William Farr, PhD, MD
Clearing House Program - Thank You Notes
Details about our Clearing House Program
It was so thoughtful of you and IAHPC to send The Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine. The Institution, our Staff, and above all, our patients, will benefit greatly from this benevolent gesture.
Dr. Cherian Koshy
Regional Cancer Centre
Trivandrum , India
Many thanks for your kind donation of the Second Edition of the Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine.
Our institute will greatly benefit from it. I have introduced palliative medicine to the second year through to the sixth year medical students. These students come to the Chatsworth Hospice 2-3 days a year to listen to lectures and interact with patients and go on home-based care.
Yours sincerely
Dr. Krish Nair
Chatsworth Hospice
Durban , South Africa
I want to express our gratitude for donating us the Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine. Our institution, Angel Roffo Cancer Institute, is opening this month a new library. This book represent a recognized source of knowledge in Palliative Care and now is available for every member of our institution. Thanks again for this great contribution.
Mónica Castro MD
Translational Research Unit
Angel Roffo Cancer Institute
University of Buenos Aires
We would like to thank you very much for the second edition of Palliative Medicine Textbook sent to our hospice. We were very glad to receive it yesterday. I am sure that our team will benefit a lot using it as a tool to improve our knowledge in palliative care field. Thanks a lot.
Kind regards,
Marinela Murg
Executive director
Emanuel Hospice
Oradea, Romania
I have received the second edition of the Oxford Palliative Medicine book. Thank you very much because it will be of much utility to us.
Dr. Diego Martinez
I just received the box containing “Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine” second edition this afternoon.
Thank you. It is a BIG donation to our palliative care library.
Dr. Robert Chen, B.Med.Sc. , MD , CCFP, DTM&H
Family Physician & Palliative Care
Senior Fellow & Lecturer
Dept. of Family Medicine & Dept. of Medical Education
Faculty of Medicine
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Thank you very much for considering us for the clearing House Programme. I have given out the books and believe me they are very helpful. In fact, some of the nurses who were pursuing Diploma in Paliative care really appreciated them. My desire is that we will have an adequate library for our training programmes at Kisumu Hospice.
Philip Odiyo Ouma
Kisimu Hospice , Kenya
I received the donated Oxford text book through the IAHPC Clearing House Program and we are very appreciate for this. We opened hospice ward at university hospital in Seoul 2yrs ago. The book will be very useful for our team (1doctor,5nurses,1sister).
Thank you so much !!!
Dr.MinJung Kim
On behalf of Unidad de Medicina del Dolor y Paliativa - Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán, we would like to thank the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care for their kind donation (books and journals), that will form part of our library.
Dr. Argelina Lara
Palliative Care Program
Instituto Nacional de la Nutricion
Mexico City , Mexico
William Farr, PhD, MD
Newsletter Editor
Letters to the editor may be submitted at the following page
****Thanks to all contributors to this issue.****
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© 2005 IAHPC Press