD. Dr Taboada specialized in internal medicine at the University of Chile in Santiago in 1991 and in 2002 earned a PhD in Philosophy in Bioethics at the International Academy of Philosophy in Liechtenstein. She is currently professor of bioethics at the Universidad Catolica in Santiago, Chile. Doctor Taboada is the author of the ethics piece of the month in our Website.
And last, but not least, Dr. William Farr, PhD, MD, editor of our great Newsletter and long time IAHPC collaborator, was re-elected to the Board for an additional three years. Dr Farr is an enthusiastic IAHPC member and we are very grateful for his important work as our editor. The Newsletter is, along with our Website, our window to the world and our means of communication with others. It serves as the tool for dissemination and he does a great job of putting it together every month of the year.
We are excited that they have accepted our invitation to join and look forward to working with these great palliative care leaders. Please join us in welcoming them to IAHPC.
2. We are also glad to announce that the US Cancer Pain Relief Committee has awarded IAHPC an unconditional grant to support our programs and projects. This grant will help us continue promoting the development of palliative care in the world through our Clearing House Program and our Traveling Fellowship and Scholarships Programs. We are very grateful with the members of the Committee for their support and encouragement.
3. Many thanks to all those who sent applications to our IAHPC Annual Recognition Awards. We have received many applications from individuals, programs and universities from many countries in Asia, Latin America and Europe. Winners will be announced in our next newsletter. All the applications are great and we are sure that the selection committee will have a hard time choosing the winners. The IAHPC Annual Recognition Award is a great way to recognize the hard work of individuals and institutions who are doing things right and who have had an impact in their communities, countries and regions.
4. An additional Traveling Fellow has been awarded to Ms Terry Magee, a nurse, clinical instructor and teacher from Essex, England, to travel to Accra in Ghana, Africa in February 2004. The host unit is the African Medical Trust/Cancer Society of Ghana, under the direction of Rev Victor Sackey. As per Reverend Sackey's words, they hope to launch a "Palliative Care Directorate" to train and develop a service for Ghana and eventually West Africa. On February 15, the wife of the president of Ghana will formally open the Palliative Care program which will serve as the permanent directorate. We are glad that we are able to help in some way with this important project and look forward to receiving the traveling reports after her trip. In addition to Ms Magee's fellowship, two additional ones have been awarded for 2004 to individuals traveling to Eastern European countries.
We encourage you to collaborate with IAHPC by either donating funds to the organization, medical supplies or books to our Clearing House program and look forward to a year full of success stories and palliative care developments from around the World.
Eduardo Bruera, MD Chair, Board of Directors
Liliana De Lima, MHA Executive Director