2011; Volume 12, 09, September



Table of Contents

IAHPC's Homepage

Message from the Chair and Executive Director

Special Announcement – IAHPC Membership Recognition Prizes!

IAHPC Traveling Scholar’s Report

Article of the Month

Palliative Care Book of the Month and Other Reviews


Members and Donors

Webmaster’s Corner - Website of the Month

Donate to the IAHPC

IAHPC Newsletter Team

William Farr, PhD, MD

Liliana De Lima, MHA

Alou Design / Webmaster
Layout and Distribution

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Special Announcement
IAHPC Membership Recognition Prizes!

IAHPC benefits every day from the hard work of our members who are devoted to the advancement of hospice and palliative care worldwide. Members exemplify a continuing commitment to patient care, improved education and favorable policies, all consistent with our mission.

We are delighted to announce that the IAHPC has designated October as our Members’ Recognition Month in order to build awareness and understanding of the vital function that our members play in the advancement of our mission and to formally acknowledge their support.

IAHPC will give a prize in the following two categories:

1. Loyalty Recognition:

Goal: to maintain the loyalty of members by giving a prize to those individuals and institution(s) who keep their membership active.


  • The prize will be an iPad™ 16GB Wi-Fi (1st Generation) (Prizes will vary every year).
  • The prize will be assigned through a raffle among the members that meet the eligibility criteria.
  • The raffle will be conducted on October 14th, 2011.


  • Open to current IAHPC members (individuals and institutions) in all countries of the world.
  • Institutions may be represented by a single designated individual.
  • Must have been a member of IAHPC for at least 2 consecutive years by the end of September 31st, 2011.
  • IAHPC staff members, relatives, directors are not eligible to participate.

2. Increase Membership:

Goal : to increase the number of members by giving a prize to a current member who brings in the highest number of new or renewed members. The contest will run from October 1 to October 31 every year.


  • The prize will be an iPad™ 16GB Wi-Fi (1st Generation). (Prizes will vary every year)
  • The registered participant who brings the highest number of new or renewed members will be the winner.
  • Interested individuals must register with IAHPC for this contest by visiting the following link with their complete name and membership number http://hospicecare.com/submit/forms/contest.htm .
    Deadline for current members to register as contestants is September 15, 2011.
  • New or renewing members joining IAHPC and supporting a registered contestant must list the name of the contestant in the comment box in the membership form found in http://www.iahpcnews.com/membership1/individual_membership.html at the time of registration


  • Open to current IAHPC members (individuals and institutions) in all countries of the world.
  • Institutions may be represented by a single designated individual
  • Only registered participants will be eligible to participate.
  • IAHPC staff members, relatives, directors are not eligible to participate

Winners will be announced the week of November 14th, 2011

Some of the IAHPC’s Member Benefits to tell your friends and colleagues about include:

Unlimited access / downloads of full text articles from leading palliative care journals online including:

  • Journal of Palliative Medicine
  • Palliative Medicine
  • Progress in Palliative Care
  • International Journal of Palliative Nursing
  • Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy
  • And many more!

Support & participate in IAHPC’s global aims:

  • Ensuring Global Opioid Availability with the WHO, INCB, and other UN Organizations
  • Recognition of Pain Treatment as a Human Right with Human Rights Watch, UICC and other organizations
  • Implementing Essential Medicines & Essential Palliative Care Practices in every country

    Eligibility for a travel grant to learn or teach

We look forward to your participation in this exciting opportunity.


* For contest rules please see http://www.hospicecare.com/contest/

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