International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care

International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care

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Promoting Hospice & Palliative Care Worldwide


2006; Volume 7, No 4, April

William Farr, PhD, MD


Main Index:

IAHPC's Homepage

Getting the word out

Message from the Chair & Executive Director:
Kathleen M. Foley, MD
Liliana De Lima, MHA

Article of the Month:
Dr. Ripamonti

Memorial Service for:
Dame Cicely

Book Reviews:
Roger Woodruff, MD

Traveling Scholars’ Reports:
Singapore, Cape Town

Regional Reports: Africa,
Latin America, Nigeria,
Seychelles Islands, USA


Webmaster's Corner:
Anne Laidlaw

Editor’s Notes:
IAHPC celebrates 10 years of publishing

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IAHPC Newsletter Team

William Farr,

Liliana De Lima, MHA

Alou Design/Webmaster
Layout and Distribution

To send an email to one of the IAHPC Newsletter team members,
Click Here

Editor’s Notes

IAHPC Celebrates Ten Years of
Publishing this Newsletter

William Farr, PhD, MD

Before publishing the messages below, I asked for guidance from my colleagues as to whether it is proper for me to publish the notes that I have received from fellow Board members. I was advised to do so, and as your obedient servant I am. I am humbled by the comments of those of you who are doing so much more than I for so many people in great need of palliative care around the world. My duty as your editor has been an enjoyable experience, not a burden.

I thank you all!

As a famous Spanish “philosopher” once said, “de nada.”



From Derek Doyle, Scotland

Just a few lines to mark the 10th anniversary of Bill's work on the Newsletter

I met a doctor friend the other day and, as I had often done before, talked to him about the IAHPC. "Yes, all very impressive, but I do wish charities didn't waste their precious funds on expensive travel round the world, board meetings and conferences in exotic places, and honoraria for their volunteers!"  My answer to him was to tell him about Bill Farr, for 10 years Editor of the Newsletter, giving freely of his time, his skills and his very deep understanding of, and commitment to palliative care.  But how many IAHPC members have ever seen him? He is, one must say, like everyone associated with IAHPC - just doing what they are doing for the sheer love of this work and their unshakeable belief that palliative care is a force that can change society for the better, working hard to bring about that change but with no thought of personal gain or even recognition. There are not many people whose work - in his case the Newsletter - seems to get better all the time.

From someone who has known him for a very long time - thank you Bill for all you have done, are doing and, hopefully, will go on doing for a long time.



From Roger Woodruff, Australia

We have come to take it for granted! Every month, there it is—The  IAHPC Newsletter.

But pause for a moment and acknowledge all the time and effort that must go into the production of one Newsletter. And this month, Bill Farr will have been doing it for TEN YEARS!

The Newsletter has evolved over the years and just seems to get better. All due to the love and devotion of one person—Bill Farr.

Bill, everyone at IAHPC thanks you for a job brilliantly done and hope that it may continue for a long time yet.

Roger Woodruff


M.R. Rajagopal, India

Bill, Kathy and Liliana

What made IAHPC the success it is?  I think IAHPC became truly international when it recognized that the developing world is indeed two thirds of the world and took measures to reach out to it.  The graded membership fee structure and the traveling support for education are significant examples. A third one would be free access to the newsletter of this calibre.
Perhaps Bill, even you may not have recognised the impact that it has had. For many palliative care workers (who have had limited palliative care education and who practice in small towns with little access to expensive journals or textbooks) this is the only way to keep in touch with the rest of the palliative care world.  And you have done a precious job with your "Article of the month" and other columns.

Kudos to you Bill, and thank you very much.



From Roberto Wenk, Argentina

Dear Bill,
Many thanks for the great tool that you have been making accessible for all of us.
You (in the editor’s headquarter) may not be aware of the usefulness of the newsletter that you have been editing. I am very grateful for your editorial activity.

I hope to have the opportunity to meet you personally.
Roberto Wenk.


From Faith Mwangi-Powell, Africa

Congratulations Bill and thank you for the good work.  It has been a useful tool for us in Africa.

Best wishes



From Anne Merriman, Uganda

Dear Bill,

Congratulations and thank you so much for your dedicated work with the Newsletter! It has really kept us in touch with what is going on in the world of palliative care.

You have been a model to us in your dedication and to me personally, over the years.

God bless you in all your endeavours,



From Saudi Arabia:

Many thanks to Bill and his team for their great and well-done job.
Mohammad Al-Shahri, MD


From Anne Laidlaw, IAHPC Webmaster

Dear Bill, when Alou was first given the oportunity to work with the IAHPC on their website I was informed that they published a newsletter each month. This was back before the dot com explosion. At the time I thought to myself here is another not-for-profit group with a 1-2 page newsletter that probally at best goes out 6-7 times a year like most of our clients. I was proven wrong very fast, from the newsletter publication I saw the first month (18 pages - larger than most small websites) to this months publication you have never missed rain or shine. You were a techie at a time when most people were just learning how to turn their computers on. Your newsletters have always been full of information from the first page right to the very last. A feat very few acomplish especially for ten years. Each month your newsletter via email goes to 6400+ subscribers and is read by thousands via the website edition. Now that is what I call world wide readership.

Congratulations for 10 years of hard work. I give you the newsletter hall of fame award for "Most Dedicated".

Anne L


Requests of IAHPC Lost – Please Resend!  

We recently encountered technical problems with our email system and several emails sent to the [email protected] address were lost. This problem has been resolved, but unfortunately we were unable to recover the emails from the system. If you sent a general inquiry or request during the last four weeks, please resend it to [email protected] and we will process your request as soon as possible. We regret this inconvenience and the problems this may have caused to our readers.

We look forward to continue serving you.

Lina Rozo

Communications Manager  


Letters to the editor!

Thank you message from the UK

I would like to convey my thanks and appreciation for your helpful manual. I was browsing for books and palliative care and came accross your site. It has been invaluable to me. I work as a district nurse and palliative care is a huge part of my job. I hope to complete a course in this and your guide on symptom control, psychological management and links to other internet sites will be of great benefit to me and most importantly, to my patients.

Thanks again,


Letters to the editor!
William Farr, PhD, MD
Newsletter Editor
May be submitted at the following page

****Thanks to all contributors to this issue.****


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